Yeah, and he’s off to a shitty start! I requested a video and he said, yes. He sends it and it’s only a part of the original. I point this out. He says he’ll send what I want. He posts another vid, for another $25. I ask if it’s the one I want. He claims, “Hmmm I’ll have to see if I can find it. Maybe it’s this though so watch it and lmk.” When I question further, he responds, “that one I just sent you might be the video. So watch it and if it’s not, I’ll keep looking.” So, he thinks I’m going to keep purchasing vids at $25 an pop, until it’s the one I’m looking for, because apparently, he can’t identify the videos he’s posting, himself?!?!?! He’d said he was looking to make a “fresh start” of his page. I told him his fresh start could be by showing some respect for his fan’s intelligence! A what an asshole!