Anything On The Sex God That Is Travis Kelce

Seems like he’s got the full package. Face, height, body, two rings, a likable personality, that’s chill. Surprised there are not more revealing pics out yet considering his confidence….bring back ESPN body issue!

Was he this hot in college too?
Eh he had his moments . He looks better now with money


I think it's because she was one of the only artist to come out with so many albums in a small amount of time , since 2020 she's come out with three new albums and re-song all her previous albums. So mix that all in with her personal life break up and going on a crazy ground breaking tour.She really has set the scale for artist. And also maybe add in the fact that she's allegedly into witchcraft and sold her soul to the devil a long time ago :D. It all comes together
It's a good thing that witchcraft (magic) or the devil aren't actually real.
Just seems like he gets to pick his journalist . All women and women of color that we know he loves :D . Just a little joke that I noticed that's all .
Right???? Its no secret that he loves chocolate. Him and Swift is all clickbait. If he was with like Cardi B I might believe it!