Beefcake hunter actors in real life

Can i ask a legit no shade throwing question? Why do people want to know the real names porn actors? I look at them as sexual entertainment only, their not my friends or anything of the sort. So outside of sexual enjoyment, why know their real names if they are not wanting to give it?
I think some of us (I'm not included) have the fantasy to see if these guys would have sex with us without the camera and money thing. Maybe money can be involved, but I don't know.
Can i ask a legit no shade throwing question? Why do people want to know the real names porn actors? I look at them as sexual entertainment only, their not my friends or anything of the sort. So outside of sexual enjoyment, why know their real names if they are not wanting to give it?
Do know what, a week ago I would have challenged you for saying this as I do like to find out information regarding the models real names and private non porn lives. However I make you right as I read the thread on here re Beau from Corbin Fisher, and I reckon the reason he did not return to Gay Porn was because of the intrusion in his private life, with people getting too close, some of which was discussed within that thread re his being followed etc. I also have seen his social media pages and felt uncomfortable as it covers his whole life in his family pictures etc. That's when I thought to myself nah this is a bit too intrusive, it better to be boundaried just watch them on the scene as they are not our friend/potential boyfriend, so it best left at that.