He really is to OnlyFans in 2024 what Cody Cummings was to gay porn his height. Some how he is getting gay men to pay for him to mostly fuck women and jerk off and once a month a dude is also in the scene. Even getting male performers who usually do gay porn (even topping) to some how collab.
Just like with Cody, his boundaries seem weirdly illogical. How is it less gay for a straight man to spend hours intimately rubbing, grinding, massaging, licking, etc another man but 10 minutes of rote oral sex would be to gay. I mean by time ratio alone he’s being pretty gay consider he doesn’t spend nearly the same time making out with his female costars.
It just allows him to think he’s better than those that do have gay. People that worked with Cody confirmed he always thought he was better because he paid more than they did and wasn’t expected to do the sane job.
Don’t get me wrong I say let him do what he wants and anyone who pays for it I hope you feel it was worth it. I’m just pointing out the weird boundaries to set in 2024.