Anthony Ammirati

Moving past the fact that he is obviously gorgeous and well hung, I do feel badly for him. This has gone so viral and is legit in every newspaper with close up shots of his dick hitting the bar. He must be embarrassed / humiliated, etc. Not sure that was the fame he was going for here. But bless...
A big dick is the equivalent of big tits for a woman: it says nothing about the person, but it certainly attracts attention.
Moving past the fact that he is obviously gorgeous and well hung, I do feel badly for him. This has gone so viral and is legit in every newspaper with close up shots of his dick hitting the bar. He must be embarrassed / humiliated, etc. Not sure that was the fame he was going for here. But bless...
Maybe he’s into that. I know I am.
Moving past the fact that he is obviously gorgeous and well hung, I do feel badly for him. This has gone so viral and is legit in every newspaper with close up shots of his dick hitting the bar. He must be embarrassed / humiliated, etc. Not sure that was the fame he was going for here. But bless...
He'll be fine, he might be shocked but he just needs to avoid the net for a bit, maybe stick to close friends/family only. I'm sure he'd have people to remind him that this is the type of news story to pass very quickly etc.

Or girls he might like could be hitting him up, and he could be loving it all lol.