Baba Bruno

he's gorgeous, so size is hardly a deal-breaker. he's nevrr gonna get it out anyway.
would be cool if he at least shared one meaty ass cheek though.
this pic from a thousand years ago needs an update..

Ill tell you what, the guy has average/small cock,and fat, cut ofc, im not subscribed and i never seen a photo but i know albanians, he kinda uses the moment to be famous and attractive without showing what all people want to see, its kinda scam without being scam.
It is very clear that he is uncut from so many pictures and videos. 50% of Albanians are, so that makes sense. Agree he is on the smaller side, decent girth. He's very average as a whole and I think that's what people find so attractive. He's just an average guy with lots of confidence.
He’s Brazilian and America was the only country that circumcised baby boys without a religious purpose. Insurances don’t cover circumcision anymore because it is now considered a preference and cosmetic surgery vs seen as a necessity for a health precaution. It’s very ignorant (and silly) when Caucasian Americans act surprise when someone isn’t circumcised and they’re from Europe or Latin America even Canada. “Like omg ew he’s not cut? Like what do you mean Becky?” As if cutting off the foreskin is normal. It’s common, but not normal. Remember your ear lobes. Or remove her pussy lips. It isn’t necessary. ‍♂️
He’s Brazilian and America was the only country that circumcised baby boys without a religious purpose. Insurances don’t cover circumcision anymore because it is now considered a preference and cosmetic surgery vs seen as a necessity for a health precaution. It’s very ignorant (and silly) when Caucasian Americans act surprise when someone isn’t circumcised and they’re from Europe or Latin America even Canada. “Like omg ew he’s not cut? Like what do you mean Becky?” As if cutting off the foreskin is normal. It’s common, but not normal. Remember your ear lobes. Or remove her pussy lips. It isn’t necessary. ‍♂️
He's not Brazilian, he's Albanian. About 1/3 of Albanians are circumcised but usually due to Muslim background, which Bruno is not. America is absolutely not the only country that circumcises boys without a religious purpose. Although in decline Australia and Canada have traditionally circumcised non-religiously. South Korea is a perfect example of this, massive non-religious circumcisions. Huge parts of Africa, not just the northern (Muslim majority) but also sub-Saharan. So don't spew misinformation just to make a political point.
He’s Brazilian and America was the only country that circumcised baby boys without a religious purpose. Insurances don’t cover circumcision anymore because it is now considered a preference and cosmetic surgery vs seen as a necessity for a health precaution. It’s very ignorant (and silly) when Caucasian Americans act surprise when someone isn’t circumcised and they’re from Europe or Latin America even Canada. “Like omg ew he’s not cut? Like what do you mean Becky?” As if cutting off the foreskin is normal. It’s common, but not normal. Remember your ear lobes. Or remove her pussy lips. It isn’t necessary.

He’s Brazilian and America was the only country that circumcised baby boys without a religious purpose. Insurances don’t cover circumcision anymore because it is now considered a preference and cosmetic surgery vs seen as a necessity for a health precaution. It’s very ignorant (and silly) when Caucasian Americans act surprise when someone isn’t circumcised and they’re from Europe or Latin America even Canada. “Like omg ew he’s not cut? Like what do you mean Becky?” As if cutting off the foreskin is normal. It’s common, but not normal. Remember your ear lobes. Or remove her pussy lips. It isn’t necessary. ‍♂️
So why this Think piece
He’s Brazilian and America was the only country that circumcised baby boys without a religious purpose. Insurances don’t cover circumcision anymore because it is now considered a preference and cosmetic surgery vs seen as a necessity for a health precaution. It’s very ignorant (and silly) when Caucasian Americans act surprise when someone isn’t circumcised and they’re from Europe or Latin America even Canada. “Like omg ew he’s not cut? Like what do you mean Becky?” As if cutting off the foreskin is normal. It’s common, but not normal. Remember your ear lobes. Or remove her pussy lips. It isn’t necessary. ‍♂️
That one brain cell of yours is malfunctioning. You come across as ignorant and cocky
