
Banned for a lack of ass-grooming, well done you now have an asshole like a squid's beak with a comb over
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Banned and scheduled to be sent to live on the sun for even pondering of thinking about thinking about politics. There's enough of that bovine excrement on other threads. Shame on both of you. Now stand in the corner.
Banned for not intervening sooner.
I too am against the political nonsense that's thrown about in LPSG!

*The INCUBUS takes his punishment of sitting in the corner. Mind you it's kinda hard to do in a circular room so? So the INCUBUS moves over a few inches every so many minutes!*
Banned for making me google 'human sized blender,' not particularly for taking part in this political nonsense, but for once again refering to yourself as 'the incubus'