
Worshipped Member
Sep 23, 2019
United States
69% Straight, 31% Gay
(Continued from New Roommate(s) Part 0: Prologue)

Part 1: New Roommate(s)

With the first bit of light in the window my eyes flew open. A plan had formed in my subconscience overnight and I had to get going to arrange the details. Ignoring my rock solid morning wood I jumped in the shower for a quick wash and shave. It took a good ten minutes before my beligerant cock softened. Later I would have to take care of that need but for the moment the long-game was a foot. I only had the morning since this afternoon was our quarterly pre-meeting with the bosses. This meant I had to put on underwear and actual trousers, not just freeball in my athletic shorts like most days working from home. Once I was dressed and out the door I headed directly to the leasing office which opened at 8:00 am.

Harlan's (and Dave's) building across the street has an equal amount of one and two bedroom units on each of a dozen floors. My building was a bit newer and had a few of the one bedroom with the remainder two bedroom in a couple of configurations. Except for one. The top two floors had a unique two bedroom unit at one end, sort of a penthouse because it had two levels. The living area of the unit was on the 17th floor and the balance was on the 18th floor. In my two years here the unit had always been empty because of it having an awkard floor plan. Although more spacious the layout was not easy for most roommate situations. I was only familiar with the layout because the leasing company often used it as a party space and I had been there several times, so I knew it would be perfect for the scenario Harlan had proposed.

The revised lease in hand I was excited for the move. Our new home has living, kitchen, dining, a small private study and a powder room for guests on the 17th floor. The stairs at the side of the living area lead to the second level on the 18th floor. Here there are two large bedrooms with a massive (by urban apartment standards) shared bathroom in between. One bedroom opens directly to the landing and sliders open to a covered terrace, the only one in the building. The other bedroom opens to the stair landing which also accesses the terrace. The rooms are each about the same size as a hotel room and would easily fit two queen beds. However, the bath doesn't offer the expected privacy, because it isn't entered from the hallway, but accesible directly from either bedroom. Yet, I felt confident this apartment could be the answer, a bedroom Harlan and Dave could rotate in and out of, even with their own beds if they wished, and the study for my office space.


The last two weeks had flown by and tomorrow I move from apartment 703 to apartment 1718, the only one in the buidling numbered higher than 10 on each floor. Sharing the apartment are my new part-time roommates Harlan Green and Dave Grey. Harlan was a high school classmate of mine and Dave was Harlan's college roommate. Dave also happens to be the one I have lusted after for the last three months since he sublet from Harlan. After a great test of patience, the universe finally aligned the stars for the move to this apartement, and my plan to get closer to Dave was about to become reality.

I spend the last evening living on my own packing my home office into boxes for the move upstairs. I already had everything else packed, not that I have a lot anyway, except for the last minute items. Harlan was not able to make it to town to pack or move his own apartment so Dave stepped in and was working away across the street. I fell into bed exhausted about midnight ready for tomorrow's agreed 8 am start for the move. Dave and I would first bring everything from Harlan's place across the street then move my stuff up to 1718. It was exciting to have the extra space, the study for my home office on 17, the terrace and the view on 18. It was even more exciting to potentially have the views of Dave.

Harlan and Dave both work part time in the same midwestern city as me. Harlan lived here exclusivly until a recent family emergency took him back to our hometown on the east coast where he has been working 100% remotely for the last several months. With the pandemic officially over, his employer now wants him in the office at least one week each month going forward. Dave's situation is a little different, he had a three month consulting project here, subletting from Harlan, otherwise he lives out west where the enginerring firm corporate office is located.

The arrangement for Dave to share Harlan's place across the street while Harlan was gone worked as neither had been in town at the same time. Now Harlan needs to split his time between our home town and here, and coincidently Dave will only be in town a few days each month for the next phase of his project. As neither wants to pay half rent for quarter use of an apartment, Harlan let his lease expire and they are going to rotate using my second bedroom, paying one quarter each of my place. I will effectively only have a single roomie, mostly during the evenings, half out of the month. For me, I work almost exclusively from home, having the larger space to myself most of the time is a great benefit. This new arrangement suits all of our needs very well.

It was finally Friday and I had PTO from work for the move. Waking up about 7:15 I literally hit the floor running, straight to the shower to get myself ready. I had saved out a pair of those ball-pouch underwear hoping to keep my nuts cool in the summer heat. They are also a precaution because I'll get aroused seeing Dave's sweaty muscles flexing as we lift and carry the moving boxes. I'm also hoping to get the nipple show he unknowingly gives when wearing one of his usual cut-down graphic T's. The second precaution today is wearing dark loose shorts to better hide any precum spots. Soon I was dressed and headed across the street to find Dave and get started.

Using my key fob to open the main door, I crossed the lobby and found the designated elevator waiting, doors open, with padding hung in place for move day. Being the end of the month we would have competition for the elevators but hopefully this won't slow us too much especialy since we have two apartments to move. When I reached the 9th floor the self closing door to Harlan's apartment was being held open by a 20lb free weight. I stepped in and called for Dave. "Hey, Dave, it's me." in reply I heard "Come on in." from a sleepy voice. I took a few more steps into the apartment. I had been to Harlan's before and had actually lived in the same one bed plan when I first moved here. Being the smallest floor plan at 635 square feet, I moved to the two bedroom across the street when COVID forced remote work so I would have a dedicated office space. This is the apartment I'm leaving now for the larger one to share.

There is a spot though in the one bed plan, at the place the kitchen and living area meet, where you can see almost every corner of that unit. As I took up a position there I scanned to find Dave. In my wildest of thoughts for the day I had not expected the image that came into view. The bathroom door was fully open and Dave was now brushing his teeth at the sink, his bare ass facing me. It was perfection! I looked around nervously trying not to stare. Even after a couple of possible signals from him over these last few weeks I still wasn't sure if he was into me or even men in general. He had some cheek leaving the door to the corridor propped open, inviting the opportunity to show off. Another signal that shouldn't be ignored. Taking in the image of his perfect ass my mouth was suddenly dry, but I somehow managed to speak and play off his nudity "Dave what can I do to get started?". His response to my question was quick as he bent slightly to spit toothpaste into the sink, he said "maybe grab some of those boxes in the bedroom and stack them on either cart by the front door." My cock twitched and I knew this was a good omen, today would be a fantatic start to this new roommate arrangement.

Only half heartedly looking away I continued the scan of Dave's backside. The trapezius muscles in his shoulders rippled as he finished with the toothbush. Leaning on his left leg his right foot crossed behind, propped up on his toes, making his ass tilt. It was a runners butt, rounded and with lite golden hairs in the crack, but none on the cheeks. My cock continued to swell as I walked into the bedroom and approached a couple of moving boxes stamped Medium Box "These the ones?" I called over my shoulder. Silently Dave had walked into the room behind me. It almost made me jump when he replied so closely to where I stood. "Yep, those two are first." It took all my will power not to spin around and grab a full on head to toe look. Picking up both boxes I then casually turned to find Dave facing me, but bent slightly pulling up his underwear followed by a pair of shorts. "On the cart." I retoricially stated. "On the cart." Dave affirmed. In a moment Dave was himself carrying box toward the cart. He had put on a shirt too, but not a cut up one I had hoped he would. Yet, I was suddenly okay with this because I now had the image of his entire body, front and back, to add to my memory.

"Hey Liam, what time are the furniture movers getting here?" Dave asked. "A couple of hours, 10 am, starting here then my old place around 1 pm." I reiterated the times for him. On scheduled move days the leasing office arranged for a moving company to assist at a flat fee when between units. It was probably an insurance thing in case anyone gets injured or damages a wall. This was great because the two of us wouldn't have been able get it all done in one day otherwise. For the next two hours we worked moving the boxes, TV, and clothes across the street using the two large wheeld carts the building also provided. Watching Dave from behind as he pushed the cart I kept thinking about this morning and his glorius ass framed by the bathroom doorway. I continued to sneak looks at Dave as we unloaded and worked throughout th emorning, but managed to keep from having more than a semi. A few times I took the opportunity to arrange my junk and wipe up any pre that was leaking. More than once I caught a glimpse as Dave put his hand in his shorts and adjusted himself too.

All the boxes from Harlan's place were moved by about 12:30. Harlan didn't have much more furniture than I did and the movers only took 90 minutes to move the couch, chair, bed and the small side tables to 1718. Food was delivered at 1pm to my old place, and then we started moving boxes from there to upstairs as soon as we ate. The furniture was all in the new apartment and placed in their respective spots by 4pm, both upstairs and down. Dave leaned against the boxes strewn around the living area, motioning to all of them he said "I'm sure the hell glad neither you or Harlan care about decor, all of this was a big enough job." I play slapped his shoulder and winked. "Yeah, that is why we have you roomie, to make the place look nice." I think he got the double message, at least subconsciencely, because he blushed. Another signal that he may have interest.

How about a beer?" I suggested heading for OUR fridge, already stocked with beverages tranferred from my old apartment. I had only seen Dave order a smoothie from the shop near the apartment, and this was one of the many things I wanted to know about him, that is whether or not he drank alcohol, due to his incredible physial conditioning. In reality, these past 9 hours moving is the most consecutive time I had spent with him since we met three months ago. "Yeah, sure, it is the weekend after all." I grabbed two bottles from the fridge, twisted the caps and handed one to him. "So Dave, tell me about Harlan as a roommate, is he casual? messy?" Taking a queue from this morning I wanted to set some expectations about attire, or lack of, when hanging out at home.

Although I never roomed with Harlan I was around him enough back in our home town to know he liked to hang out at home wearing very little. Dave thought for a minute and took a long drink from the beer before answering. "I guess we were both sort of neat, the beds in the dorm were lofted so we both just threw stuff under them, the floor was usually clear. We mostly hung out in just shorts or underwear, but nudity wan't an issue either." He paused for a second, "This being your place for the most part are there any roommate rules I need to know about?" Just like the door to the corridor this morning Dave had just propped open the door to this conversation and invited me in. "Well, shoes off at the door, replenish anything you use the last of, otherwise just be yourself and be comfortable." and then the leading statement "Except maybe one other, just text me if you bring a guest home so I'll be sure to have clothes on." The twinkle in his eye said it all, little to no clothing was okay with Dave and I hoped he wouldn't be any regular visitors.

Without much hesitation upon hearing my last statement, Dave set down his beer, walked back to the front door and removed his shoes. Then to my delight, he moved to the stairs, striped off his shirt, shorts and socks draping them over the banister, returning to the kitchen in just his underwear. "You said be comfortable." Dave said with a shit eating grin. The smirk on my face must have revealed my intensions. He was again holding the beer but lifted his index finger and moved it up and down in my direction. "Are you comfortable Liam?"
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Part 1 continued: Prelude to the First Time

Oh Fuck! My mind began to whirl, and my pupils must have dialated because it was suddenly very brite in the room. My knees almost buckled and sweat broke out on my upper lip. Not able to speak I just shook my head back and forth and mouthed "no". All the plans were coming to reality and I was overwhelmed.

Dave saw my state and moved toward me taking the half empty beer from my hand placing it on the counter. Putting his arm around my waist Dave started leading me to the sofa. As we walked he began to speak quietly in my ear. "I have some things to share with you." My head swiveled to meet his gaze and look into his eyes. They were a clear ice blue. As we sat down together, his arm now around my shoulder, he continued. "Liam, I found myself immediately attracted to you that first day we met when you set me up in Harlan's apartment." My heart was racing, was there a 'but' on the way? "Since then I've noticed you watch me, especially at the shop after I finish my run. Two weeks ago that rainy day I almost told you how I bad I want you, but needed a bit more time to commit to my feelings." Okay, not a 'but' maybe an 'if' instead? "Before we can start anything more than frienship, I have to be honest here. First, I've always known I am bisexual, but never have been with another guy. Second, I'm not into casual sex, I want to be with just one person at a time." Holy fuckin' shit, this guy is really into me and wants to be exclusive!

Somehow finding my voice I replied in a whisper. "Dave you've opened up so quickly today that I'm in a bit of shock at the moment. Harlan never has shared any personal details about you so I didn't know enough to guess, just admired you from a distance. Like you I'm bisexual. I've never done more than make out with another guy and only had a few dates with women since living here. The day we met though I wanted all that to change, with you." Dave gave me the kindest smile then leaned in for the softest kiss of my life. "Well Liam, the vibe between us is undeniable, and I think that only being here one week a month will give us time to get to know each other, but also give us a break to assess as things move along." I chuckled quietly thinking how analytical of him and out loud said "you are an engineer after all." "100 percent."

The short conversation on the couch let my head clear and I was ready for more of his kisses. Grabbing his head with the palm of my hand I pulled him back in close for another and another. Dave tugged at my shirt and helped me take it off. He then leaned back to take in the view of my chest and gave an approving nod at my chest hair and visible abdomen muscles. I could see the tent of his underwear and several wet spots of various sizes both dried and damp. It was obvious he had been thinking about this all day too. My shorts were next to be removed and now we were both only in our underwear, our matching underwear. I have watched enough gay porn to have the mechanics of what to do now. But from other sexual experiences, I knew rushing was a sure way to ruin the moment. There was time and tomorow was Saturday. We had the whole weekend ahead.
Part 1 continued: Prelude to the First Time

Oh Fuck! My mind began to whirl, and my pupils must have dialated because it was suddenly very brite in the room. My knees almost buckled and sweat broke out on my upper lip. Not able to speak I just shook my head back and forth and mouthed "no". All the plans were coming to reality and I was overwhelmed.

Dave saw my state and moved toward me taking the half empty beer from my hand placing it on the counter. Putting his arm around my waist Dave started leading me to the sofa. As we walked he began to speak quietly in my ear. "I have some things to share with you." My head swiveled to meet his gaze and look into his eyes. They were a clear ice blue. As we sat down together, his arm now around my shoulder, he continued. "Liam, I found myself immediately attracted to you that first day we met when you set me up in Harlan's apartment." My heart was racing, was there a 'but' on the way? "Since then I've noticed you watch me, especially at the shop after I finish my run. Two weeks ago that rainy day I almost told you how I bad I want you, but needed a bit more time to commit to my feelings." Okay, not a 'but' maybe an 'if' instead? "Before we can start anything more than frienship, I have to be honest here. First, I've always known I am bisexual, but never have been with another guy. Second, I'm not into casual sex, I want to be with just one person at a time." Holy fuckin' shit, this guy is really into me and wants to be exclusive!

Somehow finding my voice I replied in a whisper. "Dave you've opened up so quickly today that I'm in a bit of shock at the moment. Harlan never has shared any personal details about you so I didn't know enough to guess, just admired you from a distance. Like you I'm bisexual. I've never done more than make out with another guy and only had a few dates with women since living here. The day we met though I wanted all that to change, with you." Dave gave me the kindest smile then leaned in for the softest kiss of my life. "Well Liam, the vibe between us is undeniable, and I think that only being here one week a month will give us time to get to know each other, but also give us a break to assess as things move along." I chuckled quietly thinking how analytical of him and out loud said "you are an engineer after all." "100 percent."

The short conversation on the couch let my head clear and I was ready for more of his kisses. Grabbing his head with the palm of my hand I pulled him back in close for another and another. Dave tugged at my shirt and helped me take it off. He then leaned back to take in the view of my chest and gave an approving nod at my chest hair and visible abdomen muscles. I could see the tent of his underwear and several wet spots of various sizes both dried and damp. It was obvious he had been thinking about this all day too. My shorts were next to be removed and now we were both only in our underwear, our matching underwear. I have watched enough gay porn to have the mechanics of what to do now. But from other sexual experiences, I knew rushing was a sure way to ruin the moment. There was time and tomorow was Saturday. We had the whole weekend ahead.
This is going to be a great story! Please continue.
Part 2: Our First Time

Our day had been spent moving boxes, but more so admiring each others bodies and finally letting desire take its course. We stood from the couch and grabbed the others hand. In unison we said "shower."

Being our first night in the apartment neither of us had used the shared upstairs bathroom yet. It was massive by urban apartment standards and the two upstairs bedrooms had direct access rather than a door in the hallway. Some of the other features in the bath included a private toilet area. Two vanity areas with sink and ample storage. But the best part was the two person shower with rain heads, body sprays and hand held sprays. As we climbed the stairs I remembered that towels were in a box by the kitchen island. Separating myself from Dave I went back down and grabbed a couple, placing them under my arm. I also picked up our clothes and then returned to the spot where Dave had remained watching my activity.

Not sure what to make of this Dave shrugged and put his hand on my ass when I reached the step above his. As we made the last step before the landing I brought his shirt up to my nose and drank in the fragrent scent of his sweat. Catching my idea Dave took my shirt from the pile and did the same, rubbing his face with it too. I stopped at the laundry closet and put the socks and shorts down, took the shirt from Dave, laid it on top of the pile with my own. Tossing the towels toward the open bedroom doorway was the last thing I had to do to free my hands.

Placing my fingers into the waist band of Dave's underwear I paused to let him catch up to me. Instantly he recived the message and placed his hands on top of mine to help slide the underwear from his body. Seductively I pushed the material from his hips to just below his adonis belt. His raging cock trapped in the pocket created by the movement. I slowly pulled the elastic forward until his shaft was visible. Dave was vibrating with anticipation and released my hands to let them finish the job. Pulling the material out still further his cock was suddenly freed and slapped against his body, releasing a lbig pearl of pre which spilled over and began to run down his shaft. I lowered myself on one knee to finish pulling the ball-pouch trunks to the floor. Meeting his cock now at eye level I drank in the sights and smells of my new lover.

Time slowed with a few whifs of Dave's musk. My eyes followed the line of pre which had now made it to the top of his balls and was disappearing into the soft downy blond fuz.covering his scrotum. My mouth instintively watered and opened as my tongue took my first taste of Dave. Starting at the hairline, I licked up the line of pre to its source. Curling my lips I eagerly popped his cherry head into mouth and gave it a few tentative sucks. "Oooooooh" Dave softly cooed. "I don't want you to stop... but stop before I cum. I want linger with you a while." Dave obviously having huge willpower gripped my upper arms and helped me stand. Dave then erotically comanded, "Now strip so I can see ALL of you." He wasn't overtly foreceful in tone, just confident in what he wanted.

Turning away from Dave I resumed to seductively lower the underwear and kick them away. My raging cock was at full mast and a pearl of pre cum ran down the side of my head. "One" Dave counted, "Two" I counted, "Three" we said in unison. I turned back to revel in the amazing sight I had imaggined these months, this time unashamedly staring. There was Dave in all his glory, as manificent as I had hoped. I scanned his feet, up to his hewn thighs and then his crotch. My eyes beheld again the most shapely set of balls. Just above those beauties began a thick shaft anchored in the most beautiful dark blond bush. The soft curls framing his package and highlighting the slight curve as his cock extended a good seven inches to the tip. Like his nipples the flesh was a pleasant sun kissed cinnamon-sugar brown, in fact there wasn't a tan line to be found.

Dave extended his hand to caress my red, swollen, dripping cock. His touch, the first from a male lover, made me gasp and he quickly withdrew. "I'm sorry." Dave stammered. So I leaned in to kiss his lips and draw our bodies close. "Don't say sorry," I whispered in his ear, "it was just the anticipation overpowering the moment. Let's get out of this hallway and into the shower." As I turned to walk into the bedroom I let my hand fall and grip Dave by his cock, puling him along.

We kicked the towels ahead of us reaching the bathroom door where we paused to make out. We grasped each other in a mutual bear hug, finding the others ready lips and probing each others mouth with feverish intensity. As we kissed our dicks rubbed together between our bodies. The sensation of his stiff rod against my corona was intense and thrilling. We both were leaking pre cum and the longer this action lasted the slicker we became. Frantically we began to press or cocks together, grinding our hips and moaning into each others mouth. The sound of our phones chiming downstairs broke the trance for only a second, but long enough to bring us out of that embrace only seconds before one or both of us would have cum.

Not caring about the text message we finally moved to the shower turning on one of the rain shower heads. It only took a minute for the warm water to arrive. We were kissig again as I stepped under the water first. "Wait" Dave said and wheeled around, "soap" he called over his shoulder as he ran from the room, dick slapping his belly as he ran. I heard him on the stairs bare feet smacking every other tread as raced down and back up with a gym bag. Unzipping the bag he produces two bottles, body wash and shampoo. He stood and then leaned back, pushing them out like trophys to be appreciated. I teasingly scolded him, "Dave you are a goof, get your hot ass in this shower!" Neither of us had lost our erection or desire to envelop the other in warm touches.

Dave started vocalizing his fantasy about us. "Liam, please wash my hair." I was compliant, dispensing shampoo into the palm of my left hand then I pushed him under the gentle stream of water. We are about the same height so I was able to reach his scalp, drizzling the shampoo onto his head and massaging it in with my finger tips. I spun him slowly so I could was the back of his head, then pulled him close, my aching cock finding a waiting place at the crack of his ass. I pushed my hands foward to grab his pecs and touch his perfect nipples with my index fingers. "Oh Fuck, oooh, Liam, ummm," sucking in his breath Dave stuttered, "not yet!"

I knew what he meant, he didn't want to cum, not for a while longer. Apparently Dave and I both are practiced at edging, but that isn't something I learn about him for a while longer. For now it was Dave's turn to wash my hair. As Dave began to lather my scalp he again became vocal. "That day we talked in the shop two weeks ago, you had the biggest wet spot on your shorts. I was certain it was because you liked my body, you really weren't subtle about staring you know. Not that I minded being desired by you. But like I said earlier, I needed the time to decide something." He paused. "Now is our chance, let's live to the fullest." Another pause, "Liam, I want you to fuck me, right now, in this shower."

"Holy shit" I blurt out. "Seriously, tonight, now" My excitement rose and Dave grinned at the glee in my voice. "Dave, I haven't before, you know, had anal sex." I said, apologetically. Dave responded, "Me either, but I've been playing with my hole, I want it bad." He kissed me long and hard then stepped out of the shower to get other things from the gym bag. First a small bottle of lube, second a dildo. The surprise on my face made him laugh. But undaunted he returned to the shower stepping to the end with the bench. Lubbing up the fake cock Dave squatted over it and slowley inserted the thing into his hungry hole. I was amazed, excited, and shaking from anticipation.

Having seen the display, I was ready to try my real cock in place of the dildo. "Liam, get the lube and slather up your cock. I want you now!" My lover seemed demanding, but it was just the anticipation of the first time. Removing the dildo, with a pop, I saw Dave's pink bud for the first time, quivering and expectant. I knelt over Dave and poured out a generous amount of lube, letting any overflow drip into his ass crack and waiting hole. "Liam..." Dave questions. "Yes" I reply. Dave continues, "I'm so happy we are sharing losing our ass virginity together." With that I approach his hole and rest the tip of my cock against the warmth of his body. The sound of the running shower fades into the background as Dave pushes himself against me, opening up enough to start letting me push in.

I hold for a moment to enjoy the new sensations. Dave wimpers slightley then pushes more against me so I go futher in, hearing a slight pop. From reading and watching gay porn I know that we have made the first progress to fucking. I place my hands on Dave's hips and pull toward me while pushing my hips toward him. The feeling of Dave's body grabbing onto my dick is amazing. "I'm ready now." Dave announces. "Fuck Me Liam, Fuck Me Good" I'm enthralled, embolden, and enraptured. The man of my desires is here, I'm inside him, and I slowly start to fuck Dave.

Forward and back, with each stoke a bit deeper, it takes a dozen times, but I'm finally balls deep. I continue to thrust, slowly. Dave is responding, jagged breathes tell me it must hurt in a good way. I pick up the pace enough that my balls make a few slapping noises. "Dave, buddy, are you doing okay?" "Oh, yeah, oh yeah, ummm" is the response. It has been less than five minutes, but my aching nuts are just about to blow. "Dave?" "Yeah, Liam?" "Okay if I nut inside you?" "FUCK YEAH, NOW LIAM, NOW" As if by his command my cock explodes inside Dave, for the first time. Volley after volley, I cum harder than ever before, my jizz seems endless and starts to ooze out of Dave's ass past my shaft.

I'm spent by the best orgasm of my life, yet somehow we manage to manuver on the shower bench from doggy style to Dave in my lap without my cock leaving his hole. Now that Dave is resting against my chest I have my arms free to caress his body. I glide my hand over his abs down until I have his throbbing cock in my hand. With my other hand I graze his nipple which elicits a gasp. "Are you ready to cum now? I ask Dave. A nod is the afirmative response. I start alternating sroking him and rubbing his nipples. About the third exchange Dave holds his breath, arches his back and cums a flood of semen. Jets of white shoot up over his chest landing on my cheek, and his own face then shoulder. Another set of cum volleys hit his pecs before slowly disapating. During his orgasm his spincter grips my cock making an unexpected thrilling end to our first fuck. We pant for a long time just staring into each others eyes. This roommate thing may just work out!
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Part 2: Our First Time - Continued

My eyes fluttered open as dawn approached, consciousness arrived slowly like I was waking from a pleasant dream. Laying on my back, reality came into focus as my vision adjusted to the light through the bare panes of the terrace sliding doors. I became aware of the bed sheet draped across my body, its white fabric undulating over the bed, dipping near my hip then rising to a peak where my morning wood pressed upward, before descending to outline the length of my new lover. Dave was on his side snuggled up against me, head on my chest as his pillow, and his arm draped across my stomach. His soft cock rested against my thigh. Dave's rhythmic breathing let me know he was still fast asleep. So blissful, I didn't want to move and disturb the moment. Instead I let my mind wonder back to our first⁰ night in apartment 1718. Everything about our sex played in my mind causing my cock to throb and lift higher against the sheet. Closing my eyes, I reveled in the new memories of our merging bodies and shared desires. The images repeating in my mind because I had to keep them fresh for the three weeks we would be apart. I cataloged them: my first time to fuck a man, Dave's nipples reacting to my touch, the veins of his cock. The smile on my face spread into a grin as I recalled our post fuck shower.


After a few minutes our breathing recovered from nutting, but were still in the afterglow of our orgasms. Thankfully the water stayed hot and we took turns bathing each other. Dave washed me first, starting with my torso slowly working the suds into my chest hair before thoroughly tending to my cock. As he lathered and stroked my body Dave shared how my cock felt in his ass, his first real cock, "That first moment when your head invaded my ass was so amazing, the warmth was so much better than the dildo. It hurt for a second but my hole was ready for action. You were gentle as you worked further inside me and I felt every inch of your perfect cock sliding in. It drove me wild when your strokes found my prostate, I know you heard me gasp. I swear I could feel your head swell even more just before the cum started shooting out of you, and I did feel every spasm as you shot your load. It was an amazing first time. Thank you."

The words he used to describe me fucking him and the lite touches from his finger tips were sending me close to the edge, and my skin reacted with almost head to toe goose bumps. "Hey Liam, turn around so I can wash your back." Dave's voice was silky and mesmerizing and I instantly complied, a command, but not demanding. "Liam, I think your ass is so fine, in fact I love every inch of your hairy body, just the right amount in all the right places." He lifted my arms and washed my pits. "I can't wait to get back here in a few weeks and explore you from head to toe even more." Of course I wanted nothing less!

Now rubbing his fingers in my crack his index finger found my hole and lightly pressed against it sending waves of pleasure to the end of my cock coaxing a pearl of pre cum to appear. Dave lingered there for a few seconds before lathering my back and washing down to my thighs, then calves. Once or twice he brought a palm up to cup my balls then gave a little squeeze. I soon felt him move in close behind me and his hard cock parted my glutes filling the void. He didn't move his hips yet moaned at the skin to skin contact and having his shaft enveloped between the muscles. Dave held me close for a few more seconds more moving backward, I knew It was my queue to wash him. I began with his chest, now face to nipples with the objects of my desire, and my hard cock jumped as I lathered them. Although I had just jerked his cock and made him cum I wanted to explore all the veins and ridges, to memorize them for the three weeks each month between his visits. I didn't get to spend as much time washing Dave because the water started to turn cold. We hurried to rinse off my cum from his ass and legs then grabbed the towels to dry off.

Holding hands we entered my bedroom, the king size bed had arrived from downstairs with the fitted sheet still covering the mattress. The top sheet, pillows and blanked were in the floor at the foot of the bed where I dropped them earlier in the afternoon. We were both hard again by this point which at this moment seemed like an opportunity for sex, but we both yawned as we arranged the bed making small talk. The conversation was nothing about the sex we just experienced, our minds now focusing on negotiating the needs of the other. "It is not quite 11, but do you mind if I go to sleep?" Dave seemed apologetic as he continued. "Today was exhausting and I have a 9 a.m. meeting at the project site to walk through with the architect before I leave Sunday." Oh, yeah, my heart sank realizing he was about to start this new routine. "I'll just go find my stuff and make up the bed in the other room, and I'll..." I didn't let him finish, I just threw him a pillow and patted the mattress indicating where I expected him to sleep. "Oh Fuck Yeah" Dave said. "I just didn't want to presume we would sleep together." And there it was, that shit eating grin again, telling me he got exactly what he wanted. 'By the way," he continued' 'you took my underwear earlier, okay if I sleep nude." Another answer checked off my Dave list. Once the light was off we slid to the middle of the bed under the sheet and blanket. Facing each other in the dark, we kissed softly while grinding our dicks together. But spent from the day and the first time sex, the motion quickly slowed and we drifted off to sleep holding each other.


The strong urge for a morning piss overcame my thoughts of last night and I slipped out of Dave's arms as quietly as possible. Stopping at the sink I used some cold water and splashed my face. I ran my wet hands down my chest to cool my skin. College biology taught me that cooling the skin changed blood flow from the extremities to the internal organs, in this case helping to ease my morning wood so I could take that piss. Turning toward the toilet room I heard Dave rustling in the bedroom. My mind wondered if perhaps he would join me. As I started to relieve my bladder I heard foot steps on the tile floor. "Room for two?" Dave called as he approached the open door way. "Yes, please." Was my response. Dave stepped in beside me and grabbed his heavy cock with one hand and slapped my ass with the other. "Morning sunshine." was his comment as his piss started to flow next to mine.

The site of Dave next to me caused my now relieved cock to instantly swell to full hard on and slap against my belly. He finished up, but taking in the show commented "I guess someone is primed and ready for more!" It was now Dave's turn to lead me by the stiff cock. I was a willing lead, but Dave did tap my hip like a stallion. When we reached the bed he said "whoa stud" and pushed me onto the mattress. As he made his way onto all fours above me I couldn't help but comment on how verbal Dave is about sex. "Dave, for seemingly an introvert you sure talk a lot when it comes to what you want sexually. I'm surprised, but really enjoy knowing how to please you." Dave retorted with a faux Scots accent, "Well laddie I would'na want to have you still guessin bout my intentions t'ward ya." "Now let's be rubbin our todgers together and get our satisfaction." Dave grinned that goofy grin from last night with the shampoo bottle. I laughed out loud enjoying his playfulness, not just sexy but funny too! "Liam, I like that I can be myself with you." He leaned down and passionately kissed my lips.

That warmth and candor of his words was all it took for me to need more, I grabbed onto Dave and started furiously making out. His cock was now rock hard and we were both leaking pre cum. As the intensity of our physical contact increased we wildly thrusted, grinding our hips together. The pent up energy from last night had awoken after being refreshed from sleep. I found a moment and pushed Dave off me slightly so I could spread our liberal pre cum making our cocks slip and slide with ease. I also had a glimpse of them together. Dave's dick was slightly longer than mine, but I had a thicker shaft. The head of my cock was hitting him right along the underside of his corona. He lowered back onto me again, now Dave was directly on top, and the more we moved the more senative our heads became. Our lips were locked together, our heat building, the veins on Dave's shaft flared out and I could feel them expand. "Liam, I'm going to..." and before Dave could finish he grunted seven times, one for each squirt. He had returned to my lips before his orgasm climaxed, thrust his tounge in my mouth, and I felt his lips grow cold as it subsided.

Our bodies were now glued by Dave's cum, but I hadn't nutted yet. I took an opportunity to push Dave into a seated position on my thighs. His stoftening cock was so beatutiful as it laid on top of mine. Without a word between us, Dave gathered some of the cum from his abs and used it to lube his hand. Taking our cocks in his palm he wrapped his fingers around my shaft and slowly began to jack us off. After a couple of minutes he let his own cock slip out and concentrated on me. His touch was magnificent, firm yet gentle and using his index finger wisely agains my glans. It didn't take long for my orgasm to build and I arched my back slightly and clawed at the sheet. In another instant my aching cock began to spasm, a volley of white jizz shooting into the space between Dave and me, almost at his eye level. Two, three, four more times the line of white sprayed before landing on my body, and Dave's chest, several lesser squirts covering his hand. Dave was obviously enthralled by his first time holding another cock as his lover shot a load. "Oh fuck, Liam, your cock was amazing, feeling the power of your orgasm in my hand was incredible." Dave then leaned down and started to kiss and lick my abs, sucking the cum from the hair down the midline of my torso. Slurping and smacking as he cleaned me of both his seed and mine. Not to be left out, I used my hand to wipe a line of cum from just below his left nipple. I think it was mine, but I didn't care, I just wanted to share in the tasting of the product of our satisfaction.
Part 2: Our First Time - Continued

Dave playfully tapped my calf to get me to straighten my leg so he could dismount from my lap. He collapsed onto me then rolled to his back lying next to me. I could tell Dave was giddy about our physical compatibility by the way he was sputtering laughter that matched his different emotions, plus the relief of sexual tension. "Wow, holy fuck, we are so hot together. This was fucking awesome and I can't wait for more!" My heart fluttered at his words, I felt the same, but didn't speak, simply grabbed his hand and rolled over to give him a passionate kiss. We just lay there for a few minutes, quietly, warmly, excitedly. We were relaxed in our nakedness and the knowing we can look forward to more experiences. Dave broke the silence.

"Liam, we can't tell Harlan, at least for a while. He will lose his shit."

"Yeah, Dave, I know. I don't want to keep a secret from him, but timing is everything for a surprise like this. He should hear it directly from us. Sooner than later though."

We silently left the "when" decision for later. Our small talk about reality signaled that the time for sex was over for the moment. Dave rolled over me, gave me a peck on the lips, sat up and moved to the edge of the bed toward the bathroom. "I have no idea what time it is, but I have that meeting at 9am. Better hit the shower... alone." Dave winked and gave me his silly grin. About the time he reached the doorway a phone went off downstairs. "I'll find our phones and figure out which one is going off while you head to the shower." Crawling from the comfort of the bed I felt lighter than air. Heading down the stairs, I trod barefoot, bare-assed, and barely touching the floor to where our phones had remained all night.

My phone was on the kitchen counter by the fridge from when I retrieved our beers. Dave's phone was at the end of the kitchen island where he finally addressed the elephant in the room and opened the door to our new relationship. The battery on my phone was flat so I crossed the room to the study for the charger and returned upstairs. When I made it to the bathroom Dave had just stepped into the shower. "Dave, your phone is here by the coffee maker. That last notification was definitely your phone because mine's dead and it will take a minute to get it connected and enough juice to turn back on. Do you care which sink I take for my stuff?" I could here the water splashing as Dave rinsed his hair. "No preference." was his reply. "My charger is in that gym back if wouldn't mind to connect mine too, that would be awesome. What time does my phone say?" Checking his lock screen I called out the time to Dave. "7:23" "What time do you need to leave?" Dave replied back. "about 8:00, half any our still, so I'm good."

I pushed the box with my stuff to the sink nearest my room and plugged in my phone. While my phone started up, I moved Dave's gym bag to the other sink and connected his phone as well. Yesterday I noticed that Harlan and I had the same pod style coffee maker, so I brought his up here, along with his collection of about 30 random mugs and a selection of coffee pods. "He Dave, you want me to start a cup of coffee for you?" Dave didn't hesitate with a reply but surprised us both with his language. "No, thanks Babe." I blushed, not sure how that set with me, "BABE? did he just give me a pet name?" Dave reacted aprehesviely as he turned off the water. "Oh, sorry, that just kinda came out before I thought." My retort was amiable, "Okay, no problem, but let's save pet names for after we tell Harlan." Dave nodded as he dried himself and walked to pickup his phone.

"Two missed calls and seven texts." Dave announced the count of missed items and then the details of each one. "The calls are both robos, one text from my Mom, one reminder from the airline to check-in, and five from Harlan." I had just filled the water reservoir on the coffee maker and pressed start. We were both naked and conversing in a totally comfortable way, as I realized I had never felt this physically free with anyone before, my eyes began to tear up a bit. Clearing my throat, I wasn't prepared for these feelings. I pushed back the tears and picked up my own phone and reported my count to Dave, "same, some junk calls and other texts and five texts from Harlan. It looks like they are in a group with all three of us." Dave took up his spot in front of the sink, just like I found him yesterday, left foot flat and right foot propped up behind it, tilting his ass just so. Thankfully the other emotions overrode my libido or I would have gotten hard from the visiual. "Why don't I read them aloud so you can continue getting ready." Dave had already put the toothbrush in his mouth and just nodded approval.

Harlan Green: 5:54 PM ":heart: you guys handling the move"

Harlan Green: 6:22 PM "Any probs with closing out my old place"

Harlan Green: 8:18 PM "Hello???"

Harlan Green: 9:27 PM "WTF no response u azhols RU pissed"

Harlan Green: 10:39 PM "Stop being FK buddies & HMB"

Dave and I just burst out laughting at the last text. If Harlan only knew his figure of speach was so spot on! Our eyes met with the knowing look only too appropriate for the moment. Dave had spit out the tootpaste and could talk again so simply stated, "Yep, sooner than later." Dave picked up his phone, disconnected the cord, unlocked the screen swiped a few times and typed a few characters, then placed it on the counter. "Jump on my back like leap frog." I hesitated. "Go on, trust me." Dave bent over some and I did as instructed. I heard the shutter click sound from his phone. Dave shooed my off and hurriedly grabed the phone and I heard the woosh of a message being sent. "Dave, what the hell did you just do?" Just then my phone chimed and I opened the message.

Dave Grey: 7:39 AM "Kiss our asses Harlan"

"Did you just out us to Harlan?" I retored with questioning anger, but I quickly realized what Dave knew about or mutual friend, he is no good at reading between the lines. Just that photo would not clue him into his buddies being a couple. Dave was already doubled over with laughter and after a couple more seconds so was I.

Harlan Green: 7:41 AM "FU both"

It was my turn now.

Liam Stewart: 7:43 AM "LMAO"

Liam Stewart: 7:44 AM "Seriously all good here - my phone needed a charge and Dave's had been on silent until a bit ago

Liam Stewart: 7:44 AM "call u after lunch"

Harlan Green: 7:47 AM "U guys suck mostly Dave"

Harlan Green: 7:47 AM "K"

Dave quickly dressed. Grabbing his gym bag he called out as he headed down the stairs, "I'm going to the gym later for a makeup session from yesterday. I'll text you when I go for my run so you can be at the shop to stare at me while I get my smoothie." I knew he had the shit eating grin on his face all the way to the elevators.
Part 2: Our First Time - Continued

Dave playfully tapped my calf to get me to straighten my leg so he could dismount from my lap. He collapsed onto me then rolled to his back lying next to me. I could tell Dave was giddy about our physical compatibility by the way he was sputtering laughter that matched his different emotions, plus the relief of sexual tension. "Wow, holy fuck, we are so hot together. This was fucking awesome and I can't wait for more!" My heart fluttered at his words, I felt the same, but didn't speak, simply grabbed his hand and rolled over to give him a passionate kiss. We just lay there for a few minutes, quietly, warmly, excitedly. We were relaxed in our nakedness and the knowing we can look forward to more experiences. Dave broke the silence.

"Liam, we can't tell Harlan, at least for a while. He will lose his shit."

"Yeah, Dave, I know. I don't want to keep a secret from him, but timing is everything for a surprise like this. He should hear it directly from us. Sooner than later though."

We silently left the "when" decision for later. Our small talk about reality signaled that the time for sex was over for the moment. Dave rolled over me, gave me a peck on the lips, sat up and moved to the edge of the bed toward the bathroom. "I have no idea what time it is, but I have that meeting at 9am. Better hit the shower... alone." Dave winked and gave me his silly grin. About the time he reached the doorway a phone went off downstairs. "I'll find our phones and figure out which one is going off while you head to the shower." Crawling from the comfort of the bed I felt lighter than air. Heading down the stairs, I trod barefoot, bare-assed, and barely touching the floor to where our phones had remained all night.

My phone was on the kitchen counter by the fridge from when I retrieved our beers. Dave's phone was at the end of the kitchen island where he finally addressed the elephant in the room and opened the door to our new relationship. The battery on my phone was flat so I crossed the room to the study for the charger and returned upstairs. When I made it to the bathroom Dave had just stepped into the shower. "Dave, your phone is here by the coffee maker. That last notification was definitely your phone because mine's dead and it will take a minute to get it connected and enough juice to turn back on. Do you care which sink I take for my stuff?" I could here the water splashing as Dave rinsed his hair. "No preference." was his reply. "My charger is in that gym back if wouldn't mind to connect mine too, that would be awesome. What time does my phone say?" Checking his lock screen I called out the time to Dave. "7:23" "What time do you need to leave?" Dave replied back. "about 8:00, half any our still, so I'm good."

I pushed the box with my stuff to the sink nearest my room and plugged in my phone. While my phone started up, I moved Dave's gym bag to the other sink and connected his phone as well. Yesterday I noticed that Harlan and I had the same pod style coffee maker, so I brought his up here, along with his collection of about 30 random mugs and a selection of coffee pods. "He Dave, you want me to start a cup of coffee for you?" Dave didn't hesitate with a reply but surprised us both with his language. "No, thanks Babe." I blushed, not sure how that set with me, "BABE? did he just give me a pet name?" Dave reacted aprehesviely as he turned off the water. "Oh, sorry, that just kinda came out before I thought." My retort was amiable, "Okay, no problem, but let's save pet names for after we tell Harlan." Dave nodded as he dried himself and walked to pickup his phone.

"Two missed calls and seven texts." Dave announced the count of missed items and then the details of each one. "The calls are both robos, one text from my Mom, one reminder from the airline to check-in, and five from Harlan." I had just filled the water reservoir on the coffee maker and pressed start. We were both naked and conversing in a totally comfortable way, as I realized I had never felt this physically free with anyone before, my eyes began to tear up a bit. Clearing my throat, I wasn't prepared for these feelings. I pushed back the tears and picked up my own phone and reported my count to Dave, "same, some junk calls and other texts and five texts from Harlan. It looks like they are in a group with all three of us." Dave took up his spot in front of the sink, just like I found him yesterday, left foot flat and right foot propped up behind it, tilting his ass just so. Thankfully the other emotions overrode my libido or I would have gotten hard from the visiual. "Why don't I read them aloud so you can continue getting ready." Dave had already put the toothbrush in his mouth and just nodded approval.

Harlan Green: 5:54 PM ":heart: you guys handling the move"

Harlan Green: 6:22 PM "Any probs with closing out my old place"

Harlan Green: 8:18 PM "Hello???"

Harlan Green: 9:27 PM "WTF no response u azhols RU pissed"

Harlan Green: 10:39 PM "Stop being FK buddies & HMB"

Dave and I just burst out laughting at the last text. If Harlan only knew his figure of speach was so spot on! Our eyes met with the knowing look only too appropriate for the moment. Dave had spit out the tootpaste and could talk again so simply stated, "Yep, sooner than later." Dave picked up his phone, disconnected the cord, unlocked the screen swiped a few times and typed a few characters, then placed it on the counter. "Jump on my back like leap frog." I hesitated. "Go on, trust me." Dave bent over some and I did as instructed. I heard the shutter click sound from his phone. Dave shooed my off and hurriedly grabed the phone and I heard the woosh of a message being sent. "Dave, what the hell did you just do?" Just then my phone chimed and I opened the message.

Dave Grey: 7:39 AM "Kiss our asses Harlan"

"Did you just out us to Harlan?" I retored with questioning anger, but I quickly realized what Dave knew about or mutual friend, he is no good at reading between the lines. Just that photo would not clue him into his buddies being a couple. Dave was already doubled over with laughter and after a couple more seconds so was I.

Harlan Green: 7:41 AM "FU both"

It was my turn now.

Liam Stewart: 7:43 AM "LMAO"

Liam Stewart: 7:44 AM "Seriously all good here - my phone needed a charge and Dave's had been on silent until a bit ago

Liam Stewart: 7:44 AM "call u after lunch"

Harlan Green: 7:47 AM "U guys suck mostly Dave"

Harlan Green: 7:47 AM "K"

Dave quickly dressed. Grabbing his gym bag he called out as he headed down the stairs, "I'm going to the gym later for a makeup session from yesterday. I'll text you when I go for my run so you can be at the shop to stare at me while I get my smoothie." I knew he had the shit eating grin on his face all the way to the elevators.
Fantastic! This is really getting good!
Part 2: Our First Time - Concludes

The coffee machine had finished just before Dave left and I took time to enjoy a relaxed Saturday cup. As I drank the fragrant brew I checked myself out in the mirror and found the places where cum was transparently adhered to my skin. The not knowing if the cum was mine or Dave's was thrilling and I snapped a couple of selfies as mementos. Even though I was now mostly hard I didn't touch myself and no pre cum had formed. My body was satisfied for the moment and of course there was still tonight.

After thirty minutes or so the coffee cup was empty and a shower was needed. I turned on the sprays on the other side, just to be different and to have tried out both positions. While the water warmed up I took a piss directly into the drain. Mental note to myself; make sure Dave and Harlan were okay with peeing in the shower. It was a quick rinse really, just the cursory items so I could feel fresh tackling getting the apartment finished up. Since I only had about an hour or so before "meeting" Dave at the shop I decided to start on the study and setup my office for Monday. Getting dressed though caused some concern. To recreate the vibe of the shop, I should freeball in my shorts, but after THE "rainy day" I had started to wear briefs to the shop as a precaution. Not sure I could risk going commando today, but it should be less crowded on the weekend. Fuck it. I pulled on my shorts over my bare ass and headed downstairs to get started.

My efforts to organize the office paid off quickly. I scooted the desk and desk chair into place. Connected the powerstrip to the wall and my desk lamp, printer and computer charger to it. No decor items, the walls would be bare, at least for now. There was a small box of items to unload into the middle desk drawer and I was effectively ready to work. This gave me a few minutes to grab one of my easy chairs as a second seating option. It was one from my previous living room. The corner also probably needed a table and lamp at some point. We had placed Harlan's huge sectional couch and his other furniture in the new living room. It was way too big for his old one bedroom place. In fact it didn't fit and sat in three pieces before, so it is really perfect here. My sofa and the second easy chair of mine went to my room where I'll have a nice sitting area to enjoy the view out onto the terrace and city skyline.

After my work on the study was complete I walked into the kitchen to make a mental list of next steps in getting the rest of the place organized. Since it will be primarily my home, I didn't see any reason to ask for opinions from the other two. Not to be a hardass about it, I'm totally open to rearranging if there is big objection to placement of the kitchen items, but doubt either one will care. Just a few minutes into these considerations my phone chimed.

Dave Grey 9:55: "at the gym cu in 1hr"

Damn, that is one fine ass! I had that ass! I want that ass again tonight!

Shit! I trudged upstairs to put on a pair of cotton trunks under my shorts.

Heading back down, key fob and phone in hand, I also took my laptop just to keep the scene realistic. Walking out the door, my cock was still at full mast from that butt pic as I pushed the elevator button. Reversing the walk from three weeks ago, I conveniently covered my erection with the laptop. My guess was right, the shop was close to empty. I ordered a small coffee and took up the prime chair at the worktable. This gave me a direct view of the door. Opening the laptop, I logged into my personal email and spent some time cleaning out all the junk I've been ignoring, old messages about college basketball brackets, adds from my credit card company and forwards from my family about coming to birthdays or home for a holiday. I actually lost track of time and almost missed Dave's approach.

Dave jogged up to the area between the gym entrance and the shop door. He started to bend over and stretch out as a cool down from the run. I could see the sweat stain on his shirt, and knew that he really had been out for a run. Taking time to slowly stretch up to the sky and arch his back, Dave made sure his shirt would ride up to reveal his abs and push his jock strap bulge out for good measure. His efforts to put on a show for me also got the attention of two others who were at a table closer to the door. The person in the chair with the better angle made a motion to the other one to take a look. Quietly but loud enough for me to over hear, the second chair said "That guy is HOT As FUCK" drawing out the phrase for effect. My face turned red and I had a less than subtle moment of jealously, which turned into a sort of pride filled feeling at hearing someone else be impressed by my lover.

After stretching for a minute or two Dave entered the shop. He deliberately didn't look my way but made eye contact with the gawking table. Oh that is a cheeky one I thought to myself, he may need to be punished for this little charade. Ordering his drink and staying in character, he leaned against the railing that separated the order counter from the seating area. His perfect runners but hung over the bar and the light from outside made the material of his shorts slightly translucent revealing his jock strap waistband. My cock had finally settled down when I was going through email, but now it was raging again. After leaning down pretending to tie his shoe, he really just pushed his ass out further and then he finally stood. Turning about three quarters he hooked the shirt with his thumbs and pulled the sides together. There they were, the prized nipples. Time slowed as I gazed at those beautiful orbs and Dave stayed still to let me have my fill.

The show was giving me a bout of dry mouth, so I took a drink of my lukewarm coffee. It wasn't until his drink was ready that he actually looked my way. Walking up to the counter he lifted the cup and turned my direction. With the finesse of an academy award winner, he stared right past me and absently ran his hand under his shirt across his abs. The duo at the table gasped and giggled. One of them called to Dave. "Hey, excuse me, is that a pour over or an Americano?" I couldn't believe it, Dave was getting hit on. The fucker is hot and I shouldn't be surprised, but damn, this was messing up our moment.

Wanting to regain control, I snapped my laptop closed with enough force the noise could be heard everywhere in the shop. The duo didn't take their eyes off Dave, but the shit eating grin that appeared on his face told me he heard it. I let them talk a while longer and Dave the introvert became visibly nervous, flicking his eyes over to me to say 'help' as the duo started to talk louder and more excitedly with him. Hatching my plan, I placed my hands in my lap and waited until he took a drink from his smoothie. I wasn't completely sure until I pulled up my shorts leg and underwear to reveal my hard dick that Dave would be able to see below the table top. I had played my card at just the right moment because he choked on that smoothie, coughing and sputtering to the gawkers dismay. They were really concerned and one of them even stood to pat his back!

I stood too, and casually as you please walked by with my hard cock tenting my shorts, the laptop perpendicular to my groin shielding my boner from the few others in the shop. I winked at Dave as I passed by the table, the duo paying me no attention whatsoever. Once out the door I couldn't hold my laughter in any longer and I could see Dave's head in my peripheral vision swivel to watch me, my shoulders bouncing with hysterics, walking passed the glass windows to the apartment building entrance.

I was in the lobby waiting on the elevator, tears in my eyes from laughter, when Dave appeared on my heals and a little breathless. He must have made a hasty exit from his new friends and sprinted to catch up. The doors opened and he stepped in sync with me running his hand down the back of my shorts giving my cheek a playful squeeze as we stepped into the elevator car. He wrapped his arms around me and gave a hug from behind. My shoulders were once again moving up and down with laughter and Dave let go to burst into laughter too. He sort of squatted putting his palms on his quads and shook violently from the ridiculousness of what had just happened in the shop. "Oh fuck, oh shit, you should have seen the faces on those two when I choked. Oh, whew, shit, fuck" Dave sputtered though the laughter, "you missed it!" The doors opened on 17 and we turned toward our front door.

Taking Dave's hand in mine, I used the fob to unlock the door. The body-heat and intensity of the bonding moment overtook us and we started passionately kissing. Even before the door clicked shut we were tearing each others clothes off, kissing, licking, grinding and clawing at each other. Dave's shorts and jock were around his ankles and one shoe was off. My shirt was off, but somehow tangled up with my shorts which Dave couldn't get down passed my knees. Both of our cocks were standing straight up and bursting. Pausing for only a moment to get ourselves striped bare of the tangled clothes, Dave still had on socks as we hurried arm and arm up the stairs. Entering the bedroom he tried to hook a left for the bathroom, but I corrected his trajectory to the bed. Dave tried to redirect, "I need a shower, I'll get the bed all sweaty." My response was clear and simply stated, "Dave, I'm going to fuck your sweaty ass on this bed right now."

My own bottle of lube was in a box by the bed, and I grabbed it flipping open the cap. Dave was on his back, legs up, he feet and white socks up in the air like flags saying 'my hole is open for business.' I lubed up my cock, my index and middle finder on my left hand, and dropped a glob on his waiting pucker. I continued to stand on the floor, bent over him to asses the situation, I saw a long string of pre cum oozing from his cock. Taking my slick fingers I worked the lube into his waiting hole, first one finger then two, opening him up for my yearning cock to finish him off. Dave was starting to be verbal again, "Liam, take me, take my hole, fill me up with your juices, make me grunt. Pound my ass until I cum!" Without a response other than to comply, I started running my glans up and down his pucker. When he pushed against me I pushed back and inserted the tip of my dick leaving it there until I could feel him open to my presence.

Just like in the shower last night, I stroked slowly, gently, a half inch, an inch, pulling back, then inserting half of my cock. Dave was panting. I quicken my pace and inserted almost to my bush, and with one final push all the way in. I only paused here a moment waiting for Dave to exhale. Moving my hands to his ankles I started to pound his ass. Slap, slap, slap of my cock and balls against Dave. More panting, followed by more guttural sounds from him. It wasn't going to be long at this pace before I blew my load. I could feel the veins in my shaft flaring out. I had to shift to my toes to find the right angle which heightened the boiling feeling from inside my nuts. With a couple of more strokes Dave let out a grunt, then another. I concentrated on his face, his eyes rolled back in his head, mouth open, sweat pouring from his chest. Another stroke from me and suddenly Dave grunted and shot a volley of semen. The first spurts landed on his cheek, his chin, his jugular notch, then his nipples before slowing to cover the space just under his belly button. My own orgasm was only moments behind his. I usually count how many times I shoot my jizz, but this time I was weak at the knees and light headed. I collapsed on top of Dave which caused my cock to exit his ass followed by my white cum. We lay there in each others arms, as our breathing slowed to normal, we remained silent, both falling asleep, glued together with our juices spread between our bodies, and satisfied.

Once again we awoke to the sound of a phone chime from downstairs. This was an alarm and it built to a crescendo before tapering off and repeating. Dave was awake first, it was his phone. A reminder that he needed to check-in for his flight and pack. "Liam, wake up my lover." Dave was softly caressing my back. It roused me and this gave Dave a chance to wriggle out from under me to go silence the alarm. He quickly returned from downstairs with the phone. He lay back down and snapped a couple of selfies of us draped across the side of the bed. "Babe, these are for me to study while I'm gone." There is was again the pet name. I still had not decided how I felt about having pet names, but I can hold that discussion until later. "Send that to me, I need a memento of that mind blowing orgasm too." Dave got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom, he stopped in the doorway and turned. "Well, aren't you coming too?" I thought to myself as I pushed up on my elbows, there is that shit eating grin, I love that stupid face.


END of Part 2
Part 2: Our First Time - Concludes

The coffee machine had finished just before Dave left and I took time to enjoy a relaxed Saturday cup. As I drank the fragrant brew I checked myself out in the mirror and found the places where cum was transparently adhered to my skin. The not knowing if the cum was mine or Dave's was thrilling and I snapped a couple of selfies as mementos. Even though I was now mostly hard I didn't touch myself and no pre cum had formed. My body was satisfied for the moment and of course there was still tonight.

After thirty minutes or so the coffee cup was empty and a shower was needed. I turned on the sprays on the other side, just to be different and to have tried out both positions. While the water warmed up I took a piss directly into the drain. Mental note to myself; make sure Dave and Harlan were okay with peeing in the shower. It was a quick rinse really, just the cursory items so I could feel fresh tackling getting the apartment finished up. Since I only had about an hour or so before "meeting" Dave at the shop I decided to start on the study and setup my office for Monday. Getting dressed though caused some concern. To recreate the vibe of the shop, I should freeball in my shorts, but after THE "rainy day" I had started to wear briefs to the shop as a precaution. Not sure I could risk going commando today, but it should be less crowded on the weekend. Fuck it. I pulled on my shorts over my bare ass and headed downstairs to get started.

My efforts to organize the office paid off quickly. I scooted the desk and desk chair into place. Connected the powerstrip to the wall and my desk lamp, printer and computer charger to it. No decor items, the walls would be bare, at least for now. There was a small box of items to unload into the middle desk drawer and I was effectively ready to work. This gave me a few minutes to grab one of my easy chairs as a second seating option. It was one from my previous living room. The corner also probably needed a table and lamp at some point. We had placed Harlan's huge sectional couch and his other furniture in the new living room. It was way too big for his old one bedroom place. In fact it didn't fit and sat in three pieces before, so it is really perfect here. My sofa and the second easy chair of mine went to my room where I'll have a nice sitting area to enjoy the view out onto the terrace and city skyline.

After my work on the study was complete I walked into the kitchen to make a mental list of next steps in getting the rest of the place organized. Since it will be primarily my home, I didn't see any reason to ask for opinions from the other two. Not to be a hardass about it, I'm totally open to rearranging if there is big objection to placement of the kitchen items, but doubt either one will care. Just a few minutes into these considerations my phone chimed.

Dave Grey 9:55: "at the gym cu in 1hr"

Damn, that is one fine ass! I had that ass! I want that ass again tonight!

Shit! I trudged upstairs to put on a pair of cotton trunks under my shorts.

Heading back down, key fob and phone in hand, I also took my laptop just to keep the scene realistic. Walking out the door, my cock was still at full mast from that butt pic as I pushed the elevator button. Reversing the walk from three weeks ago, I conveniently covered my erection with the laptop. My guess was right, the shop was close to empty. I ordered a small coffee and took up the prime chair at the worktable. This gave me a direct view of the door. Opening the laptop, I logged into my personal email and spent some time cleaning out all the junk I've been ignoring, old messages about college basketball brackets, adds from my credit card company and forwards from my family about coming to birthdays or home for a holiday. I actually lost track of time and almost missed Dave's approach.

Dave jogged up to the area between the gym entrance and the shop door. He started to bend over and stretch out as a cool down from the run. I could see the sweat stain on his shirt, and knew that he really had been out for a run. Taking time to slowly stretch up to the sky and arch his back, Dave made sure his shirt would ride up to reveal his abs and push his jock strap bulge out for good measure. His efforts to put on a show for me also got the attention of two others who were at a table closer to the door. The person in the chair with the better angle made a motion to the other one to take a look. Quietly but loud enough for me to over hear, the second chair said "That guy is HOT As FUCK" drawing out the phrase for effect. My face turned red and I had a less than subtle moment of jealously, which turned into a sort of pride filled feeling at hearing someone else be impressed by my lover.

After stretching for a minute or two Dave entered the shop. He deliberately didn't look my way but made eye contact with the gawking table. Oh that is a cheeky one I thought to myself, he may need to be punished for this little charade. Ordering his drink and staying in character, he leaned against the railing that separated the order counter from the seating area. His perfect runners but hung over the bar and the light from outside made the material of his shorts slightly translucent revealing his jock strap waistband. My cock had finally settled down when I was going through email, but now it was raging again. After leaning down pretending to tie his shoe, he really just pushed his ass out further and then he finally stood. Turning about three quarters he hooked the shirt with his thumbs and pulled the sides together. There they were, the prized nipples. Time slowed as I gazed at those beautiful orbs and Dave stayed still to let me have my fill.

The show was giving me a bout of dry mouth, so I took a drink of my lukewarm coffee. It wasn't until his drink was ready that he actually looked my way. Walking up to the counter he lifted the cup and turned my direction. With the finesse of an academy award winner, he stared right past me and absently ran his hand under his shirt across his abs. The duo at the table gasped and giggled. One of them called to Dave. "Hey, excuse me, is that a pour over or an Americano?" I couldn't believe it, Dave was getting hit on. The fucker is hot and I shouldn't be surprised, but damn, this was messing up our moment.

Wanting to regain control, I snapped my laptop closed with enough force the noise could be heard everywhere in the shop. The duo didn't take their eyes off Dave, but the shit eating grin that appeared on his face told me he heard it. I let them talk a while longer and Dave the introvert became visibly nervous, flicking his eyes over to me to say 'help' as the duo started to talk louder and more excitedly with him. Hatching my plan, I placed my hands in my lap and waited until he took a drink from his smoothie. I wasn't completely sure until I pulled up my shorts leg and underwear to reveal my hard dick that Dave would be able to see below the table top. I had played my card at just the right moment because he choked on that smoothie, coughing and sputtering to the gawkers dismay. They were really concerned and one of them even stood to pat his back!

I stood too, and casually as you please walked by with my hard cock tenting my shorts, the laptop perpendicular to my groin shielding my boner from the few others in the shop. I winked at Dave as I passed by the table, the duo paying me no attention whatsoever. Once out the door I couldn't hold my laughter in any longer and I could see Dave's head in my peripheral vision swivel to watch me, my shoulders bouncing with hysterics, walking passed the glass windows to the apartment building entrance.

I was in the lobby waiting on the elevator, tears in my eyes from laughter, when Dave appeared on my heals and a little breathless. He must have made a hasty exit from his new friends and sprinted to catch up. The doors opened and he stepped in sync with me running his hand down the back of my shorts giving my cheek a playful squeeze as we stepped into the elevator car. He wrapped his arms around me and gave a hug from behind. My shoulders were once again moving up and down with laughter and Dave let go to burst into laughter too. He sort of squatted putting his palms on his quads and shook violently from the ridiculousness of what had just happened in the shop. "Oh fuck, oh shit, you should have seen the faces on those two when I choked. Oh, whew, shit, fuck" Dave sputtered though the laughter, "you missed it!" The doors opened on 17 and we turned toward our front door.

Taking Dave's hand in mine, I used the fob to unlock the door. The body-heat and intensity of the bonding moment overtook us and we started passionately kissing. Even before the door clicked shut we were tearing each others clothes off, kissing, licking, grinding and clawing at each other. Dave's shorts and jock were around his ankles and one shoe was off. My shirt was off, but somehow tangled up with my shorts which Dave couldn't get down passed my knees. Both of our cocks were standing straight up and bursting. Pausing for only a moment to get ourselves striped bare of the tangled clothes, Dave still had on socks as we hurried arm and arm up the stairs. Entering the bedroom he tried to hook a left for the bathroom, but I corrected his trajectory to the bed. Dave tried to redirect, "I need a shower, I'll get the bed all sweaty." My response was clear and simply stated, "Dave, I'm going to fuck your sweaty ass on this bed right now."

My own bottle of lube was in a box by the bed, and I grabbed it flipping open the cap. Dave was on his back, legs up, he feet and white socks up in the air like flags saying 'my hole is open for business.' I lubed up my cock, my index and middle finder on my left hand, and dropped a glob on his waiting pucker. I continued to stand on the floor, bent over him to asses the situation, I saw a long string of pre cum oozing from his cock. Taking my slick fingers I worked the lube into his waiting hole, first one finger then two, opening him up for my yearning cock to finish him off. Dave was starting to be verbal again, "Liam, take me, take my hole, fill me up with your juices, make me grunt. Pound my ass until I cum!" Without a response other than to comply, I started running my glans up and down his pucker. When he pushed against me I pushed back and inserted the tip of my dick leaving it there until I could feel him open to my presence.

Just like in the shower last night, I stroked slowly, gently, a half inch, an inch, pulling back, then inserting half of my cock. Dave was panting. I quicken my pace and inserted almost to my bush, and with one final push all the way in. I only paused here a moment waiting for Dave to exhale. Moving my hands to his ankles I started to pound his ass. Slap, slap, slap of my cock and balls against Dave. More panting, followed by more guttural sounds from him. It wasn't going to be long at this pace before I blew my load. I could feel the veins in my shaft flaring out. I had to shift to my toes to find the right angle which heightened the boiling feeling from inside my nuts. With a couple of more strokes Dave let out a grunt, then another. I concentrated on his face, his eyes rolled back in his head, mouth open, sweat pouring from his chest. Another stroke from me and suddenly Dave grunted and shot a volley of semen. The first spurts landed on his cheek, his chin, his jugular notch, then his nipples before slowing to cover the space just under his belly button. My own orgasm was only moments behind his. I usually count how many times I shoot my jizz, but this time I was weak at the knees and light headed. I collapsed on top of Dave which caused my cock to exit his ass followed by my white cum. We lay there in each others arms, as our breathing slowed to normal, we remained silent, both falling asleep, glued together with our juices spread between our bodies, and satisfied.

Once again we awoke to the sound of a phone chime from downstairs. This was an alarm and it built to a crescendo before tapering off and repeating. Dave was awake first, it was his phone. A reminder that he needed to check-in for his flight and pack. "Liam, wake up my lover." Dave was softly caressing my back. It roused me and this gave Dave a chance to wriggle out from under me to go silence the alarm. He quickly returned from downstairs with the phone. He lay back down and snapped a couple of selfies of us draped across the side of the bed. "Babe, these are for me to study while I'm gone." There is was again the pet name. I still had not decided how I felt about having pet names, but I can hold that discussion until later. "Send that to me, I need a memento of that mind blowing orgasm too." Dave got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom, he stopped in the doorway and turned. "Well, aren't you coming too?" I thought to myself as I pushed up on my elbows, there is that shit eating grin, I love that stupid face.


END of Part 2
This story gets hotter and hotter!