
banned for driving a convertible Saab while the owner was overseas
Banned for converting SAAB owners over driveways.
Banned for conversing with any owners over convertible driveways
banned because I like talking to cars in my driveway and banned because I thought they would answer back :)
Banned for talking to the cars but not the driveway and now the costs for a driveway therapist is insane.
you are banned because you guessed my profession 'therapist that specialises in driveway insanity problems'
your banned for mentioning the word crazy and driveway in the same post
banned because I fucked someone on the driveway without inviting all my friends and mates to watch or join in
Banned for being too overzealous disturbing the trysts occurring throughout the block requiring the home owners association to write up a proviso that neighbors are not permitted to cruise other resident's driveways in hopes of seeing or participating in any sex act being performed.