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Grey and Kristy went back to their rental apartment and Grey tried to make his move. As they put their beach stuff down he kissed Kristy deeply and tried to lead her to the bedroom but she resisted.

"Not now Grey, I'm not in the mood" kristy told him. "Maybe tonight" she smiled.

Grey was a bit frustrated, he hadn't had a good fuck since he had gotten to Mexico and he had not enjoyed himself at all so far this trip. Oh well he figured, maybe he can turn around his luck tonight, he thought. Just get a few drinks into her and she will loosen up.

They both showered and relaxed for a bit before they started to get ready for the club.

"Donna just texted, shes going to be here in 20 min" Kristy told Grey as they were both getting ready.

"She's coming here?" grey asked, a bit surprised.

"Yes, I invited her. She doesn't know anyone and I thought we could have a few drinks before we go to the club." Kristy told him.

Grey didn't mind, Donna had been pretty cute looking and he didn't mind the distraction. With Kristy being so moody having another person would take the edge off. He took a bit of extra care getting ready, styling his hair with his expensive hair products knowing the younger girl was about to arrive.

Grey was a bit shocked when Kristy came out of her room. She was wearing a tight fitting black cocktail dress that really showed off her body. She was so fit and the dress was almost skin tight, with plenty of her tan skin showing her slender shoulders and back. Her slender arms were perfectly tanned from the days sun and her tight, runway model body looked even more sexy and slender than usual.
"Wow, looking hot hon" Grey complemented Kristy. She smiled back.

Donna arrived and she was also dressed up. She looked even better than she had earlier in her grungy beach clothes. She was wearing a low hanging dress that showed off her ample cleavage. She had some big ones, Grey realized, at least D cups. She was shorter and not as thin as Kristy but she had such a nice pair of breasts that could put Kristy's perky B cup breasts to shame. She still looked young and cute with her innocent freckles and nose gem, but she was waring dark eyeliner and lipstick that gave her a mature sexy look that made Grey take notice.

The three of them each had a glass of wine and Grey was comfortable laughing and shooting the breeze with the two girls. Kristy warned Donna that she was going to introduce her to Henry, the boy who was renting us the apartment once they got to the club.

"Ok, so he must be an older guy to have such a nice place" Donna laughed.

"No, he's young, probably younger than you even" Kristy laughed.

"Oh well I hope he's not too young, I'm in need a real man, no more college boys" Donna laughed.

Grey though it might be sign of interest and gave her a smile.

"Yeah kids these days don't know how to treat a women" Grey added. Kristy rolled her eyes and Donna laughed.

The three of them set off on the short walk to the club, when they got there it was already crowded an popular music was blasting loudly. Grey paid for a VIP table at only $200 it was no problem for him. He also got some drinks and the three of them sat back in their booth.

Soon they saw Henry, he was with a bunch of his soccer friends and they were all laughing together pointing at Kristy. Henry walked over to their both and asked Kristy to dance. Blushing, Kristy introduced Henry to Donna. Donna looked a bit surprised and unimpressed, the young baby faced kid was not the big shot she was expecting.

Henry took Donna onto the dance floor and Grey and Kristy watched from the booth. It was clear that Henry was a skilled dancer, and he was showing off for Donna as the two of them danced to some popular beats.

Grey and Kristy rarely danced together, though Kristy had been a skilled dancer growing up, Grey didn't really enjoy it and the two of them did't enjoy it very much. They ordered another drink before Donna came back. Donna was laughing about how young Henry was. "Hes like a teenager" She laughed dismissfully.

"I mean he can dance but hes way too young" Donna admitted. Kristy asked donna if she needed to use the restroom and they both went while Grey made himself another drink.

While in the bathroom Kristy decided to ask about Henry.

"So you don't like him?" Kristy asked Donna.

"Oh hes too cocky, and too young for me. " Donna told her.

"Well he SHOULD be cocky" Kristy said, looking back at Donna

"He's... he's.. well.. he's got a lot to offer...' She said.

Donna squinted her eyes and looked back at Kristy.

"What do you mean. Your boyfriend Grey is hot by the way. Why do you think this kid Henry is so great?" she asked.

"Ok, i didn't want to show this.. but" Kristy pulled out her phone and navigated to the picture.

"Oh my god! is that real?" Donna asked, he eyes wide.

"It's real and he was swinging that thing all over the place at the waterfall the other night" Kristy gushed to Donna.

"Oh... your poor boyfriend... he looks soo... small" she giggled.

"I was so embarrassed. That kid made my boyfriend look like a child..." She fumed, Kristy was still humiliated by how small Grey's penis looked in comparison. She had lost a lot of respect for him and she could feel the anger welling up.

"Welll, I guess I can see why Henry is so... sure of himself" Donna said matter of factly.

"You got that right" Donna agreed, taking another long look at Henry's massive log before she put her phone away.

The two girls finished at the club bathroom sink, and then walked back to find Grey a bit more drunk than when they had left.
Grey was drunk enough to dance now and he took the two girls out to the dance floor. The three of them danced together for a bit and Grey was a bit disappointed when Henry swooped in and took Donna away. Grey and Kristy danced poorly together and Kristy was bored. She saw Henry and Donna had been dancing more aggressively and a small circle had formed around them. Grey tried to keep Kristy's attention but she seemed bored and disinterested.

"I gotta go pee" Grey said drunkenly, but Kristy barely acknowledged him.

Donna and Henry were both showing their stuff now, and Kristy joined the circle arround them. Henry was clearly the better dancer, he could lead Donna around but also show off individual moves while Donna was just doing average dance moved, Kristy knew that she was a better dancer then Donna. At one point, while Henry was doing a fancy footwork move Kristy stepped into the circle and started showing off her own moves. She had trained in dance for many year and could move her body as well as anyone at the club.

Impressed Henry took a step toward her and started to match her steps, showing he could match her step for step. Before she knew it, Henry had put his arm around her and was leading her around the floor with his gracefull footwork. Kristy hadn't wanted to do this but she couldn't help be impressed by the young man's agile and gracefull movement. He led her into a twist and even through her up into the air, causing a loud cheer from the crowd when Henry caught Kristy and dipped her to the ground.

The music changed to a slow number and Kristy caught her breath. Henry was starting at her intensely, and pulled her body into his.
Kristy stared back fiercly.

"You should be dancing with Donna" Kristy told him.

"I don't think she's the right one for me" Henry told her. He pulled her waist close to his and Kristy felt a rush of blood to her face as she felt a large bulge in Henry's pants pressed against her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes as he gently rocked her in circles to the slow dance number. In a trance, Kristy looked around to make sure Grey didn't see her dancing with Henry.

Grey had been in line at the bar when he ran into Donna.
"Hey how's it going. You want another drink?" he asked.

"Sure" Donna said. She was frustrated that Kristy had just swooped onto the dance floor and taken her man, and just as she had started to warm up to him.

"You are way to good for that kid btw, total asshole" Grey told her.

Donna was not really listening to Grey, she had found him attractive earlier but the sight of his tiny white penis next to the massive cock had made her lose all attraction to him.

"Lets go sit back in the booth" she told him.
While grey was sitting with Donna he decided to show off how mature and adult he was. He was talking about things like taxes, interest rates, currency and loan terms, bragging how he knew the best ways to sure the premium deals in this areas. He could tell that Donna would be impressed.

Meanwhile all Donna could think about was that bitch Kristy. She had brought her all this way and now she was going to steal the huge dick from her?

Donna had always wanted a big cock to take her. She had taken one as big as 7 inches before in college but nothing like this kid. He must have been hanging a soft 7 inches and thick. She wished Kristy had sent her that pic so that she could gawk at it longer.

"I bet she's never even handled a 6.5" Donna laughed thinking about Kristy.

"And what is she like 28 years old?" Kristy laughed more, pumping up her own ego.

"That dick deserves better tits then that skinny bitch Kristy can give him" Donna thought.

Donna was nodding her head politely to Grey's humble bragging but her eyes were scanning the room looking for Kristy and Henry.

This tiny dick loser was bragging about the stock market or something , Donna thought.

She thought she saw the two of them enter an entrance on the other side of the club.

"I need to get another drink!" Donna announced.

"Ille get that for you" Grey suggested. "I already have a tab open."

"No no... I want to make sure they mix it right" Donna lied , not wanted this loser to follow her.

"Well I can pay for it at least, get the travellor rewards on my card at least" he started bragging to her about the rate he got points on his card.

"Ok just give me the card I will come back with the drinks" Donna finally ordered.

Donna left the booth eager to steal back Henry.