American stunning bodied woman awed by huge dick mexican teen



Kristy was excited for the summer vacation plans her husband Grey had arranged. They were going to be staying in a unique part of Mexico. Not the standard resorts that most of the Americans flocked to, this was "where the very wealthy Mexicans relax" according to Grey, "A bit off the beaten path, but "safe and luxurious" he had promised. He had done his research. They were both in their mid 20's, and they had some money to spare.

Kristy was satisfied, but not completely enamored with Grey. Though they had been dating for more than 2 years now, they had settled into routine. She was more decisive and action oriented, while Grey was more passive, always trying to impress her. A natural beauty, Kristy was very used to men trying to impress her. A tall, tan, perfect "Girl Next Door" beauty, Kristy was the kind of Girl that most men dream of. She looked equal parts pretty, and innocent. She was slender enough to be a fashion model, and yet despite her petite, innocent appearence she had a stern, serious and often times angry demeanor. Most men where far too intimidated to even look her in the eyes, and when they did she could turn them to stone with her fierce, cold stare. Though she had always had the attention of men, she had finally chosen Grey, thanks in part to his good looks and his position in life, a Vice President, a high ranking position for his age, 26, at the local bank. Kristy was still pursuing her masters degree, at 25 years old.

Grey had seemed so mature and ambitious when Kristy had met him through mutual friends. Gray was very good looking and Kristy was a jaw dropping 10 so the two of them looked the part and everyone seemed to agree they were a good match.

The sex had been just ok for Kristy. She had not been very experienced before him, but Grey had showed her what he liked and, just like in other aspects of their relationship, their sex life had settled into repetition. Usually a few minutes of foreplay / grinding before they would begin to their clothes off. Grey loved Kristy's slim and perfect legs, toned stomach and larger than expected breasts. After experiencing as much of Kristy's flawless body as he could take, Grey would put on a condom and start gently fucking Becky always in a missionary position. After a few minutes, whether or not she was feeling it, Becky would start whispering into Grey's ear: "Fuck me!" she would whisper. Almost like a pavlov dog, Grey, would cum in seconds. He just couldn't resist the feeling of Kristy's perfect, athletic body paired with her sexy, sultry voice pleading to his ear. Kristy would sometimes feel a few pangs of pleasure from the meager fucking Grey was giving her but it was a pretty rare occurrence. She assumed these were the best orgasms she could hope for, as she prepared herself to marry her successful boyfriend. Though it had only been a few years, Kristy had feeling a proposal was coming soon. Grey had a few ideas in mind but had tried to keep his plans secret. He had a ring hidden in his luggage as the boarded the flight to Mexico.

Kristy was more focused on completing her masters degree than on her sex life and both of them were eager to get away from work.

Though the customs and drive from the airport took longer than expected, both Gray and Kristy were pleasantly surprised with the room and view on their arrival. The AirBnB rental was pretty expensive, over $500 per night, but it was worth it. Immaculate views of the ocean, modern floor to ceiling windows and brand new appliances. This apartment would fit in easily in Malibu. They had picked up their keys from the host Henry, who was living in a smaller apartment below. His family had built and rented the unit to rich Americans for years. Henry spoke only broken english, and didn't try to mince words when he told us his family had made a lot of money from rich "Gringos" as he called us. What annoyed Grey a bit about Henry was his age. Though he had dark skin and hair Henry had a slight, skinny body and baby faced appearance. He was only 18 years old and yet he carried himself like he was the boss. Here he was bragging about all the money he was making when his guests, Grey and Kristy had only just arrived.

Grey noticed that Henry seemed to be trying to show off how much money he had to Kristy. He was flashing his expensive watch and clothing, he was clearly from a high Mexican Class and was eager to show off for the dashing Kristy.

Grey decided to try to impress Kristy by talking purely in spanish with Henry, Grey could speak Spanish, not fluently, but enough for basic conversation. Henry decided to humor him, while he didn't think much of the wealthy American white boy, he was enthralled by the beauty of Kristy and could hardly take his eyes off her. Kristy caught him staring a few times and gave him a stern look.

Grey asked Henry about the upcoming local events and Henry told him about the local hikes and trails through the mountains and beaches. He also mentioned that there was a public soccer game early the following morning, a weekly tradition. It was a town wide event, and anyone could play. This sounded like a fun local event, and Grey was happy to hear about it from Henry. Grey had played competitive soccer all the way through high school. He was confident he could fit in on the pitch with the locals. It was another chance to impress his hard to please girlfriend.

The two spent the first night with plans to get up early in the morning to go watch (and Grey was hoping to play in ) the local soccer match.
As they showed up for the game, grey was happy to see it was not a very serious affair. Young kids and adults of all ages were playing. He wouldn't need cleats or shinguards, though he did have his athletic shoes on. He soon joined the field and the locals enjoyed seeing the white American had some skills with the ball. He could juggle and pass the ball as well as the rest of them. Soon the passing evolved into teams, and a more formal match started to break out. Henry and several of the other local teenagers were on one side, while several of the visiting foreigners and older locals were on the other. It was clear that it was a break up by age.

Grey had played soccer in a defensive position, all his life so he instinctively took up position in the center back position and found himself under lots of action from the younger opponents. Henry especially seems to be very skilled, and grey found himself trying to mark him early in the action. In one encounter, both had equal chance to the ball but henry was a step quicker, Grey tried to get his foot into the ball but his legs tripped up the smaller Henry, who fell forward and gave a look of disgust at Grey as though he had purposely tripped him. Grey just laughed and waved him off as though it had been no big deal.

Kristy was impressed that Grey was fitting in with the locals and playing so well. She had known he was an athlete but had never seen him play before. It was exciting to see him work up a sweat and compete with the locals, it even gave her a bit of thrill to see how intense he was taking the competition. Soon the score was 1-1 and there were only 2 minutes left in time. The younger team was moving the ball down the field and Grey saw that Henry was attempting to make a run. He ran to the spot he thought Henry was going for and he was right. The pass came in higher than Grey expected and Henry leaped up to chest the ball down. The next second happened too fast but it was one that would forever be etched in the memory of the crowd. Henry faked one way, then dribbled outside, causing Grey to trip and fall. Henry stroked the ball into the net, in the game winning goal for the team of teenager.

Beating the adults, they all celebrated, and the mostly young crowd was cheering for the result.

Grey was angry. Not only had he lost the game, the final move Henry had made had embarrassed him in front of his Girlfriend. The arrogant celebration Henry was doing seemed a bit too much and Grey decided to go up to him to talk.

The two of them got in each others face started shoving one another. It looked like it might escalate and people ran in to break up the fight. Kristy ran onto the field, worried that Grey was getting into trouble. Soon the fight was over and everyone on the field was eager to make up. The teams shook hands, and even Grey and Henry reluctantly shook hands, the two of them eye locked the entire time.

The winning team took their shirts off and started signing them for the local kids, Henry, the cocky shit he was offered his jersey to Kristy. Not knowing what to do with it Kristy accepted it and smiled awkwardly as the skinny teenager preened in front of her.

"Tonight is the best hike, the falls tonight" He told her. "I can show you the way".

I caught up to them and pulled Kristy to the side. I wanted to get away from that brat Henry.

"Lets go to the market and get some food" I told her.
While we were eating Kristy mentioned the falls hike that Henry had told her about.

"I don't think we should follow that kid" Grey told her

"Oh common Grey, you are just mad because he scored a goal on you. Just relax, we are on vacation" she said.

"He didn't score on me!" Grey argued, annoyed that she would bring it up
"Well made to trip or whatever' She pushed. Kristy had a way of finding men's insecurities and pricking them. She could tell that Grey had his pride wounded by the teenage boy out classing him on the field.

"It's not like you are out practicing every day like they are" She said, trying to hammer in her point.
"Besides, the goal of the trip was to live like the locals, lets see the falls, this is the best night for it supposedly" she said.

We agreed to do the falls hike. It turned out nearly all of the team involved in the morning game went to the falls. There was a short hike, about 15 minutes before a large fresh water lake and waterfall. To Kristy and Grey's surprise, as they reached the water the locals began stripping. It seemed to be custom to jump into the water naked.

As the teenagers continued stripping, Grey had a tinge of worry. A few of the younger boys seemed to be well endowed. While he was close to 6 inches when hard, Grey was definitely more of a grower than a shower.

Henry came up behing Grey and Kristy and told them "No clothes for the swim" he said laughing looking at Kristy right in the eyes.
Kristy laughed and seemed to be ok with the situation, almost daring Henry. He laughed back at her and took off his shirt. Henry was a skinny kid but he definetely had an athletic body with a ripped stomach. His dark skin made his abs stand out and he seemed to be so confident as he continued looking at Kristy.

Kirsty remove her shirt and her large breasts, still contained in her bra spilled out. All the locals did a double take as her pretty white cantaloupe sized cleavage bounced into sight.

Kristy gave grey as stare telling him he needed to follow suit, so he also started to undress.

Next henry took a step forward and pulled his shorts and underwear down. He did it in such close proximity to Kristy that she could not help looking as his massive, thick shaft fell out. The kid was was staring arrogantly at Kristy as her eyes widened and she did a double take. Grey felt pangs of embarrassment as he saw Kristy's eyes enlarge and her mouth open in surprise at the size of the penis the teenage Henry had just unveiled. To Grey's surprise, Kristy blushed and looked away from Henry, trying to hide her amazement, but it was clear she had been impressed. Henry smiled at her and laughed, knowing she had gotten an eyeful . He dived into the water.

Grey was not comfortable with the situation, not only had this teenager nearly gotten into a fight with him earlier in the day, he had just blatantly flashed his cock to his girlfriend. Grey knew that he was also a bit insecure to his own size after seeing how big Henry was.

Kristy gave Grey a look as if to say "When in Rome" and she took off her bra and shorts. Her large breasts were magnificent and everyone was staring as she motioned her eyes to Grey, telling him he also needed to undress to fit in. She put her clothes on the ground and fiercely signalled to Grey that he needed to follow suit. He pulled down his bathing suit to reveal his 2 inch flaccid penis. A few of the Mexican teenagers stifled and laugh and Kristy blushed in embarrassment.

Grey was about to jump into the water when Henry Jumped out of the water to stand next to him. Laughing, Henry's large cock was swinging side to side like a tree trunk as he put his skinny arm around grey and asked Kristy if she would take a picture. Kristy blushed but agreed, holding up her camera and laughing as Henry puffed out his chest and smiled. Grey, feeling cold and emasculated next to the large dicked teenager felt his penis start to shrink. Though it could not have been more than It felt almost as though his penis wanted to hide. It was a tale of body posture as the confident Mexican teenager stood tall while the older American man tried to hide his inferior manhood, but the picture was sealed in time.

The rest of the night Grey found Krista to be acting strangely. She was more demanding toward him, commanding him around and telling him what to do. Still feeling weak and humiliating, Grey put up little resistance as he followed Krista's commands. Whenever Henry would move to another side of lake Krista would follow and be sure to watch whenever he got out above waist level. A few times Grey was almost sure he saw them making eye contact, with Krista seemingly enthralled with the young teen.
Excellent story so far, as usual.

Hope you won't be offended by a bit of constructive writing criticism. Near the end of part #2 the viewpoint abruptly switches from 3rd to 1st person and then switches back to 3rd person in the 2nd sentence of part #3. Also, near the end of part #3 Kristy turns into Krista. Neither of these is a big deal of course, but the story would flow more smoothly if you fixed those problems.
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There was a small waterfall that people could stand under and a cliff from where people could dive off. Of course Kristy's body looked amazing, she seemed to be completely comfortable with all of these strangers seeing her perfect body.

At one point Grey could have sworn he saw her make eye contact with henry before she arched her back and stood into the cold water flowing down from above. She looked like she was part of a swimsuit photo shoot as the water splashed and flowed around her larges breasts and flowed down her tight and sexy stomach. Her tiny arms traced down her body as her sexy silouhette in the moonlight seemed right out of a movie shoot. She was so impossibly thin for her perfect perky breasts.

Of course everyone's eyes were on the stunning young American with a swimsuit models body. Henry hopped out of the water and started walking toward Kristy. His giant penis was so big for his teenage 18 year old body Kristy just couldn't believe it. She kept trying to look away but she could not stop the fact that his size and thickness were making her very horny. He was just packing heat so much bigger than any she had seen before. Kristy kept trying to look away but Henry was catching her sneaking peeks and she could feel him watching her eyes with every move.

When Henry jumped in the water in front of Kristy Grey had had enough. He grabbed Kristy by the arm and pulled her away. He wasn't about to let this teenage asshole get any closer to his girl.

Kristy wanted to stay at the falls all night but Grey kept pushing for them to leave. Finally Kristy relented. They started to gather their clothes but hadn't brought towels so it was difficult. Grey was covering himself with his hands while Kristy tried to fish out his underwear from the pile of clothes by the lake.

Henry walked by , drying himself with a towel. He told Kristy about a dance the following night at the local dance club. He opened his mouth wide, mocking the look kristy had made when he had first pulled down his trunks. Kristy blushed shyly. Grey had never seen her act so passive, normally she was quick to shut down any man who so much as looked at her the wrong way. Grey was still covering his tiny cold penis as Henry was practically asking Kristy out to a dance.

Finally, they were dressed and started the hike back to the town. It sounded like some people stayed later but many of the locals led the way and it was only a short walk back to the village.

It was only when we got back to our AirBnB that Kristy started looking at the days pictures.
She started flipping through them, showing the 30+ pictures she had taken over the course of the day. It started with pictures of the beach onto the soccer game and market. Grey cringed as he remembered the photo he had posted for next to Henry by the lake. When the picture came up, Kristy seemed to linger on it longer than the others.

It was even worse than Grey remembered. Grey's tiny scared white penis was not even close to half the size of the long snake hanging down hallway to Henry's knees. It almost looked like a different species. Grey looked at Kristy to see she was unconsciously making the eyes wide and open mouth face again, it was like she was in a trance.

"Ok next one" grey finally said, breaking the awkward silence.

Kristy seemed to catch herself that she had lost track of the moment.

"Oh's just...". She trailed off
"Just what?" Grey asked , a little tinge of anger and insecurity in his voice.

"It's just, I'm sorry" Kristy said.

Hoping she was going to leave it at that Grey again tried to get her to move on.

"I mean, just look at him, hes A LOT bigger than you" Kristy said, giggling.

Grey turned red, he knew Kristy loved to dig in the knife when she found moments of insecurity and this was one of the most tender.

"He's like a little Mexican boy" grey argued, "you are being a pervert and a slut" Grey said getting more angry.

"Oh he's a boy now?" Kristy said laughing. She pulled the picture up and showed it to Grey.

"I think I can tell you who the little boy is! " Kristy seemed almost angry.

"You think I like being seen with a man with a tiny one like that? You embarrassed me tonight! " Kristy was angry now and she went into the other room and slammed the door, taking the pictures with her.
Grey and Kristy woke up early the next day and went to the beach. Though they had argued the previous night, they had made up in the mmornin and continued on with their vacation, not talking about Henry or the picture again.

In truth Kristy couldn't stop thinking about the teenage mexican stud living in the apartment just below them. She found herself sneaking to the bathroom all night to touch herself at the thought of the big dick she had seen. In her mind, she would relive the moment when Henry pulled down his shorts to reveal his perfect and handsome large penis. She would silently open her mouth in awe ans surprise, the same gesture he had mocked her for later in the evening.

Kristy would feel so much pleasure when she touched herself when thinking about that huge dick, and the way the young teen has so easily emasculated her older boyfriend. The way he revealed his poker hand manhood and put Grey down a few pegs. She had always resented that Grey was the most successful of the two, and she enjoyed watching him get humiliated and be"outclassed" by the much younger mexican teen, both on the playing field and where it really counts.

But Kristy knew she had to maintain appearences. What was she going to do, sleep with him? He was only 18 and she didn't have any protection. She couldn't get away with it without Grey knowing , and she wouldn't want to get a bad reputation for fucking a local teenager on a holiday that Grey had paid for. She decided she just needed to keep her fantasy's to herself and try to hide them from Grey.

When they arrived at the pristine beach Kristy was wearing a dark blue two piece suit that showed off her perfect sexy abs and had ample cleavage to turn heads. She seemed especially stunning, almost glowing in sexual energy this morning and Grey felt pride in his hot girlfriend. He knew he was going to try to fuck her later in the day, she looked fantastic. He was feeling comfortable as he was in great shape himself, with a six pack abs and strong chest and arms. Most of the other people at the beach were older and over weight.

They relaxed and spent some time reading, alternately taking a dip in the ocean to cool off. Kristy was trying, but almost every time she started to relax her mind would drift back to the big dick teenager Henry. She knew she needed to get this out of her system, she was worried Grey would catch her fantasizing. She started dreaming about what she would do with her mouth to that thick and impressive teenage dick.

As they were gathering their things to head back to their apartment they decided to get some water at a shop near the beach. While waiting in line they met a young American girl and Kristy quickly made friends as the chitchatted in English.

Donna was in college but came with her large family. She had wanted to get away from them to explore.

Donna the was very attractive, probably in her Early 20s so a few years younger than Grey and Kristy. Donna had dirty blond hair and a tiny nose piecing. She had beutiful big green eyes and a pretty face. Grey couldn't tell much since she was wearing a t-shirt , but it looked like Donna had a slim waist and a large chest. She wasn't as skinny as Kristy, but she had a great body. Her punk rock style with killer looks gave off a confident, casual air that Grey found very sexy.

Kristy was giving her advice based on what Grey and her had seen so far including which beaches when she remembered the dance.

"Oh yeah, also we heard about a club tonight" Kristy told her.

Grey was annoyed that Kristy seemed interested in going to the club that Henry had told them about and was now even suggesting more people to come. He was tired of listening to Henry's suggestions like he knew everything. And the way his girlfriend had let him talk to her was not something he wanted to remember. But he didn't want to start another argument so he didn't say anything.

"Oh but it doesn't look like there are many hot guys around here" Donna laughed, nodding at all the older fat rich Mexican men and women that seemed to come to frequent this particular beach.

"Oh you might be surprised there are some cute boys, and I think they like American girls" Kristy laughed. She was wondering if she could live vicariously through the younger Donna, set her up with Henry and get all the juicy details.

Donna agreed to meet up with them at the club later that night.