Another weekend with the guys

Part 10: The gang’s all here, except for those who aren’t…

“Christ on a goddamn cracker,” I heard Jason call out as he reacted to the sound of the doorbell. “Fee-fi-fo-fucking finally!”

It had been a lazy day following an expectedly unexpected evening. We had managed to not really talk about anything important. Mike had opened up, but after last night he had shut himself off again. An impenetrable fortress. I caught myself trying to poke him with little questions to see just what Jason had told him about our previous weekend. Still, Mike seemed to find a way to answer my curiosity by never actually answering anything. It made me even more interested in what those two had discussed.

We were sitting in the cool living room, watching painful moments on a YouTube channel dedicated to idiots. Mike wore something that could barely be called a shirt, while Jason and I wore slightly more conservative outfits. I knew that if I set foot outside, I would melt. The sun seemed particularly cruel outside. Mike pointed at a skinny dude getting his nuts cracked on a jungle gym. I could feel it in my balls, but I still laughed.

“The others?” I asked.

“I fucking hope so,” Jason laughed as he made his way to the front door.

“If it’s Bobby, just punch him in the nuts for me,” I instructed Jason. “He deserves it.”

Mike shifted and I could tell that he reverted back to his more reserved state. I smirked at him.

“What?” he asked me defensively.

“Nothing,” I answered. “Just, interesting.”

“Dude? What?” Mike said with half a smile on his lips.

“You’re weird,” I said with a smile that I intended to be as disarming as possible.


“I don’t know, you’re kind of like this giant dude who seems like a prude, holding back, not giving anything away,” I heard myself explain with a cocky. “But you’re a fucking freak, dude. Like, damn! I mean, not in a bad way. Fuck, no. Definitely not in a bad way. I might even be fucking jealous. But, like, I don’t know. You’re a fucking mystery, my man. A fucking mystery.”

Mike gave me a knowing smile and shrugged. I watched his shoulders flex as he moved them. He rose to his feet as Jason answered the door. He looked down at me and asked: “You want something to drink?”

“Yeah, sure,” I said with a slightly confused smile. “Better start early.”

I heard familiar voices drift from the front door into the room. Luke’s voice was clear and upbeat. I heard him apologize for being late. Bobby added to the apology. Jason’s voice had a slight edge and I hoped he would drop it. There was something about Jason that seemed off. He was too focused on making this, whatever it was, work according to plan.

Mike handed me a drink. I studied it and sniffed it. I threw the glass back and shivered. The taste was awful. Alcoholic for sure, everything else was a mystery. Mike looked at me expectantly. I made a face and smiled.

“Fucking disgusting, am I right?” he laughed.

“What is it?”

“You don’t want to know,” he replied with a wink.

“I don’t?”

“No my dude, you don’t,” Mike said as he gave my shoulder a playful punch. His hands seemed enormous. “Trust me on this one.”

I gave him a nod and then turned my attention back to what was happening in the hallway. I listened to Jason explaining absolutely nothing to Luke and Bobby. I listened to him telling them about Mike being there. He told them that I had already arrived because I wasn’t a little bitch. I heard Bobby and Luke laugh awkwardly and give their reasons for not arriving earlier. They asked about Mike, asked about Adam, asked about David. Jason gave them the same answer he had given me. David’s girlfriend Lisa being an absolute bitch and keeping him under her thumb. Adam had gone to god-knows-where this weekend, leaving us behind.

Bobby and Luke didn’t say much, and I heard Jason tell them just to dump their stuff wherever.

I looked at Mike, who seemed to have been listening to the same conversation I had been listening to. I smiled and he smiled back at me. I wondered what was going to happen and if Mike would freeze back up. Somewhere in the back of my mind, it bothered me that there was a possibility that we were back to square one.

Bobby and Luke entered the room with Jason following them. He was gesturing left and right telling him all about how amazing this place was. Luke gave me a nod, Bobby lifted his hand. I nodded and threw up my right hand. I let out a little “Hey” and felt somewhat stupid and awkward.

“So, yeah, Mike’s here, but you already knew that,” Jason said with a theatrical wave of his hand.

“Hey,” Bobby said with a slightly too-cool-for-school nod. There was a coldness to Bobby that I couldn’t place immediately. I studied him for more clues. Something might have happened between the two, or Bobby might just be playing it cool in order to come across as unbothered by Mike’s appearance.

“You know Luke?” Jason asked Mike. “He’s Bobby’s little brother.”

“Fuck you very much,” Luke laughed in reply to Jason, before Mike could answer. I wondered about the answer.

Mike pushed himself up from the couch and stretched out his hand. Luke grabbed it and gave it a curt shake. Mike’s hand dwarfed Luke’s. I could smell Mike as he moved. “I’m Mike.”

“I figured,” Luke said. “I’m Luke.”

“No dad joke?” Jason quipped.

“So this is it?” Bobby asked as I rose up from the couch and joined the others. We all stood there waiting for something to happen.

“Sure,” Jason answered in a way that told me he was holding information back. There was a dismissiveness to his tone that betrayed something. My heart skipped a beat. “So, now that we’re all here, let’s get this party started.”

“Drinks?” I asked with a hopeful tone.

“Drinks” Bobby said with a definitiveness to his voice.

Jason poured us all a glass. We toasted and threw back our drinks. Something crawled up and down my spine and I felt my insides grow warm and fuzzy. Bobby and Luke seemed to struggle to keep a straight face. Mike’s eye twitched and his face turned red. Jason seemed unfazed and poured us another glass. He was the only one to throw back his second drink, the rest of us waited and sipped.

“Gentlemen, and Bobby,” Jason exclaimed. “Welcome to my humble abode. Allow me to give you a tour and show you exactly why we’re here.”

“Avery’s place,” Mike corrected him.

“Whatever, I’ve got the keys to this place, it’s mine for the weekend, shut up,” Jason said with a smile that showed that he wasn’t bothered at all. He shot a glance at Mike and added a quick: “A real bro doesn’t rat out a bro like that. Be a bro, dude. Just, be a bro.”

I looked at Luke. Luke wore a loose-fitting tank top and board shorts. His farmer’s tan was fading, but it was still visible. The bridge of his nose was slightly sunburnt. He seemed as lean as when I last saw him. His chest showed trimmed chest hair. Bobby stood next to him, wearing a short-sleeved shirt, of which the top three buttons hadn’t been closed. Bobby’s chest seemed to glisten, but his skin had a reddish hue. I figured it was sunscreen or something to soothe the burnt skin. I had to suppress the urge to slap his chest like we used to do when we were kids and somebody complained about sunburnt shoulders. Bobby kept looking at Mike.

“So, yeah, this place has everything. State-of-the-art shit. There’s the home gym, the steam room, or sauna depending on how fancy you want to be. There are a bunch of rooms upstairs, and I’d give you a full tour, but if Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dumbass had shown up earlier I would have,” Jason gave a shrug. “So we’re skipping the boring shit and we’re going straight for the good stuff. Ladies, follow me.”

Jason threw back his drink and indicated that we should do the same. Without discussing or talking we followed his example. Without asking he poured us all a new glass. My stomach wanted to protest, but surprisingly didn’t. The warm glow radiated up my spine and I felt my head grow lighter. I should have had more to eat, I told myself. I inhaled and the mixed scents of the others reached my nose. There was a roughness to the musk that wasn’t unpleasant.

Jason gestured for us to follow and we did. I caught Luke looking at me, or he caught me looking at him. He smiled and I smiled back. We hadn’t really talked in a while and I wanted to know what I had missed out on. He still owed me. I told myself to not let him off the hook.

Jason showed us the same things we had seen previously. Bobby and Luke reacted the way we had. We stopped in front of a door that had remained closed. Jason searched for something in his pockets and fished out a card. He held it in place and something whirred and clicked.

I felt my heart begin to race.

“Gentlemen,” Jason sang. “This is the real reason why we’re here.”

“This is going to be some dark and twisted shit, isn’t it?” Bobby asked with some hesitation in his voice. “I swear Jason, if this is some demented shitshow that gets us in trouble, I’m ratting you out.”

“Christ,” Jason said with a note of defensiveness to his voice. “I mean, why do you have to make it dark like that? Jesus, dude, not every rich asshole is into super fucked up shit. Yeah, most of them are, but not all of them. I swear to God Bobby, you sure know how to kill the vibe.”

Luke punched his brother in the shoulder, I could tell it wasn’t a playful punch, it was the brotherly kind, the kind that makes it clear you fucked something up. Bobby rubbed the spot and apologized.

“Yeah, okay, so… before I was so rudely interrupted: Gentlemen, welcome to Avery’s dirty little secret.”

The door swung open, and lights were turned on by an invisible hand. The room before us was fully decorated. The walls were of a dark blue, there was a large flatscreen TV built into one of the walls. A couple of smaller screens were mounted on another wall. There was a built-in closet that showed a collection of DVD’s and tapes. There was no couch, instead, there were thick mats placed on the floor. There was a small table that might have functioned as a desk, pushed against a wall. Stepping through the door it was cool inside the room and it was noticeable that the walls were thick and paneled.

“This is Avery’s personal shag-shack.”

We looked around, but none of us touched anything. Bobby looked at the mats on the floor and made a strange face as if he couldn’t be paid enough to ever touch them with his bare skin. Mike studied the walls and looked at Jason: “What’s behind these panels?”

I took a closer look and figured Mike was right, the panels were loose, like the doors of a cabinet. I was impressed by the level of craftsmanship, but also slightly disturbed by the fact that we were here. A shiver ran down my spine.

“That, my friend, is what you’re going to find out.”
Part 11: Story time

Curiosity burned inside of me, but it might have also been the booze. I had questions and I wanted to ask them. Luke’s enthusiasm was faster. He sounded excited as he studied the DVD’s and tapes: “There’s all sorts of shit here. What kind of a spank-bunker did this guy build? Look at this, this is some grade-a classic porn.”

He held something up and I saw ‘Debby’ sprawled across the cover. He held up another, the title of the new one was impossible to make out, but the cover showed something that reminded me of the 70’s. A girl with small tits and a full bush stood next to a man with an almost freakishly large dick. He was lean, almost slender, hairy, and sported a mustache. It reminded me of something, but I couldn’t recall what exactly.

“No, seriously, this guy has everything, fucking hell. Like, there’s something for everyone here I think. This guy isn’t picky.”

“Jason,” Bobby’s tone was dark and full of mistrust.

“Relax,” Jason said soothingly. “Trust me, Avery’s a freak, but we’re not going to end up on some list. Avery’s not that big of a freak. He’s about as freaky as us, except with money to really let his freak flag fly. Bobby, my man, relax.”

“I’ll bite,” I said. “How come you know about all of this, how come you are allowed in here?”

“My friend,” Jason said turning to me. “I basically installed all of this. Avery and I are *this* close. We’re like, bestest buddies.”

“Bullshit,” Mike said with a grin, his voice booming. “Remind me never to let you into my house.”

“God, you’re all so uptight. Christ, I thought we were cool now. Thought you guys weren’t so fucking uptight.”

I raised a single eyebrow at Jason. He made it clear that he was joking, his tone, his stance, and the rolling of his eyes, but I couldn’t escape the idea that there was something genuine. A kernel of truth in jokes?

I looked at Luke, who was still browsing through a library of porn. I figured that despite not diving head-first into whatever this was, we were all more than a little curious. I knew for a fact that I was. I wanted to know more about Jason’s friendship with Avery. He was clearly not telling us the whole story.

“Wait, so, how often have you been down here?” I asked.

Jason looked at Mike, who was gently pushing against some of the panels. I figured he was trying to see what was hiding inside the walls of the room. “What? Here? Couple of times. Why?”

“Just wondering,” I flashed Jason an all-knowing smile. Jason replied with a strange look on his face that told me he knew I was willing to poke.

So,” Luke said as he brought a bunch of movies with him. “What’s the deal here? Like, what’s the REAL deal? Yeah, okay, it’s not something you see every day, but it’s not this whole big fucking deal. Right? What else is there?”

Jason grabbed one of the movies from Luke’s hand and studied it. He grinned. “Are you all in, or out?”

I felt my balls itch and my dick stiffen slightly.

“I’m in, obviously,” Luke said with a smile.

“Same,” Mike said, still trying to discover the hidden compartment. I caught him adjusting his package with his meaty hands.

“Fucking fine, dude,” Bobby said.

“I’m in. I can’t wait to see how this will turn out,” I laughed.

Jason perked up as he studied us. I caught him flexing his pecs. He clapped his hands and said: “So, story time. This goes back a while, right? I rented out the lodge to Avery’s dad. I’m discreet about that shit, so if some rich asshole wants to pay me a load of money to spend a weekend at my…”

“Cabin in the woods,” Bobby interrupted with a snarky tone.

Jason shot him a glance and continued: “Lodge, thank you very much. So he arrives and I give him a tour of the place. He’s impressed and we get to talking. It’s all pretty basic at this point. So he started asking me questions about how discreet I am and if I knew where to get some things that would make his weekend a bit more interesting. I’m wholly innocent, as you all know, but I’m also a saint who enjoys helping out people. Who am I to so coldly deny a man a simple request? Or in this case a short list of simple, and some considerably less simple, requests. I head into town to get what my dearest client has asked me to get.

By the time I get back to the lodge with all the supplies, there are three more cars parked outside. So I knock on my own door and some guy I’ve never seen before opens it. He’s all smiles and super nice. He’s a young guy, around our age. Tall, with a good head of hair, and I’m wondering who the fuck this dude is and why he’s here. I’m not asking questions, obviously, because I’m classy.

So this dude starts talking and telling me all about the weekend. He thinks I’m someone else apparently. He gets all excited about what’s coming up. So I play along and I ask where Avery’s dad is. The young guy tells me he doesn’t know. So we walk into the living room. There are four girls there. Three blondes and one dark-haired chick. Gorgeous. Like, goddamn. Legs, tits, dressed in these lovely dresses that show you everything and nothing at the same time.

These girls all have the same vibe going. They sort of look alike, but not in a sisterly way, you know. Just four girls who just happen to look like each other. At that point, I’m already convinced that this is not a coincidence. They’re hot, like, damn. I’m instantly jealous of whatever is happening that weekend.

So the dude that’s showing me around walks up to one of the blond girls and just casually kisses her. She doesn’t mind and I watch her grab his hand and guide him along her thigh. She spreads her legs and I watch his hand just slip underneath her dress. She does the whole whimpering chick thing and the she pulls back like a tease.

I’m like a fucking diamond at that point. I hear people come inside from the outside and two guys enter the living room. One of them is this fucking Greek god. Like one head taller than me, a jaw so chiseled you can break rock on it. I’m not, you know, but that dude was objectively a fucking good-looking dude. I instantly felt like a loser and I could just picture these four chicks turning to fucking pudding at the sight of him.

Panties to the floor, pussy-juice running down their legs. But they don’t really seem to mind him that much. Like they know him, and he knows them. Like this weird lack of sexual tension, you know. They’re all impossibly cool.

So next to fucking Hercules there’s a shorter guy, kind of average looking, to be honest. Big ears, making him look like a geek. Next to the other guys, this guy looks like the dullest thing. Now, you’re thinking, those chicks are going goo-goo ga-ga over this one? Much like Hercules, this dude just doesn’t seem to notice them, and they don’t notice him. So I’m standing there with my awkward boner pushed to the side in an attempt to just hide it. I’m clearly the only one nobody really knows.

They’re all, like, waiting for something, or someone. So I try to ask them about Avery’s dad and the normal-looking guy tells me that he’s getting ready.

It’s getting awkward and I’m thinking of the most complex math problems ever, right? So one of the blond chicks comes up to me and looks me up and down. She smells like roses, this fucking deliciously sweet smell. She’s glowing and I can see her tits and her nipples through the fabric of her dress. And I swear, I’m not staring at her, but yeah, I take a subtle glance.

‘So,’ she says. ‘You’re new? This your first time?’

I look like a fucking limp dicked loser, except with a raging boner, and I have to explain who I am and what I’m doing, but I don’t want to, because you know, I’ll blow my shot. I wanted to keep the hope alive of getting with one of them, or all of them. I’m wondering if her pussy tastes as good as she smells.

So I cave and I tell them that I own the place and that I’m looking for Avery’s dad because I have some of his shit in the back of my car.

I expected them to just ice me out or something, but they’re cool about it. The girl with the dark hair asks me a bunch of questions and she had the best pair of tits on her. Fucking hell. With, like, tiny dark nipples you just want to lick and bite and play with.

So the Greek god exits and then shows back up with Avery’s dad. It’s all business, but not exactly. It was weird. So I hand him the stuff from my car and he asks me what I’m doing and he gives me something extra to keep quiet. I’m not complaining, because daddy needs a new sound system.”

Bobby, Luke, and Mike seemed entranced by Jason’s story. Mike’s hand had slipped under his waistband and he was carelessly scratching himself. I watched Luke and Bobby shift from one foot to the other. In my head, I tried to discover something hidden, something Jason wasn’t saying out loud. I figured that Jason’s talent was that he always told you just enough to make it seem like you were getting the whole story, but there was always something under the surface. Jason might have accused us of being prudes, but he held back as much as we did. I wondered why, if there was something even Jason was ashamed of.

I nod and don’t ask Jason about the exact date of this encounter.

“So what does that have to do with this?” Bobby asked breaking the spell.

“So, yeah, flash forward a couple of weeks. I get a call from Avery’s dad asking me if I’m willing to do some work for his son. Again, I like money, so I’m cool with it.

There’s some back and forth and I end up meeting Avery to go over the details and what he wants to get done. So I arrive to check the place out, and guess what? Avery’s wife opens the door. She’s fucking fine, by the way, but I’m like looking at her and thinking she looks sort of familiar. It just hits me, she’s a dead ringer for the four girls that were at the lodge before. Like Avery’s old man is into some kinky shit, hiring girls who look like his daughter-in-law.”
Part 12: The surface gets scratched…

Something stirred in my shorts. I felt my dick begin to swell and then go soft again. The others were quiet and seemed to have their own thoughts going on. I wondered what they were thinking and if I had the same questions they had.

Jason loved the attention we were giving him, but I wanted to interrupt him. Part of me wanted to know more about what had happened in the lodge, and a part of me wanted to know more about Jason hooking up with Avery’s wife. I wanted to know what Jason had been hiding from us, from me.

I only knew the tip of the iceberg, and it gnawed at me. Mike’s presence raised new questions… how much did Muscle Mike know that I didn’t? What had convinced him to join this weekend? The answers seemed within reach, but I couldn’t get them to stick.

“Ok, so, you’re saying that Avery’s dad is paying random chicks who look like his daughter-in-law to fuck? Or have them do some other depraved shit?” Bobby laid out for us. “And Avery doesn’t know about this, or does he?”

Jason gave a boastful-sounding laugh as he stepped up to Bobby and playfully punched his shoulder. Bobby cringed slightly. “That’s the thing my man, I’m not really sure. Maybe? Who knows, right? Rich people, who knows why they do the shit they do?”

“No,” I heard myself mumble as pieces of a puzzle began to fall into place. “No, that’s not… I mean, it doesn’t make sense.”

“What doesn’t?” Bobby asked.

“What?” I said, shaking my head. My mouth had moved and produced sounds, but I wasn’t aware that the others had heard.

“What doesn’t make sense?” Jason repeated.

“Oh,” I said as I collected my thoughts. “Shit, there’s just something that I’m not getting. Just, you know, a couple of questions that are shooting through my brain. I need a fucking drink by the way.”

“Shoot,” Jason said. “Mike, grab a new bottle. It’s in the kitchen. Better yet, bring two.”

Mike lumbered out of the room without complaining or hesitating.

“Okay, so, let’s play a fucking game here,” I said with a smile. I looked at Luke and Bobby and there seemed a glimmer of recognition behind their eyes. “Let’s just dig a little deeper.”

“Bro? Don’t be all cryptic and shit. I feel like you’re being weird here,” Jason said with a nervous laugh.

“No, I think I’m following,” Bobby said. I felt a jolt of surprise shoot through me. I hadn’t expected Bobby to be the one to be on the same track as I was. “Yeah, let’s not pussyfoot around shit. We’re all in, right Jason?”

“Yeah, sure, I mean, we’re here and shit?” Jason said sounding more nervous.

“Okay, cool,” I said with a smile that was closer to a grin. I explained: “So, here are the rules. We get to ask you questions, you have to answer them truthfully.”

“Bro, are you accusing me of lying?” Jason interrupted.

“No,” I said with a surprising amount of bluntness. “I’m saying that you talk a good talk, but I’m saying that I suspect the real prude in this fucking freaky sex dungeon might be you.”

“Fuck off,” Jason laughed, and I heard the nervousness at the core of that laugh. I was sure that Bobby had heard it too, and perhaps even Luke. Luke seemed slightly puzzled as he looked at us.

“Here’s the deal, we’re going all in… all of us. No more fucking around the bush. No more pretending we only know half the shit we’re talking about. We’re doing this, we’re going to ask whatever we want to know, and we’re all going to answer the fucking questions. Whatever shit gets revealed, it never leaves this fucked up place. I mean, after last year, who are we fucking kidding?”

I watched Jason swallow something down. I glanced at Bobby who seemed to consider my words. Luke seemed unbothered, which didn’t surprise me, but at the same time, did. They all knew I was right, we had been pretending for the last year or so. Never really talking about anything, just dropping little hints and respecting an invisible line that we had all drawn somehow.

“Mike’s the odd man out,” Luke said as he considered the situation. “I mean, he wasn’t there. I barely know the dude.”

“Mike’s cool,” Jason said. “Don’t worry. He’s cool.”

“He seems kind of distant,” Luke said. “Kind of hard to read, you know?”

“He’s cool, but I get what you’re saying. The big guy needs a little time before he opens up,” I heard myself say in defense of Mike. “I mean, I have a fuckload of questions for him too, and I’m willing to bet that Jason can probably answer half of those.”

“Probably,” Jason said with a committed nod. His mood seemed on the upswing. I could tell he was intrigued by what lay ahead.

“This is brotherhood shit,” Bobby laughed as he rubbed his shoulder.

“So we’re all in?”

They nodded in agreement and without really saying much more we waited for Mike to return with our magic potion.

He entered the room holding three bottles instead of two. It looked impressively awkward the way he held them while also holding five glasses. In another life, he might have been a waiter.

Jason moved towards him and took the glasses from him. Bobby grabbed one bottle and we just seemed to hold our breaths for a second too long. Mike looked at us and I could hear the wheels in his head turning, grinding, and clicking into place. “What did I miss?”

“Mikey Mike, the man with a master plan,” Jason said with a grin. “So, slight change of plans here. These ladies here think we should all have a little sesh. To get to know one another better. You know, braid each other’s hair, pillow fights, practice kissing, gossiping about who we’re taking to the dance, all that shit.”

“I leave for five fucking minutes?”

“You know what,” Luke said as he grabbed a glass and poured himself a royal drink. “I think we just need to get a decent start. You know. Liquid courage, right?”

I watched him gulp the contents of the glass down. It looked everything but easy. He coughed awkwardly and showed us his tongue to prove he had finished the whole thing. His bravado didn’t last long as he shuddered and nearly seemed to hurl. He restrained himself, let out a deep burp, and made a hilarious face. There was delicious agony in that one moment.

“Ok, that was impressive,” Jason said in all earnestness. “Seriously, Bobby, your baby bro might be an absolute legend.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Luke said as he took a bow.

We followed his example. The alcohol burned its way through my throat and the amount was clearly too much. I nearly hurled, but then it settled. The effect wasn’t instantaneous, but I knew it was going to hit me like a brick shit-house. This was going to be an epic mistake.

“So, what are we doing?” Mike asked as he worked on his drink.

“Starting a secret society?” Jason shrugged jokingly.

“What?” Mike said with a sharpness.

“Don’t mind the asshole, he’s kind of proving that this is a horrible idea,” Bobby said with a hidden layer of honesty that I couldn’t help but notice. I shot a glance at Jason. Bobby continued: “I’ve known you since you were a shrimp-dicked little kid, and let’s be honest, you haven’t changed all that much. Always with the quips.”

I studied Jason’s face and caught something on it. A subtle sign that he knew he was surrounded by people who probably knew him better than he did. “This whole thing might actually be your worst fucking nightmare. You have to be an actual human being somehow for this to work. Not your usual lizard-brained-self. Can’t we just, be fucking people for once. Like, real bros.”

Jason grabbed at his heart, giving us his best impression of a mortally wounded man, shot right through the heart. The joke didn’t land, it fell horribly flat. I watched Jason as he read the room. He adjusted himself and his voice morphed into a more serious version of himself. A voice I had only heard a couple of times before. Bobby had struck a nerve, we had struck another.

“Shit, so this is it. We’re doing it?” Jason said.

“Yeah, I’m down. I have nothing to hide,” Luke said.

“Same,” I said. The moment felt a bit too heavy to leave it at that, so I added: “No secrets, open book.”

“Fucking hell, this is terrifying,” Bobby said with a nervous little laugh.

“Seriously, I’m still kind of lost here,” Mike said. “I mean, yeah sure.”

“Mikey Mike,” Jason said as he put a hand on Mike’s shoulder. I recognized the difficulty with which Jason moved between two versions of himself. He emphasized the words to make them weigh more heavily: “So, fuck, they’re going to make me say it. So, yeah, okay, are you in or out? We’re going to be like, honest and shit. Like, real honest. Yeah, shit, don’t make me say this sincere shit out loud.”

“I’m in,” Mike said with a smile and he placed his hand on Jason’s shoulder in return.

“No, I mean like, this is the shit that you seal with like more than a secret handshake,” Jason said and his voice seemed to weave in and out of being deadly serious and joking. “You know, actual brotherhood shit. Won’t leave the room. Like, if anyone talks, that’s it, you’re fucked. Not like, fucked out of the club, but like, fucked. You know. Fuck. Okay. Shit. I fucking hate saying this because it’s just not me.”

I studied Jason. He seemed thoroughly uncomfortable with everything.

“Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck, fuck everything. Okay, fine, fuck, whatever,” Jason said mostly to himself. There was something about his discomfort that made it hilarious. “So this is like, therapy-level shit. You know. Vulnerable.”

The way he almost stumbled over that last word made me feel bad for him, but it also made me aware of what I was getting myself into. A flash of doubt ran through my head. Was I willing to answer every question thrown at me? I wasn’t afraid of finding out other people’s secrets, fuck no, but I had to trust them with mine. I filled up my glass and poured the liquid courage down my throat.

“I’m in,” Mike said with a nod and a definitive tone. I watched his massive hand squeeze Jason’s shoulder slightly, but his face was friendly. I thought back to the previous night. I smiled to myself. “Here’s your first revelation, I’m always in. I’m not some fucking uptight little bitch. Challenge, always, accepted.”

I caught Luke smiling at that bit of news. Bobby seemed to consider the situation and then drank another glass.

“So are we really doing this?” someone said and I couldn’t tell who. My head was starting to swim.

“Guess we are,” I said. “So who’s first?”
Part 12: The surface gets scratched…

Something stirred in my shorts. I felt my dick begin to swell and then go soft again. The others were quiet and seemed to have their own thoughts going on. I wondered what they were thinking and if I had the same questions they had.

Jason loved the attention we were giving him, but I wanted to interrupt him. Part of me wanted to know more about what had happened in the lodge, and a part of me wanted to know more about Jason hooking up with Avery’s wife. I wanted to know what Jason had been hiding from us, from me.

I only knew the tip of the iceberg, and it gnawed at me. Mike’s presence raised new questions… how much did Muscle Mike know that I didn’t? What had convinced him to join this weekend? The answers seemed within reach, but I couldn’t get them to stick.

“Ok, so, you’re saying that Avery’s dad is paying random chicks who look like his daughter-in-law to fuck? Or have them do some other depraved shit?” Bobby laid out for us. “And Avery doesn’t know about this, or does he?”

Jason gave a boastful-sounding laugh as he stepped up to Bobby and playfully punched his shoulder. Bobby cringed slightly. “That’s the thing my man, I’m not really sure. Maybe? Who knows, right? Rich people, who knows why they do the shit they do?”

“No,” I heard myself mumble as pieces of a puzzle began to fall into place. “No, that’s not… I mean, it doesn’t make sense.”

“What doesn’t?” Bobby asked.

“What?” I said, shaking my head. My mouth had moved and produced sounds, but I wasn’t aware that the others had heard.

“What doesn’t make sense?” Jason repeated.

“Oh,” I said as I collected my thoughts. “Shit, there’s just something that I’m not getting. Just, you know, a couple of questions that are shooting through my brain. I need a fucking drink by the way.”

“Shoot,” Jason said. “Mike, grab a new bottle. It’s in the kitchen. Better yet, bring two.”

Mike lumbered out of the room without complaining or hesitating.

“Okay, so, let’s play a fucking game here,” I said with a smile. I looked at Luke and Bobby and there seemed a glimmer of recognition behind their eyes. “Let’s just dig a little deeper.”

“Bro? Don’t be all cryptic and shit. I feel like you’re being weird here,” Jason said with a nervous laugh.

“No, I think I’m following,” Bobby said. I felt a jolt of surprise shoot through me. I hadn’t expected Bobby to be the one to be on the same track as I was. “Yeah, let’s not pussyfoot around shit. We’re all in, right Jason?”

“Yeah, sure, I mean, we’re here and shit?” Jason said sounding more nervous.

“Okay, cool,” I said with a smile that was closer to a grin. I explained: “So, here are the rules. We get to ask you questions, you have to answer them truthfully.”

“Bro, are you accusing me of lying?” Jason interrupted.

“No,” I said with a surprising amount of bluntness. “I’m saying that you talk a good talk, but I’m saying that I suspect the real prude in this fucking freaky sex dungeon might be you.”

“Fuck off,” Jason laughed, and I heard the nervousness at the core of that laugh. I was sure that Bobby had heard it too, and perhaps even Luke. Luke seemed slightly puzzled as he looked at us.

“Here’s the deal, we’re going all in… all of us. No more fucking around the bush. No more pretending we only know half the shit we’re talking about. We’re doing this, we’re going to ask whatever we want to know, and we’re all going to answer the fucking questions. Whatever shit gets revealed, it never leaves this fucked up place. I mean, after last year, who are we fucking kidding?”

I watched Jason swallow something down. I glanced at Bobby who seemed to consider my words. Luke seemed unbothered, which didn’t surprise me, but at the same time, did. They all knew I was right, we had been pretending for the last year or so. Never really talking about anything, just dropping little hints and respecting an invisible line that we had all drawn somehow.

“Mike’s the odd man out,” Luke said as he considered the situation. “I mean, he wasn’t there. I barely know the dude.”

“Mike’s cool,” Jason said. “Don’t worry. He’s cool.”

“He seems kind of distant,” Luke said. “Kind of hard to read, you know?”

“He’s cool, but I get what you’re saying. The big guy needs a little time before he opens up,” I heard myself say in defense of Mike. “I mean, I have a fuckload of questions for him too, and I’m willing to bet that Jason can probably answer half of those.”

“Probably,” Jason said with a committed nod. His mood seemed on the upswing. I could tell he was intrigued by what lay ahead.

“This is brotherhood shit,” Bobby laughed as he rubbed his shoulder.

“So we’re all in?”

They nodded in agreement and without really saying much more we waited for Mike to return with our magic potion.

He entered the room holding three bottles instead of two. It looked impressively awkward the way he held them while also holding five glasses. In another life, he might have been a waiter.

Jason moved towards him and took the glasses from him. Bobby grabbed one bottle and we just seemed to hold our breaths for a second too long. Mike looked at us and I could hear the wheels in his head turning, grinding, and clicking into place. “What did I miss?”

“Mikey Mike, the man with a master plan,” Jason said with a grin. “So, slight change of plans here. These ladies here think we should all have a little sesh. To get to know one another better. You know, braid each other’s hair, pillow fights, practice kissing, gossiping about who we’re taking to the dance, all that shit.”

“I leave for five fucking minutes?”

“You know what,” Luke said as he grabbed a glass and poured himself a royal drink. “I think we just need to get a decent start. You know. Liquid courage, right?”

I watched him gulp the contents of the glass down. It looked everything but easy. He coughed awkwardly and showed us his tongue to prove he had finished the whole thing. His bravado didn’t last long as he shuddered and nearly seemed to hurl. He restrained himself, let out a deep burp, and made a hilarious face. There was delicious agony in that one moment.

“Ok, that was impressive,” Jason said in all earnestness. “Seriously, Bobby, your baby bro might be an absolute legend.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Luke said as he took a bow.

We followed his example. The alcohol burned its way through my throat and the amount was clearly too much. I nearly hurled, but then it settled. The effect wasn’t instantaneous, but I knew it was going to hit me like a brick shit-house. This was going to be an epic mistake.

“So, what are we doing?” Mike asked as he worked on his drink.

“Starting a secret society?” Jason shrugged jokingly.

“What?” Mike said with a sharpness.

“Don’t mind the asshole, he’s kind of proving that this is a horrible idea,” Bobby said with a hidden layer of honesty that I couldn’t help but notice. I shot a glance at Jason. Bobby continued: “I’ve known you since you were a shrimp-dicked little kid, and let’s be honest, you haven’t changed all that much. Always with the quips.”

I studied Jason’s face and caught something on it. A subtle sign that he knew he was surrounded by people who probably knew him better than he did. “This whole thing might actually be your worst fucking nightmare. You have to be an actual human being somehow for this to work. Not your usual lizard-brained-self. Can’t we just, be fucking people for once. Like, real bros.”

Jason grabbed at his heart, giving us his best impression of a mortally wounded man, shot right through the heart. The joke didn’t land, it fell horribly flat. I watched Jason as he read the room. He adjusted himself and his voice morphed into a more serious version of himself. A voice I had only heard a couple of times before. Bobby had struck a nerve, we had struck another.

“Shit, so this is it. We’re doing it?” Jason said.

“Yeah, I’m down. I have nothing to hide,” Luke said.

“Same,” I said. The moment felt a bit too heavy to leave it at that, so I added: “No secrets, open book.”

“Fucking hell, this is terrifying,” Bobby said with a nervous little laugh.

“Seriously, I’m still kind of lost here,” Mike said. “I mean, yeah sure.”

“Mikey Mike,” Jason said as he put a hand on Mike’s shoulder. I recognized the difficulty with which Jason moved between two versions of himself. He emphasized the words to make them weigh more heavily: “So, fuck, they’re going to make me say it. So, yeah, okay, are you in or out? We’re going to be like, honest and shit. Like, real honest. Yeah, shit, don’t make me say this sincere shit out loud.”

“I’m in,” Mike said with a smile and he placed his hand on Jason’s shoulder in return.

“No, I mean like, this is the shit that you seal with like more than a secret handshake,” Jason said and his voice seemed to weave in and out of being deadly serious and joking. “You know, actual brotherhood shit. Won’t leave the room. Like, if anyone talks, that’s it, you’re fucked. Not like, fucked out of the club, but like, fucked. You know. Fuck. Okay. Shit. I fucking hate saying this because it’s just not me.”

I studied Jason. He seemed thoroughly uncomfortable with everything.

“Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck, fuck everything. Okay, fine, fuck, whatever,” Jason said mostly to himself. There was something about his discomfort that made it hilarious. “So this is like, therapy-level shit. You know. Vulnerable.”

The way he almost stumbled over that last word made me feel bad for him, but it also made me aware of what I was getting myself into. A flash of doubt ran through my head. Was I willing to answer every question thrown at me? I wasn’t afraid of finding out other people’s secrets, fuck no, but I had to trust them with mine. I filled up my glass and poured the liquid courage down my throat.

“I’m in,” Mike said with a nod and a definitive tone. I watched his massive hand squeeze Jason’s shoulder slightly, but his face was friendly. I thought back to the previous night. I smiled to myself. “Here’s your first revelation, I’m always in. I’m not some fucking uptight little bitch. Challenge, always, accepted.”

I caught Luke smiling at that bit of news. Bobby seemed to consider the situation and then drank another glass.

“So are we really doing this?” someone said and I couldn’t tell who. My head was starting to swim.

“Guess we are,” I said. “So who’s first?”
Getting very interesting now---wtf is happening....
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