Yep he’s self hating. He gets rubbed when black Women don’t find black men attractive but yet he doesn’t go for them. He’s weird and has many videos stitched where he reacts to such videos. He even done a video saying he doesn’t discriminate yet he’s always got a white woman on his arm. Not that there’s anything wrong with that... he’s just a contradicting self hating boy. I’ve seen him and he’s very tall and handsome.
See I didn’t even know all that which lets me know I clocked him correctly, he’s got self hating self esteem issues. And like you said he stays posted up next to a white woman after his contradicting views. Hope he works that out cuz it doesn’t look good on him. The Black women hes spoken on probably can read him like a book from blocks away and he can’t stand it. I’m not even a woman and can read him. But anyways, glad I’m not the only one who picked up on it.
See I didn’t even know all that which lets me know I clocked him correctly, he’s got self hating self esteem issues. And like you said he stays posted up next to a white woman after his contradicting views. Hope he works that out cuz it doesn’t look good on him. The Black women hes spoken on probably can read him like a book from blocks away and he can’t stand it. I’m not even a woman and can read him. But anyways, glad I’m not the only one who picked up on it.
Just search his name on TikTok he stitches all them vids. He deleted them after backlash as black Women also stitch him reacting. They’re confused as he doesn’t even go for them.
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You all ever notice how many skin lightening filters he uses everytime he posts with his mates? When it’s just him, it’s his regular skin tone/lighting. As soon as his light skin friends show up in the picture, it’s filter after filter and the brightness cranked to 100%. It’s a shame because he’s hot. I guess hot people do have insecurities too.