Atk_fit is back as thefitthomas

I definitely don’t feel like he’s feeling like making an effort these days. I mean, I enjoy looking at old hot 5 second videos as much as the next person, but it might not be a great marketing strategy.
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He must have been extra horny this morning (Sunday 11/05/23). That mule dick was hanging really low in those gray boxer briefs. :rolleyes: A year or so back, he used to sell his underwear (a lot of Andrew Christian stuff) on PoshMark. Wonder how much he would get for these stretched out briefs?

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at one point some years ago he used to be in top shape, he got even on tv briefly. never too buff but impressive. my guess is he overtrains, cardio before and after, he doesnt train with others so he goes his way and well... the life of a married man now, with a wifey that got a f*boy and wants him not to be that anymore. i utterly oppose insecure people wanting to 'mold' and 'change' their partners ¬¬

Why does he need to gain if he prefers how he currently looks and simply wants to maintain his current form? Some people are not fans of all of that bulk.
right not everyone is a bodybuilder. People go to the gym to stay healthy and maintain. He's in great shape regardless
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at one point some years ago he used to be in top shape, he got even on tv briefly. never too buff but impressive. my guess is he overtrains, cardio before and after, he doesnt train with others so he goes his way and well... the life of a married man now, with a wifey that got a f*boy and wants him not to be that anymore. i utterly oppose insecure people wanting to 'mold' and 'change' their partners ¬¬

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Oh wow. So they're still together?