August Westlake (onlyfans - Chaturbate)

i search this guy because of that tweet that went viral. I know I should just mind my own business when I see him making his twitter private.
reading through this thread makes me feel bad for him. i just want to see some penis...
he always gets viral every now and again, too bad he didnt use that to his advantage
yeah, i always wonder if he actually regret doing all of these adult content stuff.
cause im pretty sure everyone would still support him even if he doesn't want to do collab with other people.
He's 100% ashamed of it, especially because when straight women find out you are out here fucking bussy most straight women will turn you down.
He KEEPS reposting the video online, even though he’s ’looking out for August’ fucking bullshit like
He's profiting from it and admitted that he didnt even pay August for the filming, poor guy got taken advantage twice.
And just that Kayleb is watching this thread tells me he’s probably trying to get even more free content out of creators without paying them for their work (like the reason we’re all here lmao) — shame. Colleagues disrespecting colleagues, like their “payment” is getting to fuck a twink while he gets thousands of impressions on Twitter that could likely translate into hundreds of dollars as a result
And the worst part is that all of this is that it’s probably fueling Kayleb’s ego. Anything we say regardless of how valid would just come across as jealousy to him, and he has the nerve to act like he’s innocent or he’s a true friend to August… it doesn’t matter how close they were when they made the video, if they’re not friends now then that’s all we need to know