Form your own conclusions from the following if you want:
1) Austin is a proven scammer because he made promises about his OF in return for money and failed to deliver.
2) Austin recently posted a photo of himself in his Navy uniform with the caption "The Navy is a joke". Maybe that is true but some/maybe many will take that to mean he has a bad attitude and be less inclined to hire him for a job. Plus, if my memory is correct, he volunteered to spend eight years in the Navy, there hasn't been a draft for years and spending eight years means he signed up at least one time after he initially did. He recently posted a video in which he said the Navy paid $1,602 towards his monthly rent (no roommates) of $1,700 so not too bad for that part of his pay. Also said he chose not to take education courses and gain a degree while in the Navy. He acknowledged others in the military take classes and gain degrees while serving. Said he's applied to (leading) defense contractors including Boeing, Grumman, etc. and was annoyed they aren't taking him but instead those with college degrees. On another recent video he said that if someone wanted him to do math he was the wrong guy. Austin then said he'll probably end up living at his parents house after he leaves the Navy this year (not that there is anything wrong with that).
It's not practical for someone to think employers are going to hire someone like him who admits he doesn't have the skills they need and admits he chose not to further his education (at taxpayer expense by the way). And if he doesn't want to live at his parents house he could get a job (ok, not CEO of Boeing) is this tight labor economy while he figures out what is next. I wonder if the Navy didn't offer him job/career counseling or they did and he chose not to participate in it.
3) If I haven't said it before, his "mustache" isn't appealing.
Hey, its his life to do what he want with but I lost respect for his deception and scamming ways and I'm not taking out my violin to play while he complains and whines that high paying jobs aren't open to him because of decisions he made as an adult.
Have a nice day!