Are Muscular Guys Only Into Other Muscular Guys?


Expert Member
Oct 20, 2017
Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)
99% Gay, 1% Straight
As a slim twink type who has been into muscular guys since I can remember, I haven't been able to meet any muscular guys who were attracted to non-muscular guys. At the most, I've seen that they can sometimes be into big bear types but for the most part it seems like most if not 99% of them are only into other muscular guys and as slim/twink type, it does bum me out because with the attraction that I have towards muscular guys, I also like the size difference that it could bring. I would love to be the smaller guy but that seems like it's just a fantasy. Probably doesn't help that I'm not all that masculine neither... I also don't think "twink" would best describe me since I'm now 30 but physically, I am still slim in stature.

Anyway I'm still interested to hear from others on this. What has your experience been like?
From what I see at the gym, there are a lot of very fit male couples.
Do you mean that the gay couples you see are usually both muscular guys dating each other? If so, yes I have noticed that as well in my gym as well. There's only one time I saw a clearly gay muscular guy with a non-muscular guy but it was clear that the guy he was with was his sugar daddy. The other guy looked significantly older than him and was out of shape.
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You'll get people who say to the contrary. I've also spoken about this topic but for some reason some people don't want to admit this is a thing? Like It's super obvious, is very common and they even say so themselves. They absolutely have the right to be attracted to whoever they are, I am not refuting or challenging that. But if you say that it's mostly muscle into muscle and other (Usually not muscular guys) will say it's not true or that since they were able to attract a muscle guy while not muscled themselves it's not true.

But you have a better chance than me dude. I wish I were a very slim guy. Even to the point of being very underweight. It's always better than the opposite, where I am lmao.
From my experience, the more mainstream you are, the greater your appeal. Muscle guys into slim guys is actually pretty common. So with some patience, the right guy should come along.
its probably a truism that most guys are into similar to themselves to a degree and a 'muscular' guy may like to be with a fellow muscle guy purely as they know they'll have something in common (training), appreciate the hard work they've each put in and just as other guys fancy a muscle guy they do too.

That said each guy is unique with their own likes, preferences and wants, and whilst it may be an exception there are definitely more muscly guys into other build guys.

But if you're going after someone/a type just because they are built (or whatever) then that is fetishizing them and they may not like that - most guys want someone 'into them' for them don't they?

As a twinky type when i was younger (20s) i went to clubs where there were a lot of more muscly guys and they welcomed me openly with no judgment as i went there for fun, and got to know a few well and did have fun with them.

I've also dated or had fb who were definitely muscular as i've got older and i'm no muscle mary, but then i look at the guy and go wow look at their hard work and appreciate them for that - yes i enjoy a muscled body for sure but i'm not exclusively looking to find and have sex with one.

So look at your motivations and how you approach such guys - and you may change your approach and be more successful.
its probably a truism that most guys are into similar to themselves to a degree and a 'muscular' guy may like to be with a fellow muscle guy purely as they know they'll have something in common (training), appreciate the hard work they've each put in and just as other guys fancy a muscle guy they do too.

That said each guy is unique with their own likes, preferences and wants, and whilst it may be an exception there are definitely more muscly guys into other build guys.

But if you're going after someone/a type just because they are built (or whatever) then that is fetishizing them and they may not like that - most guys want someone 'into them' for them don't they?

As a twinky type when i was younger (20s) i went to clubs where there were a lot of more muscly guys and they welcomed me openly with no judgment as i went there for fun, and got to know a few well and did have fun with them.

I've also dated or had fb who were definitely muscular as i've got older and i'm no muscle mary, but then i look at the guy and go wow look at their hard work and appreciate them for that - yes i enjoy a muscled body for sure but i'm not exclusively looking to find and have sex with one.

So look at your motivations and how you approach such guys - and you may change your approach and be more successful.
This is a great response. Totally agree. When I was younger I worked out like crazy, trying to get the attention of the hot, muscly guys. What I found was 2 things (warning - generalization ahead): First, the hot bodied guys I met were always looking for "the next hot guy". Second, most of the time they were, to be blunt - rather dull and hard to have a conversation with and usually focused on one thing - themselves. I'll never forget this hot guy I hooked up with: went back to my place, started messing around and all he could say were things like, "Yeah, you like my body", "you know you want me", etc. While I get the whole muscle worship thing, enough is enough - sex is about 2 people, not one.
My point is have realistic expectations. The cute, slim guy standing next to you at a club may just be the "Mr. Right" you're looking for.
Heyo, ex “ugly duckling” here turned muscle guy. Personally, while I do find muscle
attractive on a guy I have interests in other types and other criteria of physical features I find appealing as well. If I had to guess, 90% of the muscular guys I meet are strictly interested only in other muscular guys and yes, a lot of them are dead in the head haha.

What’s been interesting for me is how I get treated now that I’ve had my glow up.. guys are usually really aggressive and sexual when trying to flirt or chat to me. I know some guys are really into it but it’s usually just uncomfortable.

If you’re genuinely seeking advise these are my insights. First, if you just want hook ups and sex ect then you won’t have much luck generally or you at least won’t be the first choice. Using apps for hook ups means there’s a pool to choose from so, as someone who finds muscle attractive, I for example would sooner message someone fit who I know I have something in common with.

BUT, if you’re looking for a relationship or something I say shoot your shot. Do it in person, not on an app, be friendly and genuine but maybe don’t lead with sexual comments. Complements are great but there’s a big difference between “You’ve got a great body man, how long have you been training” and “You’ve got a great body man, I want to see the rest of it”. All this depends on the guy you’re looking for though I guess.

hope it’s helpful in some way
No, I am muscular and with a ‚masculine‘ appearance to be read, but I am into very different guys, like twinks, twunks, muscular guys. ‚Masc4masc‘ blabla means to me your potential sexual partner is in his head and not in the situation, so it‘s probably no good sex at all.
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Heyo, ex “ugly duckling” here turned muscle guy. Personally, while I do find muscle
attractive on a guy I have interests in other types and other criteria of physical features I find appealing as well. If I had to guess, 90% of the muscular guys I meet are strictly interested only in other muscular guys and yes, a lot of them are dead in the head haha.

What’s been interesting for me is how I get treated now that I’ve had my glow up.. guys are usually really aggressive and sexual when trying to flirt or chat to me. I know some guys are really into it but it’s usually just uncomfortable.

If you’re genuinely seeking advise these are my insights. First, if you just want hook ups and sex ect then you won’t have much luck generally or you at least won’t be the first choice. Using apps for hook ups means there’s a pool to choose from so, as someone who finds muscle attractive, I for example would sooner message someone fit who I know I have something in common with.

BUT, if you’re looking for a relationship or something I say shoot your shot. Do it in person, not on an app, be friendly and genuine but maybe don’t lead with sexual comments. Complements are great but there’s a big difference between “You’ve got a great body man, how long have you been training” and “You’ve got a great body man, I want to see the rest of it”. All this depends on the guy you’re looking for though I guess.

hope it’s helpful in some way
Well I am geared more towards relationships to be honest but meeting them in person? I don't feel confident enough to do that to guys in the gym when I don't even know if they're even into men lol Is it really that improbable to meet these guys on the apps?
Well I am geared more towards relationships to be honest but meeting them in person? I don't feel confident enough to do that to guys in the gym when I don't even know if they're even into men lol Is it really that improbable to meet these guys on the apps?
I mean, this is all just my opinion.. I’m sure there’s a chance for you to meet guys on apps but most of them are geared towards convenient impersonal hook ups. If you’re looking at it objectively you’ll just have less luck. They’re driven by visual engagement.

Approaching strangers is always daunting. Start with a smile and a nod and if they reciprocate say hello and take it from there. The worst case scenario is they’re standoffish and you go about your life
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I mean, this is all just my opinion.. I’m sure there’s a chance for you to meet guys on apps but most of them are geared towards convenient impersonal hook ups. If you’re looking at it objectively you’ll just have less luck. They’re driven by visual engagement.

Approaching strangers is always daunting. Start with a smile and a nod and if they reciprocate say hello and take it from there. The worst case scenario is they’re standoffish and you go about your life
I mean yeah, it's true that the nature of the apps is hookup oriented though I have heard plenty of stories of men being able to get relationships on the apps as well.

But again, approaching strangers at the gym is asking a lot... Especially when most of these muscular guys don't seem to be all that interested in socializing with someone like myself. Most are definitely standoffish and most seem to be straight. The obvious gay ones have this snooty aura around them as well... So that's why I prefer trying the online way because there's not as much pressure.

Are you sure it's really that out of the question to try through the apps. Not even using something like Instagram where nudity is banned?
But again, approaching strangers at the gym is asking a lot... Especially when most of these muscular guys don't seem to be all that interested in socializing with someone like myself. Most are definitely standoffish and most seem to be straight.
you do need to be careful in a gym - a lot of guys are there JUST to exercise not to socialise etc and remember that the true muscle guys are only muscly because they go hard and heavy on the exercise, are pretty committed to their routines and so don't like lots of distractions - so may not be stand-offish just not into chatting when they're exercising.
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you do need to be careful in a gym - a lot of guys are there JUST to exercise not to socialise etc and remember that the true muscle guys are only muscly because they go hard and heavy on the exercise, are pretty committed to their routines and so don't like lots of distractions - so may not be stand-offish just not into chatting when they're exercising.
Right and that all is true too, I'm aware that some are just there to workout and not socialize so they can appear distant and standoffish when they don't mean to.
But that's why I thin online would be the better route to try with these guys. No pressure, no interruptions. Are you sure trying to meet these kinda guys through apps like Instagram and/or Twitter wouldn't be worth looking into? You know aside from places like Grindr and Scruff which are more hookup oriented?
I’ve been with both sexes and prefer women to have a very feminine figure and guys to be at least athletic in build. I’ve played sports my whole life and have a muscular build, which I think is where my male preference comes from too. I don’t mind smaller men height wise though, because like you I like the size difference still. I think a lot of people get into a wrestler build, which I think is attainable for a smaller guy and still attract what you’re looking for.
I’ve been with both sexes and prefer women to have a very feminine figure and guys to be at least athletic in build. I’ve played sports my whole life and have a muscular build, which I think is where my male preference comes from too. I don’t mind smaller men height wise though, because like you I like the size difference still. I think a lot of people get into a wrestler build, which I think is attainable for a smaller guy and still attract what you’re looking for.
But that's the thing, I don't want a beefier or stocker, muscled frame. I like being lean and "dainty" lol.
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you do need to be careful in a gym - a lot of guys are there JUST to exercise not to socialise etc and remember that the true muscle guys are only muscly because they go hard and heavy on the exercise, are pretty committed to their routines and so don't like lots of distractions - so may not be stand-offish just not into chatting when they're exercising.
dont come to my tennis court and try and talk to me, talk to me in the entrance area
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Yes! Most muscular men are only into other muscular men like themselves. Most of them are hitting the gym so they can attract other similar muscular men to have sex with. Health benefits isn’t their goal for having a gym toned body. Some even use steroid to get a ripped and muscular body quicker.

I have lived in plenty of shared-houses with other gay men over the years, and every single one of them are gym bunny. One of my previous housemates had covid and could barely stand up, yet he still insisted on going to the gym anyway so he doesn’t lose his gains/muscles. To him, losing his muscular body was worse than death, and he didn’t give a damn that he had covid and might be spreading it other other people at the gym. Selfish cunt. Not surprised, since vanity and narcissism always go hand in hand.

Also, another gym bunny housemate took up smoking because it helps to suppress his appetite, lung cancer be damn! He’d rather died from lung cancer than getting fat.

Also another vain gym bunny house mate were big on tanning, even after I told him about the danger of sun tanning and skin cancers. Especially in Australia where we have the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Still, he’d rather get skin cancer than not looking like the golden tanned poster boy with muscular body that you see on those gay circuit party promo posters.

All these men that I lived with tried to ‘act’ masculine, using typical words like ‘bro’ and such to appear muscular. Strangely enough, they knew every word to Lizo’s, Britney Spear’s, Beyonce and Ariana’s songs, But couldn’t recall more than a few words from Bob Dylan’s or ACDC’s songs.