As a gay man approaching 40, does anyone else feel weird about still finding younger men sexually attractive?


Sexy Member
Feb 24, 2022
Wigan, England,United Kingdom
80% Gay, 20% Straight
So next year I turn 40, and I’ve never really had a “type” when it comes to men, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve found myself feeling weird when I see an obviously much younger guy and find him sexy.

Now to be clear, I am NOT talking about underage guys or even teenagers. For example, there was a guy on the U.K. traitors who I thought was absolutely gorgeous, but then I saw he was only 20 and I felt kind of gross about thinking like that.

Yes, I know he’s an adult, legal age and all that, but I am literally old enough to be his Dad. Anyone else find themselves feeling like this? Almost as if I’m a creep for finding someone so much younger than me hot?
It’s not strange at all.. a lot of men straight or gay and women .. tend to be attracted you younger
People think what kind of things can an older guy and younger guy have in common other than sex .. a friend of mine is 56 married to his husband now 25 .. been married 4 years and together total 6 years ( makes them 19 and 50) and they get along better than most married people that are around same ages
Exactly the same around here. I always liked guys in their mid-20s the most, but I already turned 40 and it is still like that.
So yeah I dont feel confortable talking openly about my crushes for example. But the worst thing it is the feeling that I am getting further and further and probably I am just an "old man" for those guys I like...
Not really. There’s nothing in the human biology that would “turn off” sexual attraction to people in their early 20s regardless of sexuality or gender. It’s completely natural.

The only reason you feel icky about it is because of societal judgement that has a homophobic strand that associates homosexuality with pedophilia. Straight men in their 40s do not feel guilty about fancying girls in their 20s, believe me.

And sometimes this homophobic guilt is internalised by gay people themselves. In my experience, the gay people who make snide comments about liking younger are ageing bottoms who always liked older “daddy” types even when they were 20 themselves. And don’t have enough empathy to understand what it’s like to have a different type.
As long as they are legal, it doesnt matter. Why should a gay 40-year-old feel worse than a straight 70-year-old man liking or fucking 20 y.o.s (think of playboy). 20-year-olds are usually in prime physical shape, of course they're attractive.
So next year I turn 40, and I’ve never really had a “type” when it comes to men, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve found myself feeling weird when I see an obviously much younger guy and find him sexy.

Now to be clear, I am NOT talking about underage guys or even teenagers. For example, there was a guy on the U.K. traitors who I thought was absolutely gorgeous, but then I saw he was only 20 and I felt kind of gross about thinking like that.

Yes, I know he’s an adult, legal age and all that, but I am literally old enough to be his Dad. Anyone else find themselves feeling like this? Almost as if I’m a creep for finding someone so much younger than me hot?
Its perfectly normal. There are some parts of the brain that don't want to age and so you're behaving, mentally as you did when much younger.
As to being attracted to younger guys once again why not. Young guys come on to me and I'm older than 40 and they don't find age gets in the way of good sex.
I was feeling the same kinda way recently, but I came to the conclusion that if they're legal and mature, we can chill. I doubt I see myself going into a relationship... but yea.
Typically I go for older guys or my contemporaries, but the younger guys love to flirt with me, and who am I to stop them?! :joy:
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You're not a creep. Attraction regardless of age difference is normal. It's a matter of personal preference and individual choice & interaction.

I'm 63 and still see college age lads & lasses though not as many or as often as when I was younger. I'll age out completely at some point but not yet. :cool:
I was with a younger guy for nearly 8 years .. it was kind of an open relationship.. we still played around with other guys and even had a few get togethers (.guess call orgy/gangbangs ) but we didn’t do anything secretly or behind each others backs..

But he was so great to be with sexually and non sexual
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Yes. They look much younger than before. And, weirdly, I find myself finding older man so much more attractive. I have a thing for grey hair now and I have not gone grey at all myself, yet.
I am 38 and I am only attracted to young boys (20 to 25), sometimes it feels wrong, they are almost half my age. What's even wierd is that I remember how I used to feel when I was in my early 20s and was constantly being approached by 40+ guys.