Thought the same thing when I saw the new upload. He can be influencer and all that, but most popularity was gained from him being half naked most of the time and cheeky, and if he continues adding content like that then the popularity will stay, otherwise, most of us will unfollow, especially if the content will be GF focused :D
What I don’t understand is that clearly his ‘job’ is full time influencer and he gets sent the odd food package or clothing but how does that pay the bills? He’s deliberately changing his content to be more wholesome and now he has spread it across 3 accounts, none of which have impressive numbers.

As much as I miss the body and I admire him for not selling out on integrity, I just don’t see it being a viable career path the way he’s currently going. He’s so sweet but this is an example of how being on social media isn’t a possible full time job for most people.
That is in no way clear lol
He’s said several times that when he was younger he wanted to be a professional YouTuber and content creator and he didn’t do anything with YouTube but he found success with TikTok and Instagram and it’s now his “job”
Was shocked the other week when I found out he was straight, then more shocked this week when i found out he lived in Edinburgh and then even more shocked when I heard his accent.
U seem really in shock