Photo Army Boys For Real

Believe me, the attraction of squaddies (as we call them in UK) is way better served from the outside looking in.
Once you have been in the army as I have, it loses its sexual appeal. I had a great time but always find military type porn stuff a bit meh. Strangely.
Depends whether you managed to have as much sex when you served like i did.
Depends whether you managed to have as much sex when you served like i did.

Tell us the stories @grommet10429360 . Were they all stallions in the household cavalry? Did you get fucked by any marines in Lymington, blow off a para or find a captain in a gay sauna near Catterick? You can't tease us like this...
Tell us the stories @grommet10429360 . Were they all stallions in the household cavalry? Did you get fucked by any marines in Lymington, blow off a para or find a captain in a gay sauna near Catterick? You can't tease us like this...
Do tell...sounds