Are Muscular Guys Only Into Other Muscular Guys?

People like what they like, so to assume muscle guys only like other muscle guys is ridiculous. Some do, but I've known a lot of "mixed" type couples. There was a hot muscle guy who had a rather fat, out-of-shape, and unattractive boyfriend, and they seemed very happy together. You like who and what you like.
People like what they like, so to assume muscle guys only like other muscle guys is ridiculous. Some do, but I've known a lot of "mixed" type couples. There was a hot muscle guy who had a rather fat, out-of-shape, and unattractive boyfriend, and they seemed very happy together. You like who and what you like.
I’m not so sure about this. The common visual we see is that muscular guys are typically partnered with other muscular guys. Even on the apps you see that they don’t want anyone to message them unless they’re “fit” (which has a subjective definition to these guys) or muscular. Yes, there are mixed body type couples but the common denominator in those relationships is that the “fat” guy ends up becoming a muscle bear/cub because of the spaces he’s started to be accepted in thanks to his muscular partner.
All the above true in my experience, but as someone else pointed out there are lots of gay tribes. Clique-ishness I’m dating or sex isn’t unique to muscled guys. Basic idea though would be if you want to maximise chances of getting with muscular guys then get some muscle yourself if you can.
I very much am. Too bad I can't find many muscular guys into guys and masculine too
Wait really? I'm really surprised. I'd assume men would be throwing themselves at our feet. Well maybe they are but not the masculine muscular guys?
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The reverse begs the question as well. If you see guys are completely different looks, aesthetics, or whatever. Why?

Do guys, especially gay guys, who have partners who look nothing like and may be on different levels of fitness, etc., consider each on their own level? I think some may call it dating down or dating up? Or is this all superficial and guys are with the one who is different because one is hung and other isn't but has cute ass, or one tall and one short....
The reverse begs the question as well. If you see guys are completely different looks, aesthetics, or whatever. Why?

Do guys, especially gay guys, who have partners who look nothing like and may be on different levels of fitness, etc., consider each on their own level? I think some may call it dating down or dating up? Or is this all superficial and guys are with the one who is different because one is hung and other isn't but has cute ass, or one tall and one short....
Maybe I'm wrong(probably lol) but it seems men in general are very visual in potential partners. Especially just for a random hookup or sex.

When it comes to actually dating/love, I think it doesn't matter as much how they look but at least it seems for gay men, first you have to have had sex to then get to know each other. Then they can start to love them for themselves and not their outer appearance.
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Wait really? I'm really surprised. I'd assume men would be throwing themselves at our feet. Well maybe they are but not the masculine muscular guys?
Your right most guys that do are not muscular and/ or masculine. In America bent out of shape is popular and being fit is looked as if it's not that great
I’m so grateful the guy I’m seeing is into natural body types. He is naturally Adonis. As he gets close he holds and caresses my not so flat stomach. Meanwhile I have to see his 8pac while eating mostly junk. Lol
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As a slim twink type who has been into muscular guys since I can remember, I haven't been able to meet any muscular guys who were attracted to non-muscular guys. At the most, I've seen that they can sometimes be into big bear types but for the most part it seems like most if not 99% of them are only into other muscular guys and as slim/twink type, it does bum me out because with the attraction that I have towards muscular guys, I also like the size difference that it could bring. I would love to be the smaller guy but that seems like it's just a fantasy. Probably doesn't help that I'm not all that masculine neither... I also don't think "twink" would best describe me since I'm now 30 but physically, I am still slim in stature.

Anyway I'm still interested to hear from others on this. What has your experience been like?
I’m into 18yo Twink’s or should I say legal age Twink’s. Up to 25yo to 30yo. Anyway I’m from the uk. I’m also up for a private chat with anyone on here. Even more so if your from the uk.
Former Ugly Duckling here as well. I started going to the gym after a cycling accident. Cycling was my only physical activity. It didn't give me any definition, but it did allow me to shed winter weight. After the accident I didn't want to get back on the bike.

Started with the gym just to keep my weight in check. At the time, and even before, I had no shape to me other than what gravity provided. I started enjoying it mostly because it was something to do that was different, and for the mental space / agility it offered. It still is the best means for me to de-stress.

I'd witness the other guys at the gym - watching to see the ways in which they were working out. Looking for ideas, pointers, etc.... Yes, many of them had great bodies.

Over time my body began to change. I am by no means some muscle god, but I now have some shape and definition. I get attention that I would have never anticipated in the past. This combined with the mental benefits has changed my outlook on just about and social.

I don't only look to muscular guys with whom to socialize, work, date, or hook up with. There's a ton of great people in this world. What I have come to realize however, is that I much prefer guys who understand that taking care of themselves physically (and mentally - because who wants to hang out with a dolt?), is an important part of longevity.

Being muscular is not the only way to be physically healthy, but it is one indication. Runners and swimmers are in great shape but not necessarily muscular. Still, I know that these guys are balancing their lives in a way that makes them happier and healthier.

It's this mindset that I find attractive and not necessarily the muscles. The spirt of a man is by far his most attractive asset. In many instances, however, its the packaging that catches the attention. Ideally, you'll find something really good when you open it. Sometimes, however, it's just something pretty to view and nothing more.
I think muscle guys dating muscle guys is actually a rather practical decision. Most couples average each other out.

Most likely they will both have similar interests, diets, gym devotion etc. So their average will be similar to what they already are which is what they'd probably want.
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I’ve always disliked the narcissism SUPPOSEDLY inherent in the stereotype that mainstream culture has of gay men. Like all stereotypes, there’s probably some truth to it, but it can be creepy. Probably why I find most gay porn deadly dull. That I would only be attracted to/seek out partners who look, think and ARE exactly like me-well that’s never been true of me.

That’s why I find opposites attract combinations much hotter. Inter-generational, interracial, different body types, levels of attractiveness, income brackets, professions- I love that! If it’s a life partner you’re seeking I do think you should probably basically share the same value system And if you only want to fuck your own clone, I guess I shouldn’t judge… but not all of us want that.
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As a slim twink type who has been into muscular guys since I can remember, I haven't been able to meet any muscular guys who were attracted to non-muscular guys. At the most, I've seen that they can sometimes be into big bear types but for the most part it seems like most if not 99% of them are only into other muscular guys and as slim/twink type, it does bum me out because with the attraction that I have towards muscular guys, I also like the size difference that it could bring. I would love to be the smaller guy but that seems like it's just a fantasy. Probably doesn't help that I'm not all that masculine neither... I also don't think "twink" would best describe me since I'm now 30 but physically, I am still slim in stature.

Anyway I'm still interested to hear from others on this. What has your experience been like?
Slim femboy here (black).

I have dated/slept with a few muscular tops, though most were bi or curious.

If we're talking specifically gay muscular men, from my experience approximately:
60% preferred other muscular gay men, 35% preferred white/asian or fair skinned slim bottoms, 5% had alternative preferences".

Muscular guys and "twinks" are portrayed in gay porn a lot so will be the 1st choice for most as they're conditioned by porn to view them sexually.

If u want to hookup with a muscular guy, dating apps/sites work but they're very desired so u kind of have to put your best foot forward and make an effort (but not too much, as too forward is a turnoff for most lol).

If u want to get in a relationship with 1.. i probs can't help as it's never gone past sex for me lmao. If u find any good advice in that send it my way haha x
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All the above true in my experience, but as someone else pointed out there are lots of gay tribes. Clique-ishness I’m dating or sex isn’t unique to muscled guys. Basic idea though would be if you want to maximise chances of getting with muscular guys then get some muscle yourself if you can.
I'm aware of this but I genuinely like being slim. I do workout and I actually have sizeable legs and butt from my leg-focused workout developing a "slim thick" look to myself and I really like how I look even if it doesn't really attract many muscular guys. But I don't think it's worth giving myself body dysphoria when I like how my body looks and I'd like to believe that there are bigger muscular guys who are attracted to smaller slim built guys somewhere out there.