Artist looking for willing male models for virtual figure drawing.

Hi all,

I am an artist based in Cleveland, looking to men comfortable with posing nude for virtual figure drawing sessions. I want to make a small artbook of drawings done via zoom/skype to talk about art creation during the 2020 lockdown. All types of body-types are welcome, and the type of content can be totally up to the participants (whether classically inspired, erotic, adult, etc).

The sessions would be between 1 to 2 hours long, and poses would be broken up into 10-20 minute chunks.

DM me if interested, or reply to the thread! There's a lot of artists on here I'm sure who could use some willing models.

For examples of my work, you can go here:
im interested. my skype is
Hi Brandon,

Modelled for you a while back - sorry my old email stopped working - this is my new one if you ever want me to pose again - i really enjoyed posing for you before.
Hi Everyone,

Thank you all so much for your interest! I ended up doing alot of drawing sessions early this year for the project and they were turning out well. My mother ended up being hospitalized so I spent the bulk of the year away from my studio, but now im finally back home more consistently and can resume the project!
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