So a new uncensored series hit Lezhin recently and it's hot AF to me and I'm not sure why. Perhaps because the bottom is an older widower and the top is a royal 25 yo psycho...
The Heart of the Lotus by
Magyusik and its rather rapey - so if that's not your thing, ignore this post.
***warning line ****
This is our infatuated bastard Chang-gyeon - he's the son of a concubine who slaughtered his way to the throne, but there's something off about him.
Yeah, something is seriously off about him. He's not the same boy he was when our Sam-myeong looked after him as a child.
Myeong left the court to become a doctor, in his time away he got married and had a kid until the wife died and the kid went missing??
He comes to the palace when summoned and its very clear from day 1 that Gyeon has got the serious HOTZ for Myeong - like, stage an accident that burns him so we can give him meds that put him to sleep so we can go in and molest him while he's unconscious - HOTZ. 0_0
When its clear to Myeong that he cannot leave, he tries to the make the best of it, but Gyeon is a fucktaculularly insane and that's why I love him.
If you're into historical-type shit like this and love the problematic themes, it's worth the price!
The Heart of the Lotus by
Magyusik at Lezhin US