Amatuer Or Homemade Interracial Straight & Gay Porn Videos

To other's who have closely viewed this video, do you notice a Black fabric ring band on the top's wedding finger? Typically, Male LEO's wear this while on duty in lieu of their actual wedding ring. Could these two gentlemen be hetero married leo's partaking in some afternoon delight. Sweet, Sweet fantasy baby...
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The bottom in the video doesn't seem like a featherweight. Yet, the top easily maintains the standing fuck/hoisted position for a couple of minutes. Yes we all see the bottom's cheating assist with the foot on the bed, but the top still thrusts that bum with lusty vigor. Besides, can't you all appreciate the tops romantic vocalization to the bottom, "I love how you feel inside"?
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Hey lpsg folks, do you know of any other vids with this top? Awhile back I seem to recall a vid titled "Firefighter". Post it here if you find it.

Also, are the vids in this thread considered to be not pc, or objectionable in some regard? I mean is it because the vids are old, in poor quality, or crap that this thread is overlooked?
This vid has appeared in the curated collection of many others. I hope the participants are honored by all the appreciation.

Love know that dick is good when you see the bottom wrapping his arms and legs around the top.....and he starts grabbing the top's ass to get him even deeper inside his ass.....MM anal is just the best.....
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Very, very, very, popular on most sites, but the bathroom video of this couple has disappeared. If you have it, post it in this thread. BTW, polite, cultured, forgiving people say it's specks of blood.