Why is it alright that his posts regularly lie to you, his paying customers, about their content?
I didn't say it's alright I just don't share the ridiculous belief that we have to change how others are, we can set limits specially someone you don't know!
We know this 2 facts:
* He said he won't post full nudes
* He deceives on his captions on OF
So why would you stay subscribed if you know already what he's going to post! This is just like those cheating relationships where they know they're with a real dog cheater and they stay right there, complaining, with delusional expectations that this time for real they will be faithful

just to end up in the same place or worse xD just like you guys expecting that d pick finally!! Along with your Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy's belief system.
Who is the one to blame? Who is choosing to stay there? In this case is even worse cuz you don't see it as it is which is pure business. You are the one paying and you know what you may be getting in return.
If you are a paying customer like myself, and you don't like it, you need to stop that cycle. You can choose to stay there and hopefully he one day decides to share what you want to see but until then it's such an irresponsible move to whine and keep paying for a content you clearly don't want!
It's like you guys want to establish the OF police and send them to porn jail for their tricks. And I'm right there with you, I severely dislike bad business integrity, but then again he keeps creating such content because he has an audience. So there's nothing much to do besides stop the support and perhaps complain to OF for a refund and move on.