Art Bezrukavenko

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This ukrainian bitch is sexy as fuck. He is so beautiful and has the cutest twink booty. He comes across "loyal" to his sugar daddy from New York, but I just know he is addicted to sex and has been fucking all the way up to the top.
must be the shoes
Girl, what straight friend? Ain't no straights in his circle.
A few days ago he uploaded an interview with a straight friend who has an OF page but fucking chicks. Does he fuck boypussy or not
Does anybody know for sure (thanks but I'll pass guess work) if I ever purchase a video from Art whereby he promises a sex video where penetration is visible but in the end it isn't, if I can lodge a formal complaint against him or get refunded for being scammed?

What does OF t&c really say about that?

Anyone knowledgeable enough?
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