This has NOT been broadly announced because I am getting all the details in line before the unveiling of my concept and idea, but I would love the LPSG members help. I am the creator of the well-known "Men Of Utah" series, (you can find that website easily) but now I live in Athens, Greece. I have found that except for PBS in the early 1990s, no one (NO ONE !?!) has done a photographic re-creation of the first Olympics in 776 BC... so I am taking this on as my next project. Even PBS, of course, shy-ed away from any nudity - they're PBS. I am not going to do that. I'm using twelve athletes, authentically naked, training, preparing and competing in the first six primary events (foot race, javelin, discus, long jump, wrestling and the very bloody pankration - the precursor to today's MMA fighting.) I'll include a few pre-production images I created to begin collecting believers in this book, but I also compiled a video that needs to "knock them off their feet" (on Kickstarter) bringing the authentic past to now.
Can you guys watch the following video and, just as blind observers, tell me what you think? Do you GET the idea of what I am trying to create? Is it engaging? Is it too long/short, etc? Does it suggest all of the possible sections of the original Olympic games that will be covered in a 180 page glossy coffee-table book? I want it to be "rich" but with dicks... LOL. I am trying to appease both crowds - academics and "admirers of the naked male form"...
And we all know how nit-picky both groups can be.
The link for the unreleased video is:
And attached are a few pre-pre-production shots, as a bribe. LOL. These were taken in studio - the re-creation will of course be outdoors for the most part... but it's January.
And there may be some glitches still in the website... Everything is in the air right now and has not yet settled or been fine-tuned. (I have five models in the next seven days doing test shoots, if that tells you anything. I am no where near creation... We have only just begun...) I promise to share glimpses as we go along! (I'm tempted to tell you what others said of my other Kickstarter videos, but I do not want to put pre-conceived "look-out-for's" in your heads.)
Thank you in advance.
- Blake
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Hey, cool idea for a project! I think a lot of people would be interested in this. I can see it on a LOT of Palm Springs coffee tables, lol!
And great job on the work you've done so far. It's obvious that putting this all together would take time, and it's clear that your heart's in this project. I'm also super impressed that you put what you have so far out there and are soliciting feedback. That's not easy to do, and it shows real confidence and wisdom. So bravo on all that, seriously.
I don't have anything to contribute concerning the historical accuracy that some have been speaking to. And based on other examples of your photography, you clearly have that covered! GREAT work man. Hot! The only thing that is sticking out to me is the video. While I appreciate that you were able to source some more or less on-topic footage, I don't think that using it in this way will be helpful in completing a Kickstarter.
I think that the video should give the viewer a sense of what the end product will look like, visually, so that they can tell if they're going to want pay to have it in their home, and I don't think your video does that. Right now, and I mean this in the kindest most supportive way possible, it FEELs really long and uninteresting, despite the hot naked-ish guys all over the place. The footage, while checking the subject matter box, doesn't look particularly high-quality or artistic, which is what I imagine you're going for with the book, correct? I completely understand the chicken-and-egg problem that you're going through in that you're using the Kickstarter to raise funds for production, so can't really do any shoots to make the Kickstarter video. The good news is that it's a solvable problem!
I think you should refocus the video by including a VoiceOver narration for the body of the video, and if possible putting yourself on camera talking to the viewer, even if only at the top of the video. If we're plunking down money, we want to get a sense of who you are. If you don't feel comfortable using your own voice, or being on camera, it's not the end of the world. There's pretty great sounding AI voices these days that are pretty cheap. (Elevenlabs . io is a great one.) I think you need to tell the viewer who you are, and what you've done in the past. You should describe this project, what your inspiration was, which other artists/books you admire, what you want to accomplish with this one, why it's a good idea, why people will want to be a part of it, and what they'll get once you finish, if they support you. You should talk to them about what an amazing journey it will be, and that they can be a part of it with you. You should absolutely offer incentives to people who join the Kickstarter. Here's some quick ideas off the top of my head, but I'm sure you can come up with a ton more: BTS photos of the shoot days emailed to them as they're happening (this could be super sexy and also interesting), a quick FaceTime with you and the models, the supporters names printed in the book, a set of matching postcards from the shoots, etc. etc. etc.
The nice thing about doing it that way, you can use a ton of stuff OTHER than that footage as your visuals. When you're talking about your other work, SHOW your other work! That would give the viewer a way better sense of what the quality of the book will be. Maybe show shots of your studio, the gear you'll be using, the locations, all the crazy stuff that goes into making this happen. When you're talking about what the book will look like, you can totally reference and show other books that you admire. When you're talking about the historical accuracy, you can show the footage you're using now (WAY less of it) but you should also feel free to show sculptures, art... whatever gets the point across. The main thing is that you bring the viewer on a journey and get them pumped about being a part of it. I really think less-is-more with that dated footage. You want to project classy, modern (modern production, not subject matter, obviously, lol), professional, artistic, and sexy.
I know that was a lot! But I think the project can be really great, and I really hope you're able to have a successful Kickstarter. Don't let it fizzle with a bad video that doesn't sell your idea. Good luck!