Andy Cohen

I found a few photos of Andy's bedroom.

The photo of him laying down on the coach look on the right hand side of the door knob looks almost the same as the nude photo.

Also in his bedroom he has wooden floors and and the framing and trimming on the floor looks the same.

i gotta say, LPSG’s detective abilities never cease to amaze me. Great work!
Well there is a sextape of him and his ex John Hill out there.
well shere is it
Along the way, we found out some very tantalizing tidbits about Andy from his ex-boyfriend, including the WWHL host's freak number (9), his currently celebrity crush (Joel Kim Booster, who John said, "I feel like they'd do well together because I think he's also like a 9."), and that Andy once asked John to do a three-way, which he declined. Andy also admitted of his past time in the bedroom with John, "There is a sex tape of us floating around somewhere."

Andy Cohen, Ex-Boyfriend John Hill Talks Relationship, Breakup | The Daily Dish