It's one thing to be a porn actor whose allegations against costars can be found on video recordings. Those studios should not work with Deen again.
It's another thing to be accused of a crime on social media but never be charged with a crime.
The end of the similarity between Deen and Hammer is that investigation of Hammer by the police. When the rubber hit the road on the Hammer allegations, the police did not have evidence of a crime and after an investigation he was not charged. When there was question of a civil case against Hammer, Gloria Allred wouldn't represent the accuser because the accuser wouldn't agree to document the allegations under penalty of perjury. Allred was not going to represent a client who would not swear under oath that her accusations were true.
When a crime is investigated and indicted by a grand jury, it's the "people vs" that appears on the indictment, not the accuser. Everyone is innocent in a court of law until proven guilty. Sadly, on Twitter accusations are made and are too often assumed to be true. When the Hammer accusations were being repeated in the tabloids, they sounded ridiculous and they turned out to be false and misleading claims made by someone who has proven to be very unstable and in cahoots with Hammer's estranged wife.
Hammer was never charged, so there was never an acquittal.
What Allred and the LAPD found is that there wasn't evidence of a crime or a reliable witness that could result in a verdict against Hammer. When the evidence came out that the ex-wife was in collusion with the accusers, it confirmed what Allred and the LAPD had concluded.
Unfortunately, the damage was done by then.