The earlier vids were much more believable as being spy cam vids, regardless of whether they were actually real. Later vids had long shower scenes with multiple angles that there’s no way could have been from hidden cameras, as well jack off scenes and guys with non-regulation haircuts. I do believe the earlier vids were real military guys.
There was a period before it became a scandal in the media that real active duty marines were doing gay for pay on sites like Active Duty. The Angry Young Man (AYM) vids were from this time and had no sex though. I’m pretty sure AYM wasn’t caught up in the shitstorm. There were a couple guys in the AYM vids that also did Active Duty vids, but the vast majority you’d only see in AYM. That made it much more ‘real’. While Active Duty’s heyday in the 2000’s had some extremely hot soldiers the sex was usually disappointing- no passion, enthusiasm, not much moaning or verbal enjoyment, just going through the motions.
The best part about AYM was seeing real marines, just doing their thing in the locker room and shamelessly putting on their full rise tighty whities/jockstraps before and after working out, showers/saunas and shooting the shit.
If anyone has more info I’d love to hear it. I’ve had tons of their videos in my collection for years and recently found a place where I was able to get a bunch I didn’t have.