Hey, guys. I can't sleep.
So here I am, at my comp.
This thread looks like fun.
alex8 said:
D'you ever start to wonder whether
everyone is on myspace?
Yuck. Myspace or not?
He's a pro. His site shouldn't
look like total shit.
Big red blocks of pix.
Transparent scrolling panels.
My eyes are bleeding.
hung30306guy said:
Agreed, they wouldn't stand a chance. He is terrifyingly huge!
Off-topic, but still...
Hung thirty-thirty-six guy?
I love your icon.
zarzuela said:
A new pic of Ben. He's hung but come on he's far from having the biggest dick in the porn industry.
The first thing I thought,
when I saw that picture was,
"That must really hurt."
Those black leather straps,
pulling dick at sharp angles,
make me think "Ouch! Damn!"
Certainly, he's big.
No one laughed at him in gym.
(I'm sure there's bigger.)
Blackbeard said:
I just don't understand the need to have a Size King... can't they just say that they both have huge cocks and make some $$ with their movies?
"My dick is bigger!"
"No, mine is!" "No, mine!" "No, MINE!"
And it escalates.