Austin Mollno TikTok

You clearly have a vey narrow and limited idea of what queer baiting is. I know you're brighter than this. You think he does some of the stuff he does because girls are watching ? You really think that ? Also do you really think he doesn't know this thread exists ? Come on. He looks at his analytics and he can see that the majority of his followers are men. You think straight men follow him to see his cute sign videos ? Austin isn't stupid and knows who the audience is. Look at this thread for example. Dude posts one shirtless pic and everybody here is creaming themselves. He's queerbaiting and you know it
That’s not queer baiting lol again y’all throw that word around for any guy taking a shirtless selfie
He is a queer baiter though. Not sure about the Trump thing I haven't seen anything to suggest he's a Trump supporter. But the queer baiting thing absolutely. This guy looks at his analytics and he knows that men are his biggest demographic. And he most likely knows that straight men aren't following him for his signs.
Go look at who he follows........... Also he's been seen with maga flags in the background......

That’s not queer baiting lol again y’all throw that word around for any guy taking a shirtless selfie
Keep telling yourself that, he knows his fanbase who constantly mssg him for pics, IT AINT NO STRAIGHT CHICS!!
That is beyond disbelief for me. His parents are immigrants, supporting Trump is like shooting your own foot, taking a shit on your heritage.

In this video they are celebrating Trump getting arrested:

Austin Mollno on TikTok

Also I saw his socials, he follow more queer related stuff than straight stuff. And like I mentioned, he keeps an eye on this thread and this forum, because right now it is a top Google result

So I don't think he is queerbaiting, I think he is genuine ally, or at least bi/pan/gay
dude, they literally started the video talking that he had a light candle, in mexican/latin culture it means a celebration for the dead, for justice, for prayers

and it is obviously a celebration, they are all laughing, there is skeleton in the back, cmon dude
That is beyond disbelief for me. His parents are immigrants, supporting Trump is like shooting your own foot, taking a shit on your heritage.

In this video they are celebrating Trump getting arrested:

Austin Mollno on TikTok

Also I saw his socials, he follow more queer related stuff than straight stuff. And like I mentioned, he keeps an eye on this thread and this forum, because right now it is a top Google result

So I don't think he is queerbaiting, I think he is genuine ally, or at least bi/pan/gay
He's filthy rich....... Also he FOLLOWS trump on insta........
You clearly have a vey narrow and limited idea of what queer baiting is. I know you're brighter than this. You think he does some of the stuff he does because girls are watching ? You really think that ? Also do you really think he doesn't know this thread exists ? Come on. He looks at his analytics and he can see that the majority of his followers are men. You think straight men follow him to see his cute sign videos ? Austin isn't stupid and knows who the audience is. Look at this thread for example. Dude posts one shirtless pic and everybody here is creaming themselves. He's queerbaiting and you know it.

That’s just baiting dude. Nothing queer in exposing yourself/your body. He knows his numbers, sure. That’s why he posts thirst traps as the other 99% of influencers. Having a male/gay audience does not make you queer. I don’t see the problem here
