Photo André Lamoglia (andrelamoglia1)

Is he into man ?
Guys !! Don't make my dick explode !! Like really ? Because if true; im moving back to Brazil tomorrow 🥹.

His "manager" will strangely get lost in a shopping mall to never be seen again and André and I will be forever and ever, like a Taytay song ☺️.
Guys !! Don't make my dick explode !! Like really ? Because if true; im moving back to Brazil tomorrow 🥹.

His "manager" will strangely get lost in a shopping mall to never be seen again and André and I will be forever and ever, like a Taytay song ☺️.
Uhum se ele gostar de homem vai sim se interessar por alguém que nem vc confia
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Os donos do jogo ("the game owners" in a direct translation). It will be with a full brazilian cast, so i guess some of you guys will need subtitles If you want to hear his voice 😂
Much better. Americans dont know How to dub
The thing is that no matter what he does next, even if he shows plenty of skin, I doubt it will be as good as sex scenes with Manu Rios or Fernando Lindez, unfortunately
I doubt there will be any nudity, Brazil is still very uptight about explicit sex and nudity, especially if it's male, but I hope I'm wrong and we get to see Andre's ass again
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