Armie hammer!

He got cancelled because he has bdsm fantasy and some woman said he wants to cut off his toe or whatever and bring it with him anywhere. Which wasn't proven to be true. Social media is wild!
He is under investigation by the LAPD for Rape....
He got cancelled because he has bdsm fantasy and some woman said he wants to cut off his toe or whatever and bring it with him anywhere. Which wasn't proven to be true. Social media is wild!

No a woman (with her lawyer) held a press conference saying that Armie held her captive in his hotel room for 4 hrs. raping her, smashing her head against the wall among other things. Then afterwards more woman came forward, after that he checked into rehab. It's currently being investigated

Armie Hammer accused of violent sexual assault: "I thought he was going to kill me" - CBS News
No a woman (with her lawyer) held a press conference saying that Armie held her captive in his hotel room for 4 hrs. raping her, smashing her head against the wall among other things. Then afterwards more woman came forward, after that he checked into rehab. It's currently being investigated

Armie Hammer accused of violent sexual assault: "I thought he was going to kill me" - CBS News
Uhhhhhh wtf????
But people still keep defending him cause he's white and average looking.
This whole Armie Hammer stuff I see as a 50/50 thing.
There is the trendy 'lets get the white guy' playing out and the other is the pearl clutchers reacting to his sexual fantasy stuff.
The sexual domination fetish stuff to me sounds mostly just silly and i don't particularly believe he really means he wants to eat people or whatever the tweets were. People have lots of weird sexual fantasies and are lucky the public dont become privy to them.
As to the rape allegations, well, they are yet to be proven for one thing. Innocent until proven guilty. Will see how that plays out.
The accusers in all these things hardly seem to be virtuous Mother Theresa types who volunteer down at the food bank every second day feeding the poor.
Most seem to be dubious instagram type fame whores from what i can tell. He's an idiot for going out with those types.
Rehab sounds more like a publicists round table in how to deal with the image problem playing out than a genuine I need to sort out my sexual fantasy stuff.
This whole Armie Hammer stuff I see as a 50/50 thing.
There is the trendy 'lets get the white guy' playing out and the other is the pearl clutchers reacting to his sexual fantasy stuff.
The sexual domination fetish stuff to me sounds mostly just silly and i don't particularly believe he really means he wants to eat people or whatever the tweets were. People have lots of weird sexual fantasies and are lucky the public dont become privy to them.
As to the rape allegations, well, they are yet to be proven for one thing. Innocent until proven guilty. Will see how that plays out.
The accusers in all these things hardly seem to be virtuous Mother Theresa types who volunteer down at the food bank every second day feeding the poor.
Most seem to be dubious instagram type fame whores from what i can tell. He's an idiot for going out with those types.
Rehab sounds more like a publicists round table in how to deal with the image problem playing out than a genuine I need to sort out my sexual fantasy stuff.

Haha you don't see this 50/50, fetish is perfectly fine, but your literally victim blaming for this, and don't know the young women
This whole Armie Hammer stuff I see as a 50/50 thing.
There is the trendy 'lets get the white guy' playing out and the other is the pearl clutchers reacting to his sexual fantasy stuff.
The sexual domination fetish stuff to me sounds mostly just silly and i don't particularly believe he really means he wants to eat people or whatever the tweets were. People have lots of weird sexual fantasies and are lucky the public dont become privy to them.
As to the rape allegations, well, they are yet to be proven for one thing. Innocent until proven guilty. Will see how that plays out.
The accusers in all these things hardly seem to be virtuous Mother Theresa types who volunteer down at the food bank every second day feeding the poor.
Most seem to be dubious instagram type fame whores from what i can tell. He's an idiot for going out with those types.
Rehab sounds more like a publicists round table in how to deal with the image problem playing out than a genuine I need to sort out my sexual fantasy stuff.

Really?? I think that if he was black, poor, not good looking, etc his ass would have been already in jail. Watch the victim’s video before blaming her. A “fantasy” or fetish is only ok when both parties are into it, and if one changes their mind, it should stop on that moment, and this was not the case here..
This whole Armie Hammer stuff I see as a 50/50 thing.
There is the trendy 'lets get the white guy' playing out and the other is the pearl clutchers reacting to his sexual fantasy stuff.
The sexual domination fetish stuff to me sounds mostly just silly and i don't particularly believe he really means he wants to eat people or whatever the tweets were. People have lots of weird sexual fantasies and are lucky the public dont become privy to them.
As to the rape allegations, well, they are yet to be proven for one thing. Innocent until proven guilty. Will see how that plays out.
The accusers in all these things hardly seem to be virtuous Mother Theresa types who volunteer down at the food bank every second day feeding the poor.
Most seem to be dubious instagram type fame whores from what i can tell. He's an idiot for going out with those types.
Rehab sounds more like a publicists round table in how to deal with the image problem playing out than a genuine I need to sort out my sexual fantasy stuff.

Exactly my thoughts
The issue I have with your statement is even if he is found guilty you still found away to throw the blame on her. So you could go back to masturbating to his pictures without feeling any sort of guilt. 2nd about 30 different woman stepped forward with messages showing that he was getting really inappropriate with them as well. With the physical assault she claims to have (there will be medical bills) because to you guys having your head slammed against a wall is sexy? And finally his stepping into rehab, if he is found not guilty (which I do hope) his career will be just fine. Chances are that J-lo rom-com will be stupid anyway. Also your statement about race is ridiculous Kevin Hart missed out a massive Oscar gig, because of stupid tweets 5 years prior he had to go apologize and explain that he was trying out a joke and not only did not work. He realized it was wrong and he stopped, almost immediately. Aziz Ansari got accused of rape, when it was more like two people didn't communicate (She herself said she didn't say no and it's not like she wasn't given a chance). Also you know her as well as you know him. The issue is you like him, so you've automatically taken his side , and why Your "Innocent until guilty" for him, your also saying she's guilty of lying or out right being slut who deserved it.