i can understand your point and it seems logical, but then another question comes to my mind, on beaches we see so many women wearing bikinis/thongs and they know very well that there will be so many unknown men (and women who may be lesbian) around them but those women don't seem to care much...
Yes, I think that is interesting. My impression, to date, is that if you go up to a stranger and tell them you think they're really hot and will probably think about them later, as you masturbate, you will get a much more shocked reaction and expression of horror from a woman as from a man.
Yet, if an attractive woman goes in a bikini to a well-populated beach or public swimming pool for an hour or so it is pretty much guaranteed that at least one of the men present will add her to his wank bank. Possibly it has something to do with how "in your face" it is.
Because for straight men specifically, but I guess men in general, what others think has an objective, often direct effect upon the things we tend to prioritize, socioeconomic competition and sexual selection. A woman that is appealing to the female gaze, or an unwanted male gaze, or even seeks said gaze, really has little to no consequence as per what her priorities might be outside of that....
I am not sure I understand this. Are you suggesting that if someone more senior from my workplace was to share open showers with me at a gym/swimming pool he would then decide that, based on my cock size, whether I am circumcised or the state of my public hair, that I either was or was not the person he was looking for to fill a new post, i.e. a promotion? Or that if I saw that one of the senior managers had a small cock that I would think it fine to tell him where to go? Surely dominance or not is more about behavior than what you look like naked?
Then, when it comes to sexual selection, many men like to think that women choose them for their bodies. That may be a part of the attraction but, by the time there is a possibility of a relationship, women seem to be assessing the whole man, i.e. personality, intelligence, behaviour too.
But, for all this, knowing, that some of the men in a shared space may be gay probably does have a bearing on how comfortable men are with nudity. When I was at school, and fewer gay men were out of the closet, there was speculation and the usual jokes about "backs to the wall" or "don't drop the soap".
The other thing that I don't think anyone has mentioned, is the anti-molestation training given to children. Of course, we want to protect children from being abused and, while we can think that being body shy must be inconvenient, it certainly isn't something that should trump efforts to eliminate abuse.