Are Chinese/japanese People Not Attracted To Black People?


Experimental Member
Jun 4, 2016
Why are Chinese/Japanese people, in general, not attracted to black people? I’ve never seen a Chinese/Japanese woman in a relationship with a black man in public.

Try to name me one celebrity couple from the top of your head who fits this description.

I also experience this a lot in the LGBTQ community. Even on dating apps like Tinder - As a good looking black man, I have never been “matched” or been “swiped right” on by a Chinese/Japanese person. Out of all the matches I can see on my profile from all kinds of ethnicities, this seems to be a common occurrence.

In Chinese/Japanese culture, are people brought up to believe that darker skin is unattractive?

PS This is just my personal experience and not in any way intended to be offensive to anymore. I’m just curious about this and would love to hear other people’s thoughts and experiences :)
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Why are Chinese/Japanese people, in general, not attracted to black people? I’ve never seen a Chinese/Japanese woman in a relationship with a black man in public.

Try to name me one celebrity couple from the top of your head who fits this description.

I also experience this a lot in the LGBTQ community. Even on dating apps like Tinder - As a good looking black man, I have never been “matched” or been “swiped right” on by a Chinese/Japanese person. Out of all the matches I can see on my profile from all kinds of ethnicities, this seems to be a common occurrence.

In Chinese/Japanese culture, are people brought up to believe that darker skin is unattractive?

PS This is just my personal experience and not in any way intended to be offensive to anymore. I’m just curious about this and would love to hear other people’s thoughts and experiences :)

I am black and have dated both Chinese and Japanese women.

There are some who are attracted to black people and some who aren't. Just like any place else.
There are asian traditions that would only allow same nationality. Like for a traditional chinese family, whose parents never had/experience a western influence, they will only allow their children to date/marry who is of chinese blood only. If they are pure chinese, they only accept suitors from a pure chinese family too. Chinese and Japanese by nature and tradition have strict standards. No other reasons. It's the asian culture. :)
There are asian traditions that would only allow same nationality. Like for a traditional chinese family, whose parents never had/experience a western influence, they will only allow their children to date/marry who is of chinese blood only. If they are pure chinese, they only accept suitors from a pure chinese family too. Chinese and Japanese by nature and tradition have strict standards. No other reasons. It's the asian culture. :)

I agree, at least in part.

A family member served aboard a US Navy ship stationed in Japan and, after his enlistment and reenlistment was up, stayed on in various on- and off-base US government jobs because he loved the country and the culture.

In all, he was there nearly 20 years. He married a Japanese woman and they had a child together. Nevertheless, he was never really accepted by her family and that, in part, led to the failure of their marriage and divorce. He ultimately returned to the US, alone.

He is white, by the way.
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Asia, much like the rest of the world, definitely has a bias against darker skin; as evidenced by the colorism that spawns from their own cultures. A lot of the bias against black/brown people is a combination of that piled on with Western bigotry against black and brown folk .
So for that reason, it wouldn't be the farthest stretch to say there is some intentional avoidance of black/brown people as partners.
But proximity seems to be the remedy for that, military bases abroad have attracted many asian women to seek out specifically black men, especially in places like Okinawa and S. Korea. Black women aren't as in demand(stemming from multiple reasons) but there is an increased interest in Black(specifically African migrant) women amongst chinese men where the One Child policy has severely diminished the amount of available local women. The more metropolitan an area the more normalized such an interracial coupling becomes, in segregated areas it is probably amongst one of the rarer couplings.
I can speak to an incident, albeit professional and non-sexual.

A student of mine (light-skinned black) had applied to teach English in Japan. Along with the application, she was to enclose two passport photos of herself. In addition to her native English, she spoke German and French very well.

The Japanese consulate called her on three occasions, and, tried each time to have her confirm her race - something that she quite correctly deemed irrelevant. She did depart for Japan, only to return 10 days later. She was told that her "style of English was peculiar, and, too challenging for the students to understand". Of course, this was racism.

I was able to assist her in finding a one-year teaching contract as a kindergarten assistant in Hannover, Germany.

As for that Japanese program, I told them that if one of its representatives would show up on our campus again, I would ensure that its presentation would ONLY be attended by those, whose "style of English is peculiar".
I'm not sure about Chinese/Japanese, but lighter skin seen as "better" in Filipino culture.

Theres actually more than just cultural reasons at play there. Its a dated status/wealth symbol in a lot of Asian countries. (and other countries as well)

In times long past, people who worked poorer/less educated jobs (such as farmers, etc) worked outside and generally had much tanner skin. While noblemen, and wealthy businessmen, and people higher up in the social heirarchy usually stayed indoors and didnt see nearly as much sun in their everyday lives. If you were a person with lighter skin, you were typically associated with being of a wealthier/noble class.

Its funny though, because the people who were of a lower class back then were also generally skinny, while people of the wealthier classes were usually more well-fed and didnt get as much physical activity. So back then, it was also considered more attractive to have less of a toned physique, and to have a little fat on your body.

Funny how times have changed, and some public opinions have evolved, while others have withstood the changes that come with time.
we'd have to pulls some statistics however i'm pretty sure that as a whole, interracial couples are still a very small minority to the mass. i think that most races in this day and age still couple with their own kind and still shun their own kind that chooses to couple with another race. i don't think it's just asians to blacks; i think it's across the board.

i think that we're only seeing what we want to see based on our own opinions and experiences...

there was a question on quora asking along the same concept of why a certain race did a certain thing and the answer was one of the best i've read. although it's not the same topic as what the OP is asking, the answer provides how our own thought-process and how we see the world through our own lens shapes our opinions and perspectives despite the facts or how the world may really work. i believe the answer can be applied to the OP's question as well. See below:

Why do African-American men date fat white women?

This is an easy question to answer, but I’d like for you to think about something first— Why are you calling Black Americans “African American” assuming that you’re referring to the typical black male in the U.S. that hasn’t had any tie of any sort to the African continent in over 200 years? Do you refer to White Americans as “English Americans”, or “Scottish Americans” if they haven’t had anything to do with England or Scotland over the last 300 years? .. or do you consider them just “White”? Food for thought…

If you’re not going to do the same ridiculous thing to White people, then please stop tacking on the “African” part when most Black Americans haven’t had, don’t have, and won’t ever have anything to do with the entire continent of Africa.

Your question; I want you to pay close attention… (warm smile).

Most Black men date fat White women for the same reasons **most** white men in the U.S. date and marry fat white women; because that’s what’s most prevalent in the U.S.— “fat” women.

Most professional (meaning your profession required you to obtain a professional degree and pass professional board(s); e.g. law, medicine, pharmacology, etc.. ((not graduate school programs)) men and or men who earn in the top 10% in their respective state, do not in fact, date fat women irrespective of their skin color.

Before buying into stereotypes, you have to consider whether or not your socioeconomic status plays a part in what part of society you see or interact with. For example, most people in the U.S. aren’t going to ever interact with a really handsome Black male surgeon married to a very attractive thin White female research geneticist who owns her own firm. Why? Because they probably don’t do what you do in their spare time, live where you live, shop where you shop, buy the things that you buy, or associate with the same people you do.. If they live in Belvedere, California and their interracial friends live in Mill Valley, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Santa Monica (Palisades)… etc.. when would you see them?

Geography and socioeconomic standing plays a role: I reside in several states. Down south I see the most fat and obesity once I get out of my immediate community. In the Bay Area (California) It’s just the opposite, people are more fit and health conscious. There are multiple interracial couples (black/white; white/asian; indian/white, black/asian.. in my community, but all are very thin/fit. In Indiana, however, I can drive into town and I’ve never seen so many obese females inked with what looks like $5 tattoos all over their body performed by a 10 year old.. How Phenotypes relate to interracial couples is a mixture of culture, geography and socioeconomic standing as to what you will or will not generally see.

Do the fatty math? Most black men are with black women. Most black women are fat. Most black men are with fat black women…. but all the sudden it’s odd and requiring an explanation when a black man is with a fat white woman? Hmmm… ok, think about this: Most white men are with white women. Most white women in the U.S. are fat. Most white men are with fat white women…. but you’re not likely to see youtube videos, Quora questions, and posts related to “Reasons/Why white men date fat white women…” right? Why not?

Biology (think physical wants) and sociology (what makes fiscal sense in this context): Who you want to marry and the body size you find most sexually attractive aren’t always found in the same person. There’s a basic reason why you’ll find men with a thin, attractive wife having affairs with “average size” (in the U.S. that means overweight or close to being overweight) average looking women. Likewise, there’s a basic reason why you find successful women married to handsome fit men, having affairs with men whom she’d never think of seriously dating…. I’ll let you research that one on your own. Who knows, you might some day write a peer reviewed thesis on the subject that blows us all away! :)

TL;DR - quit living in your own little world and recognize that the world may, in fact, work differently than how you perceive it. just because it's happening to you doesn't mean it's actually happening to the rest of the world in-mass.
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Asia, much like the rest of the world, definitely has a bias against darker skin; as evidenced by the colorism that spawns from their own cultures. A lot of the bias against black/brown people is a combination of that piled on with Western bigotry against black and brown folk .
So for that reason, it wouldn't be the farthest stretch to say there is some intentional avoidance of black/brown people as partners.
But proximity seems to be the remedy for that, military bases abroad have attracted many asian women to seek out specifically black men, especially in places like Okinawa and S. Korea. Black women aren't as in demand(stemming from multiple reasons) but there is an increased interest in Black(specifically African migrant) women amongst chinese men where the One Child policy has severely diminished the amount of available local women. The more metropolitan an area the more normalized such an interracial coupling becomes, in segregated areas it is probably amongst one of the rarer couplings.

Where does Japanese racism and their colonization of other Asian countries fit into your theory?

What do you base all of these conclusions, theory and assertions on?

How many years have you spent around Okinawa or the ROK and the military bases?

These military bases have turned Asian women into mindless brides (or worse) to "seek out specifically black men"? Did they tire of the Asian and White ones already? Really?

Do tell I am all ears for this one.
There are asian traditions that would only allow same nationality. Like for a traditional chinese family, whose parents never had/experience a western influence, they will only allow their children to date/marry who is of chinese blood only. If they are pure chinese, they only accept suitors from a pure chinese family too. Chinese and Japanese by nature and tradition have strict standards. No other reasons. It's the asian culture. :)

I could not resist. As a New Yorker, possibly I can elaborate a little better

China, is made up of provinces. Traditionally parents would prefer their children to marry into families of the same provence. Why ???
Because each province had a different dialect / language , so if your family spoke Mandarin, they would have difficulty conversing with a family who spoke cantonese Etc ,/ There are a dozen or so of these dialects.

I have known manyyyyyyy asian women / asian man who have dated and had / have relationships with non asian persons, yes black included
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There are asian traditions that would only allow same nationality. Like for a traditional chinese family, whose parents never had/experience a western influence, they will only allow their children to date/marry who is of chinese blood only. If they are pure chinese, they only accept suitors from a pure chinese family too. Chinese and Japanese by nature and tradition have strict standards. No other reasons. It's the asian culture. :)
This is so true. If they come from a traditional asian family (including south Asian and middle eastern). The family will only allow them to marry someone from the same background. My friend is Chinese, and he isn’t allowed to date someone who isn’t from even the same part of China. China has over 200 dialects. India for example has over 700 dialects. It is the same. They must marry someone from their same cast. I have a few friends who are from Jordan. I knew them since they were teenagers, one liked black guys but would never date one because it wouldn’t be allowed. They weren’t really supposed to have guy friends either, but it’s a lil hard to control that when you send them to a public school. Although they were never allowed to hangout, you couldn’t call them or visit them etc. they are all married to Jordanian men. My ex was black and Japanese, her mom met her dad (black) when he was stationed in Japan, she was disowned for marrying him.
You see this in many cultures, not just asian culture, but it is probably more common in asian cultures.
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There are asian traditions that would only allow same nationality. Like for a traditional chinese family, whose parents never had/experience a western influence, they will only allow their children to date/marry who is of chinese blood only. If they are pure chinese, they only accept suitors from a pure chinese family too. Chinese and Japanese by nature and tradition have strict standards. No other reasons. It's the asian culture. :)

@Apolo1998 seems to have been trying to express simliar sentiments about Cultural preservation through same race, same culture, same tradition dating in their interracial dating thread. For some reason, there is less hostility expressed against this sentiment here than in his thread. I wonder.
@Apolo1998 seems to have been trying to express simliar sentiments about Cultural preservation through same race, same culture, same tradition dating in their interracial dating thread. For some reason, there is less hostility expressed against this sentiment here than in his thread. I wonder.
can´t believe you even tagged me lol. get over it loser