Are There Men Who Are Born Cocksuckers?


Admired Member
Sep 21, 2010
Springfield, MO, USA
50% Straight, 50% Gay
I have a question about male cocksuckers. Do you believe that there are male cocksuckers who were truly born and sexually wired to be a cocksucker? Long ago my first feeder tried hard to convince me that my true natural born sexuality was as a cocksucker. I had never thought about sucking dick until the day I gave my first blowjob. He use to tell me that my sexuality was not straight, not gay, and not bisexual. Being a male cocksucker was my genuine sexual orientation. My first feeder said that an overwhelming majority of men were born only to have their cock sucked by others. However, there was a small percentage of men who were genuinely born to be cocksuckers, and that I was one of those men.

My first feeder said that he saw very obvious things about me that led him to believe that I was a beta male, and that my personality and the way I hold myself made it obvious to him that I was a male cocksucker. I just had never been introduced to my true sexuality up until then. Well he was absolutely 100% correct about who I am! My first feeder had turned six other guys into cocksuckers. I was lucky number 7. He said that he was never more certain that a man was a cocksucker as he was with me, and that I had “cocksucker” written all over my face. Again, he was absolutely right about me. He had read me like a book about the type of man I am sexually.

For years I had a difficult time accepting the fact that I’m a male cocksucker, even though nothing honestly gave me greater sexual pleasure and satisfaction as giving blowjobs to other men, and doing kinky things as a slut for cum. Finally after years of fighting my sexuality I got sick and tired of fighting it, and I started to take a true sense of pride in my sexuality as a male cocksucker. Nowadays I fully embrace the fact that I’m a cocksucker. Sucking cock is truly me favorite type of sex by far. There’s nothing sexually that I would rather do more than have my mouth fucked by another man’s big penis, and be a total slut for another man’s sperm. Whenever I’m horny the very first thought that pops into my mind are beautiful cut cocks, and happily bobbing my head up and down another man’s penis. So at this point I honestly believe that I was just wired sexually to orally pleasure other men.
I have a question about male cocksuckers. Do you believe that there are male cocksuckers who were truly born and sexually wired to be a cocksucker? Long ago my first feeder tried hard to convince me that my true natural born sexuality was as a cocksucker. I had never thought about sucking dick until the day I gave my first blowjob. He use to tell me that my sexuality was not straight, not gay, and not bisexual. Being a male cocksucker was my genuine sexual orientation. My first feeder said that an overwhelming majority of men were born only to have their cock sucked by others. However, there was a small percentage of men who were genuinely born to be cocksuckers, and that I was one of those men.

My first feeder said that he saw very obvious things about me that led him to believe that I was a beta male, and that my personality and the way I hold myself made it obvious to him that I was a male cocksucker. I just had never been introduced to my true sexuality up until then. Well he was absolutely 100% correct about who I am! My first feeder had turned six other guys into cocksuckers. I was lucky number 7. He said that he was never more certain that a man was a cocksucker as he was with me, and that I had “cocksucker” written all over my face. Again, he was absolutely right about me. He had read me like a book about the type of man I am sexually.

For years I had a difficult time accepting the fact that I’m a male cocksucker, even though nothing honestly gave me greater sexual pleasure and satisfaction as giving blowjobs to other men, and doing kinky things as a slut for cum. Finally after years of fighting my sexuality I got sick and tired of fighting it, and I started to take a true sense of pride in my sexuality as a male cocksucker. Nowadays I fully embrace the fact that I’m a cocksucker. Sucking cock is truly me favorite type of sex by far. There’s nothing sexually that I would rather do more than have my mouth fucked by another man’s big penis, and be a total slut for another man’s sperm. Whenever I’m horny the very first thought that pops into my mind are beautiful cut cocks, and happily bobbing my head up and down another man’s penis. So at this point I honestly believe that I was just wired sexually to orally pleasure other men.
Definitely!! I have met-- and cherished--- many wonderful, natural born cocksuckers. Most days, one --- or more--- has spent some time swallowing my cock.

I offer -0- recip. I offer total recognition, respect, and appreciation. Like your feeder--- i have helped many to discover, aknlwlege, appreciate, develope and respect their own true nature.

And ----- they get even better . Long live the cocksuckers! Men invented cocksucking.
Along with my recognition of their true nature, i offer assurance, guidance--- and domination--- esp when i sense it will help them. Eventually, i want the relationship to be between them ---- and my cock. Almost as a separate entity
Along with my recognition of their true nature, i offer assurance, guidance--- and domination--- esp when i sense it will help them. Eventually, i want the relationship to be between them ---- and my cock. Almost as a separate entity
Woof you make me wanna drop and suck right now!
Thanks---- i love that reaction. Im very simpatico, can read people quite well--- and seem to have a wonderful, almost uncanny ability to connect with cocksuckers.

This morning i had a guy on his knees. Told him to take his shoes off and put kneepads on. This goes to service, the kneepads ar kinda a uniform--- helpsget him in proper mindset.
I told him--- firmly---it was not a request. Control, dominance.

I sensed this guy needed some discovery. Told him turn around, cuffed his hands behind his back.

Assume the position. Put chain leash around his neck.

Later, he thanked me, profusely-- how did you know I needed, wanted craved that ?!i didnt know myself!
When can i see " Him" again?
I have a question about male cocksuckers. Do you believe that there are male cocksuckers who were truly born and sexually wired to be a cocksucker?
No I do not believe that. Men and women are aroused by sex features. And you are by a penis.

Long ago my first feeder tried hard to convince me that my true natural born sexuality was as a cocksucker. I had never thought about sucking dick until the day I gave my first blowjob. He use to tell me that my sexuality was not straight, not gay, and not bisexual. Being a male cocksucker was my genuine sexual orientation.
I am not aware that such a thing exist. But there are so many diffrent forms of sexuality and gender that I dont know.

My first feeder said that an overwhelming majority of men were born only to have their cock sucked by others. However, there was a small percentage of men who were genuinely born to be cocksuckers, and that I was one of those men.
He was sexualizing and trying to get you aroused. I dont think he really meant it.

My first feeder said that he saw very obvious things about me that led him to believe that I was a beta male, and that my personality and the way I hold myself made it obvious to him that I was a male cocksucker.
So he is psychic? Or does he know that?

The definitions of alpha and beta male are hierarchical definitions, that signify a class system. Those definitions do not exist anymore if you go into the heart center during sex, in my opinion.

Well he was absolutely 100% correct about who I am! My first feeder had turned six other guys into cocksuckers.
So he is a psychic. I do not understand the last sentence. Did he also turn you into a cocksucker or were you a cocksucker?

If the second is true, he is not that psychic as he claims.

Nowadays I fully embrace the fact that I’m a cocksucker. Sucking cock is truly me favorite type of sex by far. There’s nothing sexually that I would rather do more than have my mouth fucked by another man’s big penis, and be a total slut for another man’s sperm.
You just like it because you like the sex with him. But if he said something else like you are an asssucker you would be believe that.
[deleted quote of deleted post]

That is ok and fine :heart:.
But didnt the thread opener wanted to know if there is a sexuality that is called cocksucker?
Or did I missunderstand it?

I have never heard of a sexuality that is call this way. But if you rename the sexual orientations for arousal purposes, this would be also ok, in my opinion. You should just be careful when you talk about it with LGBTQ-activists. They could be offended by such definitions of sexuality.
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That is ok and fine :heart:.
But didnt the thread opener wanted to know if there is a sexuality that is called cocksucker?
Or did I missunderstand it?

I have never heard of a sexuality that is call this way. But if you rename the sexual orientations for arousal purposes, this would be also ok, in my opinion. You should just be careful when you talk about it with LGBTQ-activists. They could be offended by such definitions of sexuality.
I see. I don't mean to offend anyone. That's not my intention.

Based on the OP, I attemtped to define myself based on my sexuality. I've always been about cock sucking. From as early as I can remember. I was never interested in anything else. Well, feet. But then don't they go hand-n-hand with your typical cocksukcer (not that there isn't variation). I wanted to submit to the cute boys before I knew what submission was, or even what sex was muchless being gay.

So calling my sexuality "cocksucker" seemed fitting if not accurate. Just having fun with it on the forum. I suppose my "true" sexualtiy would be termed homosexualtity, but with a heavy emphasis on cock sucking.

If I could only ever do one thing (sexually speaking), and nothing else, even in having something done to me by myself or another, cock sucking would be it. It ticks all the boxes for me. So what does that say about me, and my sex-uality? Cocksucker comes to mind.
Submission. A key element. Thought I'd gone too far with new cocksucker. My hands are large and calloused. I had this guy on his knees, one hand in his long hair, the other either roughly handling his face or slapping it with cock.

Now you're gonna swallow this-----and if I feel one tooth I'll beat your ass bloody with this---- wrapping a quirt that was lying on my desk around his neck.

( for the record---- I never give pain--- was enhancing the act). Al the above was done because I thought it's what he needed.

He did an outstanding job, obviously came in his pants---- then ran out, sobbing. I felt horrible.

Took a couple of weeks, he called asked permission to stop by. Ordinarily, I would have said day after tomorrow--- control. But this different, said sure, I'd love that.

Said it was best experience of his life---- but major revelations about himself, feelings he'd fought, needed time to process. Thanked me profusely and repeatedly.
I'm not but a number of guys who've only blown me have said they were born cocksuckers.

Many guys I've topped have said the same but it sounds like they don't count in your survey.

I'm glad you have stopped fighting and accepted yourself as you are.:cool:
I don't think anyone was fighting. Were we? I thought I was just clarifying and defending my position. I apologize if I came off as though I were fighting.

And like with most things in life, it takes a Real Man to come along and set the faggot straight. Thank You, halcyondays, Sir. Your presence and participation is most appreciated.


We weren't. I was replying to the OP not to your post.
[deleted quoted post that was deleted]

Based in Montana. Actually have a lotta sex with women. Seem to be able to read them quite well.
My training began at an early age---- my mentor was 30 yoa lady. She recognized that i was highly sexual and taught me well.

She facilitated several guys sucking my cock. I had no idea!! She taught me Saud sex practices---- development, control, exercises. I learned that male orgasm and ejaculation are two separate events--- andthat while they usually occur simultaneously---- you can do one w/o the other. I became quite the sexual athlete --- and lady pleaser.

Frankly--- i was pretty hot. And highly sexed. And well trained.

Eventually, not only was i her personal cock----
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I know that after sucking my first cock at a bookstore gloryhole I was hooked.
I still remember looking in amazement as this hard cock with a classic cut head forced it’s way through the hole and into my booth.
I looked close as the booths dim light showed me my task at hand , and my life’s future passion.
As I I took this ample, plump ,helmet shaped head into my drooling mouth I knew this would be the start of a life’s long work, my passion and favorite hobby.
I can’t remember how long my first session took , all I remember is first I am a cock sucker for life and who’s penis will be next!

Later I learned I really have no gag reflex. So I can enjoy all size cocks. My biggest To this day was a glorious 10 1/2 inch very thick African American gentleman I throated , and still had room to spare. His silky dark skin and moist head helped the feeding process.

I suppose the real test if I am a born cock sucker is my love of sucking to this day.
when I hosted my gloryhole, the days I was open I’d suck any regulars that asked for service ( they had particular times to fit their schedules) in fact my regulars that were long time feeders would tell me about their day as I throated them and tell me the usual” my wife won’t do this” stories. They were always so grateful , as was I and in the back of my mind was the constant question iof who’s next!!!! Yep I’m a born cock sucker.
I have a question about male cocksuckers. Do you believe that there are male cocksuckers who were truly born and sexually wired to be a cocksucker? Long ago my first feeder tried hard to convince me that my true natural born sexuality was as a cocksucker. I had never thought about sucking dick until the day I gave my first blowjob. He use to tell me that my sexuality was not straight, not gay, and not bisexual. Being a male cocksucker was my genuine sexual orientation. My first feeder said that an overwhelming majority of men were born only to have their cock sucked by others. However, there was a small percentage of men who were genuinely born to be cocksuckers, and that I was one of those men.

My first feeder said that he saw very obvious things about me that led him to believe that I was a beta male, and that my personality and the way I hold myself made it obvious to him that I was a male cocksucker. I just had never been introduced to my true sexuality up until then. Well he was absolutely 100% correct about who I am! My first feeder had turned six other guys into cocksuckers. I was lucky number 7. He said that he was never more certain that a man was a cocksucker as he was with me, and that I had “cocksucker” written all over my face. Again, he was absolutely right about me. He had read me like a book about the type of man I am sexually.

For years I had a difficult time accepting the fact that I’m a male cocksucker, even though nothing honestly gave me greater sexual pleasure and satisfaction as giving blowjobs to other men, and doing kinky things as a slut for cum. Finally after years of fighting my sexuality I got sick and tired of fighting it, and I started to take a true sense of pride in my sexuality as a male cocksucker. Nowadays I fully embrace the fact that I’m a cocksucker. Sucking cock is truly me favorite type of sex by far. There’s nothing sexually that I would rather do more than have my mouth fucked by another man’s big penis, and be a total slut for another man’s sperm. Whenever I’m horny the very first thought that pops into my mind are beautiful cut cocks, and happily bobbing my head up and down another man’s penis. So at this point I honestly believe that I was just wired sexually to orally pleasure other men.
Love to be feeding you right now!!!!
OP Blondblowjob7 -- yes 100% believe some men a true natural born cocksuckers. Also believe this is not fully defined by the cocksucker himself but on the other hand it is defined by his feeder. An experienced feeder knows a true cocksucker and will tell you if your a natural. You can clearly tell when you are really getting him off because you are enjoying yourself as much as he is enjoying your skills.
Feeders please correct me if I'm wrong,
OP Blondblowjob7 -- yes 100% believe some men a true natural born cocksuckers. Also believe this is not fully defined by the cocksucker himself but on the other hand it is defined by his feeder. An experienced feeder knows a true cocksucker and will tell you if your a natural. You can clearly tell when you are really getting him off because you are enjoying yourself as much as he is enjoying your skills.
Feeders please correct me if I'm wrong,
I can kinda intuit that a cocksucker maybe has secret cravings, desires, capabilities that he hasnt even dreamed of, nuch less explored.

I have rather aggressive input --- and take some risks---- in helping him discover his true nature and capabilitys.

I love to imprint him with my cock, get him to where he begs for it, get him addicted to it----- get him to where the relationship is between cock and cosksucker----and its Master Cock who is in charge.
I can kinda intuit that a cocksucker maybe has secret cravings, desires, capabilities that he hasnt even dreamed of, nuch less explored.

I have rather aggressive input --- and take some risks---- in helping him discover his true nature and capabilitys.

I love to imprint him with my cock, get him to where he begs for it, get him addicted to it----- get him to where the relationship is between cock and cosksucker----and its Master Cock who is in charge.
3rd paragraph -- a natural born cocksuckers dream.