Anthony Ammirati

I guess it's very easy to throw the words homophobic, racists and body shaming when someone doesn't agree with someone else's opinion. You are from the US, Anthony is from France and I'm from Greece. These are three different countries, three different cultures and, yes, three different LGBT communities. Don't try to view other countries and societies through the American perspective.

To give you an example through my experience, many Greeks and French will call the non binary or agender or trigender absurd because both of these languages are gendered;everything is either male or female. As a result, it's very difficult to communicate with a genderless vocabulary.
It's not as grey as you make it seem. It's plain and simple really. Black and white. Right and and wrong. Hate is not an opinion. And I will call ppl homophobic if they are homophobic.
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Don't know what's in Ammirati's heart, but we have to stop just writing off completely everyone who doesn't just right away get with what are pretty recent things to hit the mainstream. You never know how they'll evolve if left alone. And what he reposted plenty of gays and lesbians older than just like the youngest ones even take pause with too.
... I believe that he isn't homophobic and he's having a different opinion about a part of the LGBT community...

"different opinion" huh. And since its only "part of the LGBT community" I guess the rest of us really shouldn't care? That's... certainly an opinion.
Don't know what's in Ammirati's heart, but we have to stop just writing off completely everyone who doesn't just right away get with what are pretty recent things to hit the mainstream. You never know how they'll evolve if left alone. And what he reposted plenty of gays and lesbians older than just like the youngest ones even take pause with too.
You're right. Ppl can change but I'm not trying to find out if they will. Based on my experiences, ppl are set in their ways. Not trying to change the minds of ppl who think I should not exist.
Shut up and look up the the rules regarding politics here:
LPSG Rules
„Any posts relating to the discussion, debate, or exchange of information and opinions on political issues and topics should be limited to the Politics Forum. “
Isn't telling him to shut up also violating the rules? Lol.