Aliens And The Zoo Theory



Good day,

I would like to open up a thread were we can talk about Aliens and our thoughts on them.

I've recently come across the "Zoo theory", which states that we are all in a galactic zoo.

In other words: Lesser advanced civilizations are being monitored and observed by higher beings. These "beings / aliens" would be star traveling or interstellar traveling beings capable are harvesting entire stars for their own energy consumption.

I believe we are currently being observed as well as influenced by higher beings. But these "beings" are outside of our universe. They are basically gods to us, and they struggle to understand us on a perceptual level.

What are your thoughts on this ? Do you believe we are being monitored and observed by higher beings ?

Have a good day,
My belief is this: Even though we are being monitored, and have been monitored for probably centuries or millennia’s.. it doesn’t seem like they want to cause us any harm. In due time, when humanity is ready, they will reveal themselves without humans freaking out.. especially these days when we’re easily to push into mass hysteria, and the Galactic Federation is right.

Personally I’m looking forward to that day. To be honest, our technological advancements the past 25 years has been booming and I’m not so sure if we did it alone.

The ETs wants to understand the whole fabric of the universe, to research it and they want us as helpers.

Great thread, I love deep discussions and this is perfect to expand my views :)

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Of course they are among us and watching, you just need the right sunglasses to see them back.

and the Galactic Federation is right.

The Galactic Federation?

Marvel and DC comics aside, I've heard the same concept from several other reputable sources. All are intriguing. If aliens are watching, I have no doubt that Earthlings are most likely a pretty good source of amusement for them. Humans are pretty crazy critters after all.
The Galactic Federation?

Marvel and DC comics aside, I've heard the same concept from several other reputable sources. All are intriguing. If aliens are watching, I have no doubt that Earthlings are most likely a pretty good source of amusement for them. Humans are pretty crazy critters after all.
There’s more where that came from :) the former head of Israel’s space program: Former Head of Israel’s Space Program: The Aliens Asked Not To Be Revealed, Humanity Not Yet Ready | The Jewish Press - | David Israel | 20 Kislev 5781 – December 5, 2020 |
Do you guys believe that our brains are data and when we die our "data" is stored somewhere out there ?
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How big do you think this Galactical Zoo theory goes ?

Do you BELIEVE in the matrix ? Do you guys honestly BELIEVE that we are in a simulation ? And if you do, do you think humans will ever break this "Machine simulation concept" ?

How long before we advance ourselves enough to harness 100% of the Earth's power outlet ?


Personally, I believe in the matrix and that we are in a simulation.

How do we break it ?

We need to work together: EVERYTHING that is out there needs to work TOGETHER and break this machine apart into a billion pieces. We need to analyze our own time-concept of reality and distinguish between what is real and what is not.

But what comes after we break "reality" and hence, break the machine ?

I believe that there are "spaces" outside of our reality sphere which don't even use time as a concept. They use something different than time, space and gravity.

Once we expand our horizon and meet these new "spaces" out there, and once we have discovered a lot of different "spaces" and we all work together, we can expand our borders and begin with a new, real-tech, infinite science project.

We can begin to experiment with different things.

But all this won't happen for a very long time. If you took how many inches are in the observable universe, and you said those inches were years - human years, you still wouldn't come close to how long it would take to get there!

Looking forward to your responses!
I'm getting quite deep here and would like to chat about this.
Hope you are interested in having a deep convo about this!

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Here's my take on intelligent life and why we haven't found it: we kill ourselves off.

Think about it. We grow our intelligence to utilize our resources to maximize our capabilities. We're also fucking at an amazing rate. So we're using up those resources faster than they can be replenished, and pretty soon we have a burned out planet, just like billions of others.

So, why haven't we been contacted by intelligent life yet? They ran out of gas before they could reach us.
I've recently come across the "Zoo theory", which states that we are all in a galactic zoo.

In other words: Lesser advanced civilizations are being monitored and observed by higher beings. These "beings / aliens" would be star traveling or interstellar traveling beings capable are harvesting entire stars for their own energy consumption.

Frankly, the answer to me appears to be no. We have a universe that is far larger than anything we can even measure and it continues to expand infinitely. In 1945, a crew of nuclear scientists working on the Manhattan Project started working though the probability of extraterrestrial life in other parts of the universe. Just based on statistical probability, given the number of other galaxies known at the time (and more have been found since), they decided that there had to be other planets capable of sustaining intelligent life. To which the lead scientist, Enrico Fermi, responded "So where is everybody?" Thus, "Fermi's Paradox" was born. If there's other intelligent life elsewhere, why haven't we made any connection with them? The leading answers would suggest that they would also run into the technological and resource constraints that have restricted us to just scraping the surface of the Milky Way. Plus, it stands to reason that any civilization capable of space exploration would also develop the means to destroy itself (*cough...nuclear weapons...cough*); further narrowing the pool. That would seem to rule out a higher civilization using other planets as its collective zoo.

Overall, it appears that Earth was simply in the sweet spot for sustaining life, and was populated by a species of ape that got too uppity. As for an omnipresent god controlling and actively managing everything, we would be undeniably aware of his presence if he was around. After all, a zookeeper has to feed the monkeys on a regular basis.
Frankly, the answer to me appears to be no. We have a universe that is far larger than anything we can even measure and it continues to expand infinitely. In 1945, a crew of nuclear scientists working on the Manhattan Project started working though the probability of extraterrestrial life in other parts of the universe. Just based on statistical probability, given the number of other galaxies known at the time (and more have been found since), they decided that there had to be other planets capable of sustaining intelligent life. To which the lead scientist, Enrico Fermi, responded "So where is everybody?" Thus, "Fermi's Paradox" was born. If there's other intelligent life elsewhere, why haven't we made any connection with them? The leading answers would suggest that they would also run into the technological and resource constraints that have restricted us to just scraping the surface of the Milky Way. Plus, it stands to reason that any civilization capable of space exploration would also develop the means to destroy itself (*cough...nuclear weapons...cough*); further narrowing the pool. That would seem to rule out a higher civilization using other planets as its collective zoo.

Overall, it appears that Earth was simply in the sweet spot for sustaining life, and was populated by a species of ape that got too uppity. As for an omnipresent god controlling and actively managing everything, we would be undeniably aware of his presence if he was around. After all, a zookeeper has to feed the monkeys on a regular basis.

This fits nicely with my theory. We get too big for our britches and either run out of stuff to make energy or we blow ourselves up.
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Life is just chemicals absorbing (eating) other chemicals in self-sustaining cycles. Most life in the universe, like most life on Earth, is microbial.

Other species as/more technologically advanced as ours probably exist in the universe--perhaps in our own galaxy, but chemicals are lazy. They won't travel across interstellar distances for the chemicals they need. Even if they wanted to the time and energy required are too great.

Almost 100% of the volume of space is a dead zone.

All life is local.
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we r one and yet we r not , we differ alot as humans .
american scientist had a article on this about 15 years ago , we r 7 species alike and yet not .
Overseers r well known in ancient scripts, also the ones that seem to rule the earth .
they r here and there for sure !
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