Any male youtubers naked?

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I've watched him off and on for years. Hes recently married, maybe within the past 5 years. I know he probably didn't mean for this to get out, if it's indeed him, but why wear your own merch in a sex tape? This is just crazy.
Can someone share that video/photo?!
I was in one of them I think. Never checked to see if anything was posted :( . Someone send us it in the dms!
The only thing I have is screenshots of the old thirst traps he posted on Twitter then deleted. Someone has a video though I saw it!
Anything from the cutie on the ItsSuperEffective channel? he has an OF apparently~ I think he goes by DukeEffective there.. I looked but I'm too poor for OF lol
I used to watch him ages ago. Thought he quit youtube because he completely stopped uploading