Anyone has anything from guilherbs(Guilherme Santana) and his new OF?

Just so everyone knows, I subbed to his OF which has plenty of nudes and stuff but there’s no money shot videos apart from one that says he’ll send it if you dm but so far he’s never answered any messages I sent. On his IG he’s been in Portugal with a young guy who’s either his bf or a pretty open client and he hasn’t updated since 5th September. Not sure I’ll bother renewing if it stats that way. Shame cos he is absolutely beautiful.
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Just so everyone knows, I subbed to his OF which has plenty of nudes and stuff but there’s no money shot videos apart from one that says he’ll send it if you dm but so far he’s never answered any messages I sent. On his IG he’s been in Portugal with a young guy who’s either his bf or a pretty open client and he hasn’t updated since 5th September. Not sure I’ll bother renewing if it stats that way. Shame cos he is absolutely beautiful.
so no collabs ? no fuck scenes ?
Só para que todos saibam, eu me inscrevi no OF dele, que tem muitos nus e coisas assim, mas não há vídeos de fotos de dinheiro, exceto um que diz que ele enviará se você enviar DM, mas até agora ele nunca respondeu a nenhuma mensagem que enviei. No IG dele, ele está em Portugal com um rapaz que é seu namorado ou um cliente bem aberto e ele não atualiza desde 5 de setembro. Não tenho certeza se vou me incomodar em renovar se continuar assim. Uma pena, porque ele é absolutamente lindo.

Então posta aqui as fotos dele
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