[QUOTE = "Aleconline1903, publicación: 49238761, miembro: 3736091"] [QUOTE = "no encontrado, publicación: 49229691, miembro: 6845731"] [QUOTE = "Aleconline1903, publicación: 49218651, miembro: 3736091"] Oye, lo siento Te digo esto, pero apuesto a que la mayoría de la gente aquí no sabe de qué diablos estás hablando.

Estoy aquí por el contenido y las transmisiones, no por un comentario situacional estúpido y aleatorio.


siento decirte esto. pero no sé cuál es más estúpido, mi comentario o tú. ya que estás aquí por el contenido y las publicaciones. ¿Por qué te detienes y mi comentario solo para escribir esta mierda? [/ CITA]

Hola de nuevo amigo, lamento oír que te sientes así y me gustaría aclarar esto.

En primer lugar, Anuhlog es un creador de contenido. Publica contenido para ser visto, razón por la cual casi todos están aquí y por eso se ha creado este hilo.

En segundo lugar, te respondí porque tus respuestas a la situación de Anuhlog son unilaterales y arrogantes en sí mismas.

Dejame explicar:
Anuhlog ha hablado sobre su dinero y problemas con el dinero en el pasado si veía sus transmisiones y el video de información de onlyfans.
Además, literalmente duerme en la corriente en un colchón de aire desinflado para las corrientes, así que muestre algo de respeto cuando insinúe que está poniendo excusas. No es grosero y no tiene que dar explicaciones, pero lo hace porque tiene la amabilidad de hacerlo. [/ CITA]

Hello friend, I'll answer you again: First of all, if I've seen his videos, that's why I thought he was a humble and kind guy. secondly me arrogant ???? That is why I am making those accusations because not only was he rude to me when answering me, they are also cowardly that in the end he ended up eliminating one of the answers he gave me, but I already published it third. Are you his lawyer or are you just his lameball for fun?
[QUOTE = "Aleconline1903, publicación: 49238761, miembro: 3736091"] [QUOTE = "no encontrado, publicación: 49229691, miembro: 6845731"] [QUOTE = "Aleconline1903, publicación: 49218651, miembro: 3736091"] Oye, lo siento Te digo esto, pero apuesto a que la mayoría de la gente aquí no sabe de qué diablos estás hablando.

Estoy aquí por el contenido y las transmisiones, no por un comentario situacional estúpido y aleatorio.


siento decirte esto. pero no sé cuál es más estúpido, mi comentario o tú. ya que estás aquí por el contenido y las publicaciones. ¿Por qué te detienes y mi comentario solo para escribir esta mierda? [/ CITA]

Hola de nuevo amigo, lamento oír que te sientes así y me gustaría aclarar esto.

En primer lugar, Anuhlog es un creador de contenido. Publica contenido para ser visto, razón por la cual casi todos están aquí y por eso se ha creado este hilo.

En segundo lugar, te respondí porque tus respuestas a la situación de Anuhlog son unilaterales y arrogantes en sí mismas.

Dejame explicar:
Anuhlog ha hablado sobre su dinero y problemas con el dinero en el pasado si veía sus transmisiones y el video de información de onlyfans.
Además, literalmente duerme en la corriente en un colchón de aire desinflado para las corrientes, así que muestre algo de respeto cuando insinúe que está poniendo excusas. No es grosero y no tiene que dar explicaciones, pero lo hace porque tiene la amabilidad de hacerlo. [/ CITA]

Hello friend, I'll answer you again: First of all, if I've seen his videos, that's why I thought he was a humble and kind guy. secondly me arrogant ???? That is why I am making those accusations because not only was he rude to me when answering me, they are also cowardly that in the end he ended up eliminating one of the answers he gave me, but I already published it third. Are you his lawyer or are you just his lameball for fun?
Yeah, I kinda got you're in it for the money from some of the posts i saw after i posted that. I just threw that out for if you were doing that for fun. Don't mind me.
No I'm an entrepreneur, money makes the world go around, being poor doesn't :p
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[QUOTE = "not found, post: 49229691, member: 6845731"] [QUOTE = "Aleconline1903, post: 49218651, member: 3736091"] Hey, sorry to tell you this, but I bet most of the people here don't know What the hell are you talking about.

I'm here for the content and broadcasts, not some stupid, random situational comment.


sorry to tell you this. but I don't know which is more stupid, my comment or you. since you are here for the content and posts. Why are you stopping and my comment just to write this shit? [/ QUOTE]

Hey again dude, I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way and I would like to clear this up.

Firstly, Anuhlog is a content creator. He post content to be viewed which is why mostly everyone is here and is why this thread has been made.

Secondly, I. Responded to you because you're responses to Anuhlog's situation is so one-sided and arrogant in itself.

Let me explain:
Anuhlog has talked abohis money and trouble with money in the past if you watched his streams and the onlyfans information video.
Also, he literally sleeps on stream on a deflated air mattress for the streams so show some respect when insinuating he's making excuses. It is not rude and he doesn't have to explain but he still does because he's kind enough to.
[QUOTE = "not found, post: 49229691, member: 6845731"] [QUOTE = "Aleconline1903, post: 49218651, member: 3736091"] Hey, sorry to tell you this, but I bet most of the people here don't know What the hell are you talking about.

I'm here for the content and broadcasts, not some stupid, random situational comment.


sorry to tell you this. but I don't know which is more stupid, my comment or you. since you are here for the content and posts. Why are you stopping and my comment just to write this shit? [/ QUOTE]

Hey again dude, I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way and I would like to clear this up.

Firstly, Anuhlog is a content creator. He post content to be viewed which is why mostly everyone is here and is why this thread has been made.

Secondly, I. Responded to you because you're responses to Anuhlog's situation is so one-sided and arrogant in itself.

Let me explain:
Anuhlog has talked abohis money and trouble with money in the past if you watched his streams and the onlyfans information video.
Also, he literally sleeps on stream on a deflated air mattress for the streams so show some respect when insinuating he's making excuses. It is not rude and he doesn't have to explain but he still does because he's kind enough to.
No more deflated air mattress!! I got an actual mattress it's only a single mattress but still alot better then basically sleeping on the ground