Andres camilo

yes, it doesn't matter relative to the 11,000+ people killed in Gaza and Israel but in the LPSG insta thot forums I felt it was worth pointing out there is potential deception and trickery afoot
Oh please. Most content creators use filters and stuff on photos they share publicly. Even many average users do on social media. Everybody wants to look their best. It's neither malicious nor a big revelation.
Oh please. Most content creators use filters and stuff on photos they share publicly. Even many average users do on social media. Everybody wants to look their best. It's neither malicious nor a big revelation.
please go back to the selling OC thread where i left you
It kinda screams serious Andres-cock sucking action in the bushes with this picture.
“Not all gay guys have sex with each other’”
“No yeah honestly they all pretty much do”
“Oh thanks for generalizing”
“I’m not, I’m literally only saying what they all literally say or just say without saying. Men are literally driven sexual beasts with a biological purpose of reproduction… Literally just a fact that is what it is. Men are biologically predisposed to seeking out sex. One denying they do is actually, biologically hypocritical”
I think someone said it already earlier but I feel he’s often more cute and handsome in random insta stories than in his professional photo shots.
There’s definitely a skill to modeling. If you’ve ever seen video of Max modeling he just turns “it” on, having an ease and awareness on in front of the camera that makes great pics. Similar to America’s Top Model, how many girls rolled in thinking they were the next big thing but looked awkward as hell in their shots and eliminated early.