Andy Lee, Big Harry, Big Liam and the Gang

I wonder why Freddie never seemed to officially join Andy's entourage. He had a great body and really stood out. I notice , though, that in all the scenes he did appear in that he never had any physical encounter with another guy (except when Andy shot his load over him). I guess there was a limit he wouldn't cross. It's a shame, he could've made a pretty penny as one of Andy's boys.
"Bump" :joy: This is one of the busiest threads on here , you don't need to bump.
Some people are impatient…really you bump a thread after 11 hours? I think some people aren’t bright and think posting bump somehow magically makes the content appear…
I was on another site called Spanking Lads, which featured a very young Andy Lee. He did several scenes with a handsome guy named Bailey Morgan. Does that name ring a bell with people? I was wondering if Bailey followed Andy to other sites, or if he just stayed in the spanking /JO scenes?
Andy’s got a new job
