Bastian yotta (mr. yotta/yotta_life)

Hot daddy
Oh... please don't call him "Daddy". He is definitly NOT a Daddy!
A Daddy has this special wise looking appearance with a good muscled body (and a nice (big) package). He is only a pumped up douchebag / wannabe who thinks he can be what- /whoever he wants to be just by proclaiming himself being it.
Calling themselfs "Daddy" is a big mistake especially a lot of younger guys are doing these days. They have no Idea of the real definiton but keep on calling themself "Daddy" which is really annoying and it sucks. :emoji_sleepy::emoji_expressionless:
Oh... please don't call him "Daddy". He is definitly NOT a Daddy!
A Daddy has this special wise looking appearance with a good muscled body (and a nice (big) package). He is only a pumped up douchebag / wannabe who thinks he can be what- /whoever he wants to be just by proclaiming himself being it.
Calling themselfs "Daddy" is a big mistake especially a lot of younger guys are doing these days. They have no Idea of the real definiton but keep on calling themself "Daddy" which is really annoying and it sucks. :emoji_sleepy::emoji_expressionless:
Yasss, gurl! Go off, dissertation mode!
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