Any male youtubers naked?

this is apparently the whole play but scanning it I can't see where he's actually naked.
He edited out the part he got naked. Apparently he left the stage, then came back naked

Any of Peter Knetter?
I would die to see him with a black shirt bottomless and his erected penis
Got bored and had a look into it, seems like there was actually quite a bit more than happened.

from the 'Motion to Dismiss' in the lawsuit Eric brought against Harvard -

" During the second part, Clopper returned to the stage, totally naked and holding a life-size inflatable sex doll. Cplt. ¶ 22; Sealed Exs. B & C. For the next five to ten minutes, he cavorted with the doll, simulating sex acts, and then projected a self-made pornographic video on the screen behind the stage. See Sealed Exs. A at 0:7-0:10; B & C. While the music video for Britney Spears’ Toxic played on the screen behind the stage, Clopper “performed a nude dance” with the doll, which he called “Britney.” Sealed Ex. B. That dance involved Clopper having or simulating vaginal sex with the doll and exposing his genitals to the audience. Id. Then, on the screen, Clopper presented a stop-action video in which he repeatedly inserted his erect penis in the doll’s mouth, masturbated, and ejaculated on the doll’s face. Sealed Ex. A at 0:7-0:10. The Complaint characterizes this aspect of the performance as a “love story,” adding that it “provided much-needed comic relief.” Cplt. ¶ 20. Immediately after Clopper appeared naked on stage, engaged in simulated sex acts with the doll, and displayed his pornographic video, Maureen Lane, Harvard’s production assistant and venue representative, “rushed toward Clopper” and “scream[ed] at him for his nude dance.”

To bad those exhibits are sealed :p

reading this with no context other than what it says has given me such a good laugh, thanks for that lol I can just imagine the Harvardites being mortified while he cums on Blowup Britney lmao