Part 4: No Secrets
(A note to really horny readers: had to break up Part 4 into in three posts, the third one has the goods, but if you want to really rev up first don't skip ahead

"...but Dave there is something I need to tell you."
Our Sunday brunch was relaxed and blissful in the afterglow of sex. The days were starting to shorten and the temperatures were cooling slightly, even from just last weekend, but it was still warm for fall. The sky was clear and our view from this table was perfect, just a hint of color on the trees seventeen stories below.
Yesterday afternoon I met Dave at the airport in a rented SUV and we stopped by the big blue furniture store to pick out a dining table. By order of my lover, the analytical engineer, I had taken a couple of photos of the space showing a measuring tape to help us with our selection. The one we liked best is a high-top rectangular style and seats up to six. It now sits just against the stairs over at the far end of the living room nearest the side windows. There is a single hanging light fixture overhead which makes a perfect dining nook.
The table was assembled this morning because once we made it home we were all over each other. The weeks long absence and having saved up seven day's worth of sperm meant we were both super horny. A mere ninety seconds after entering the apartment with the box we had helped each other out of our clothes and racing up the stairs. This morning though our initial desire was satiated, but having replaced dinner with sex we were famished. As I ate the eggs Dave made for us my thoughts moved between ogling his smooth chest to recalling the amazing rim job delivered as promised, then to some simmering feelings of guilt.
My bare ass felt sweaty on the new chair with the nervousness of my secret and I squirmed around a bit. Dave had already finished eating and was now leaned forward resting his elbows on the table. "Babe, is that chair uncomfortable? Mine seems okay." I was starting to warm to the whole "Babe" thing, but it unsettled me a little more this time because of what I had to tell him. "Oh, no, the chair is fine, my ass is just a little sweaty." pause, beat, beat. "Dave there is something I need to tell you." There I had made the first step in affirming the No Secrets clause of our relationship pact.
Dave stiffened and sat up straight. It was the first time since we had known each other that I saw concern on his face from something I said. "Oh" Dave simply stated. I guess because of the awkward pause, my tone of voice and clouded countenance, now Dave started shifting uncomfortably in his own seat. "Spit it out Liam." Dave's tone was demanding and not with the same confidence I was accustomed to from him, more than apprehensive, maybe a little angry.
This negative response brought up my own fear that the weeks apart may have damaged our fledgling romance. I wasn't sure how to begin, but I needed to start talking or this may go in a direction I hadn't anticipated. "I want to tell you something... share some details, some things about me..." As my stilted sentence trailed off I dropped my gaze and stared at the empty plate. "Things that might jeopardize our roommate arrangements." From the corner of my eye I saw Dave's hand rise from the table forming a fist. My head shot up and caught his gaze. Now seeing him straight on I could tell the fist was meant to bang the table. Instead the flash of anger instantly changed to fear, likely the same fear ringing in my own head. The closed fist opened and Dave's palm fell silently against the table next to his plate.
"Dave, remember just a few weeks ago we talked in this room about starting a relationship? You asked for no secrets. Well I've remembered things, about me, mostly about the past..." I stopped talking not ready to say the next few words. This gave Dave time to recover himself as well. His next gesture warmed me to the core. Lifting his hand from the table, he rotated it so reveal his open palm and slide it more than halfway toward me, inviting me to take hold with a slight flexing of his fingers. Accepting the gesture I slid my hand into his as I stifled the beginnings of a sob, clearing my throat before continuing. "and Harlan."
There, it was said aloud and couldn't be taken back. I looked into Dave's eyes, he squeezed my hand with a reassuring gesture and took a big breath. "Oh, wow, okay, now my ass is a little sweaty in this chair." There a flash of the Dave I know and it was my turn to take the deep breath. Dave then made me fall for him completely with his next words, "How about I clean up these dishes while you make us a couple of Bloody Marys or something, then we can put some chairs out on the balcony in the sun and you can tell me all about it."
The drinks were ready about the same time Dave finished putting the dishes in the machine and wiping off the counter. I made them strong. Ascending the stairs Dave took an immediate right turn to open the glass sliding door from the landing to the balcony. Following with our glasses in hand, I set them on the floor and opened the slider into my room where I had a couple of those folding lawn chairs with drink holders. We were still naked. My insecurity making me feel exposed and vulnerable. I gathered up a pair of shorts and t-shirts for both of us and brought them outside. Dave looked confused when I handed him the clothes and reluctantly followed my lead in putting them on.
We each popped open a chair and instinctively set them facing one another. Dave then grabbed the drinks from were I'd left them and placed one in each drink holder. Once we were seated the silence lingered until Dave reached forward and softly placed a hand on my knee. "Take your time Liam, just know that I'm going to listen to every word before making any comments or judgements." WOW, just WOW, where did I find this guy, I want him FOREVER. More tears to swallow and I took a long draw from the strong drink for a little Dutch courage. When I finally started talking it was almost a whisper. "I'm not sure where to start other than from the beginning, but it may take a hot minute to get to the bad bit." Dave still had his hand on my knee and gave it a little reassuring squeeze.
After another deep breath and a second draw from the glass, I started talking. "I think it is apparent that you know Harlan better than I do even though I've known him longer. You were his roommate in college and lived with him day to day for a couple of years." Dave nodded as I continued. "There was a time after high school that I found myself attracted to him, but from afar. His body was just as beautiful back then, but I didn't know his interests, you know straight, gay, open to both, or how to approach things. When we would hang out over the summer breaks at home it was more often in a group but occasionally at his house.
When we were alone though he would usually only wear a pair of grey gym shorts. This drove me wild since it was obvious he chose to freeball, the thin fabric outlined his equipment and I had many a peek up the leg hole at his balls, but never really saw him hard. I kept my sexual distance because I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship." I paused to check Dave's pulse so to speak, he hadn't removed his hand and I could see and feel that it was okay so far. "Fast forward to the summer before college senior year and there is this one, and one time only, event that changed things." Still no negative reaction from Dave. I began to tell the story of helping with the neighbors lawn and skinny dipping in their pool afterward. I didn't leave anything out of the story; the frank talk about our dicks, Harlan's wish to visit a nude beach, or the details of my wanking out a huge load as soon as I arrived home. The only time I saw a change on Dave's face was when I air quoted Harlan 'see we can just be proud of what we have between the legs' when I think there was an almost imperceptible beginning of his famous shit eating grin.
Finally arriving at the true anxiety moment I blurted it out, just the barest of acknowledging words while pointing inside the apartment with my right index finger. "I jacked off in that shower with Harlan his first day here." My face was red hot with embarrassment and my manhood was just about as shrunken as I ever experienced, except for a drunken dare on a ski trip to make a naked snow angel. Dave's hand tensed up, but he caught himself, relaxed and left it in place. "There, I've told you my news, and I would have told you sooner, but I couldn't bare to not say this in person." Dave broke eye contact and glanced away into the late morning sky. His sudden avoidance made me slump down in the chair. As the silence bellowed a pit in my stomach began to form. Dave finally spoke, but his tone was quizzical rather than hurt or accusatory. "How did it happen? What did Harlan say to you?"
At this point we both took a drink from our Bloody Marys. In mid drink before I had a chance to continue my story it was Dave's turn to blurt out a secret. In an almost comical tone Dave's statement blasted out like a rocket "I gave Harlan a blow job second semester senior year on a spring break trip to a nude beach!" I was in shock from relief. I jumped up from my seat spilling the last of my cocktail on Dave. "Yes, yes, yes!" is all I could say before both of us howled with laughter from utter relief and the absurdity of us both hiding a sexual experience with Harlan.
Dave downed the second half of his drink and set the glass down in the holder. He yanked my shorts down and pulled me into his lap. Our laughter quieted and immediately turned to deep passionate kissing, more soul quenching than anything so far in our short time as a couple. We embraced for several minutes but oddly neither one of use sprouted wood. We just quietly contemplated how our lives had been on a parallel course for the last few years, now colliding into something neither of us imagined until a few short months ago when Dave moved into Harlan's place.
Dave's shirt was wet from the spilled drink and he put up his arms to remove it. I stood from his lap dropping my shorts to the floor. We both stripped our remaining garments returning to the way we were less than an hour ago at the table. My short-term sense of vulnerability was now replaced with a new confidence in my mate. "So, you up for a refill and the rest of the shower story?" I asked Dave. "Uh, fuck yeah! And can't wait to tell you about how NOT drunk I was when I sucked Harlan's rod!" Oh, there it is, Dave's shit eating grin. I love that grin.
Refilling our drinks took about five minutes with some chit chat about just how much Bloody mix should be in the Marys to compliment all the vodka and then it was back upstairs. I started the story of Harlan's arrival from the point of seeing him butt ass naked through the sliders outside my room. This was fitting since the two of us had just returned to the balcony ourselves and I indicated the spot Harlan was standing. Once again I didn't leave anything out. There was an interesting pause in the story when Dave interjected about just how much Harlan was obsessed with going to a nude beach college senior year, and a mental note reminder to share something else he knew about Harlan being a nudist. At the mention of the nude beach visit, I found I truly wasn't upset about Dave going on that spring break trip, even though Harlan had actually recruited me the prior summer.
When I got to the part of Harlan's story about the guy seeing him cuming in the locker room at the gym Dave's eyes widened. When I told him that Harlan absently, air quotes 'moved closer to him to see his cock better' and then described it as, air quotes again 'a nice size with a helmet at the end' his mouth fell open. I should have warned him not to take a drink before I mentioned what Harlan said about a friendly circle jerk because Dave did a spit take into the air between us. Wrapping up the story with a Jackson Pollock reference seemed only appropriate after Dave's reaction, but he needed a little leading on how a Pollock painting was made. Soon enough he understood and thought the idea of a cum painting was really hot. Dave also commented when I affirmed my need to count the number of squirts when anyone cums including myself. Dave's exact reaction was "oh Babe that is sexy weird and hot as fuck!" and he had similar statements about Harlan saying 'Bro, there you go dripping that pre-cum. You and Bryce are the only two guys I've ever seen with boners in the reals, not in porn, and you are the only guy I've ever seen leak like that. Telling you that story has made me fuckin' horny.' it also made Dave's semi erect pole visibly twitch. We laughed for several minutes about the possible ways Harlan's face would look when he opened his eyes to see Bryce watching. Dave definitely had the better impression of Harlan's voice and cadence. It was agreed that when you reduce Harlan to the base guy, he is simply a first class showoff.
As our laughter died down Dave held his index finger up remembering something. "Be right back, I need my phone." Dave returned with his phone and turned it around so I could see. It was a dick pic, not just any dick pic, it was an artists sketch of a nice longish willy with the head peeking from the foreskin, and I was just about certain it was Harlan's! "Yeah, it's him." Dave confirmed and continued. "Apparently Harlan was a life model for the Art students at our university. About a year ago a friend of mine who had been an Art student texted me. She said she had a drawing in a box with some of her undergrad school projects that she found when she moved for grad school. She confessed what it was and that they were supposed to draw the entire subject, but she did that one of just his junk later, from memory!" We both laughed again. Dave continued. "I think she wanted to have him sit for her OR SOMETHING but didn't have his info, she remembered that I was former his roommate, and asked for his number. I asked her to send me the pic so I could confirm for her it was him. I instantly knew it was Harlan's johnson, but I told her I didn't recognize it." I was amazed but somehow not surprised and blurted out. "No shit, you cocky fucker!" After that warm-up, I could sense Dave was ready to tell his story about blowing Harlan. I sat back, crossed my left ankle on my right knee and sipped my drink. Dave began the story and didn't leave out a single detail.
Dave's Tale Begins
I fibbed a little that first night when I talked about Harlan as a college roommate. The truth in the story was basically Junior year. Senior year though, different Harlan. That entire fall semester he kept asking me to relax and chill naked with him. From day one that year he stopped eating pizza and junk or having sodas, didn't drink any beer. I would come back to the room and he was hanging out naked, walked down the hallway to the shower naked. The RA even posted a sign on the door to the lounge on our floor that said 'shorts at least to enter this lounge' I think he even went for a naked night run on campus one time. He would say stuff like "relax, we can just hang out and be proud of what we have between the legs" sound familiar? He worked out for definition instead of bulk and starting trimming his pubes. But sorta the same as you, I wasn't sure where his head was at sexually.
This new manscaping self care seemed like maybe he was leaning into being gay but I didn't pursue it because our friendship was worth way more to me than getting off with him. Actually, up to then Harlan was never hard in front of me on purpose that whole time we were roommates. I only saw his boner a few times with morning wood when he thought I wasn't looking. Thinking back now, I guess he was doing the life model thing for the Art Department the whole time fall semester. Being naked around our dorm floor and in the room with me was probably a form of training so he wouldn't bone up while posing. The closer we got to the end of the fall semester though he had worn me down and by finals week I was stepping out my clothes as soon as I hit the room each time. In fact, that was when he started talking non stop about nude beaches. He was so obsessed he even made a map on the computer of where all the ones were located on the coast. He knew how long a drive it would be to get there from his house or from campus. He even started mumbling about it in his sleep.
Before the spring term even started Harlan texted me on New Years Day and asked if I wanted to road trip with him on the way back to school and go to a beach near Jacksonville. Just a day or two early, it was 350 miles out of the way, but I thought maybe it would shut him up about the whole thing. Unfortunately we didn't get to go because it was rainy both days. This just made things worse. Harlan immediately starting talking about spring break, every day, and going to an official nude beach 'we have to go be naked in the sun bro' was his mantra. I was becoming more secure in exploring my own sexuality and the idea of seeing others naked on the beach was starting to appeal to my curiosity. Would I be equally aroused, or would dicks win over chicks or vice versa? I continued to be naked with Harlan in our dorm room during the spring semester. One evening I was surfing for some MMF porn and even tested him a little bit and let him see what was on my screen that got me hard. His reaction was lukewarm at seeing both, he didn't react to my hardon and said it would be better for him if it were MFF."
Continues below...