Here's what ill tell yall about him . He has a masters in neuroscience and runs a science related youtube channel. He's written tons of academic science papers but as recent as last year got called out from women on his University's campus for being verbally abusive towards them. He's known to hit women up and attempt to flirt with them and when they turn him down he hurls slurs at em . He has since quietened down and he has no social media other than his YouTube videos. I have nothing further.
Can you share with us or dm me the YouTube channel?
Ecco cosa vi dirò di lui. Ha un master in neuroscienze e gestisce un canale YouTube relativo alla scienza. Ha scritto tonnellate di articoli scientifici accademici, ma solo l'anno scorso è stato rimproverato dalle donne nel campus della sua università per essere stato verbalmente offensivo nei loro confronti. È noto che picchia le donne e tenta di flirtare con loro e quando lo rifiutano lancia loro insulti. Da allora si è calmato e non ha social media oltre ai suoi video su YouTube. Non ho altro.
CHi, could you tell me what your YouTube channel is called?
Here's what ill tell yall about him . He has a masters in neuroscience and runs a science related youtube channel. He's written tons of academic science papers but as recent as last year got called out from women on his University's campus for being verbally abusive towards them. He's known to hit women up and attempt to flirt with them and when they turn him down he hurls slurs at em . He has since quietened down and he has no social media other than his YouTube videos. I have nothing further.
could you dm his youtube link
Anyone know anything about Ben from the inactive site Stud Feet? If hes done any other porn or if he has links to social media??
Wow, he loves it when guys kiss, lick his feet. I hope he's doing well and using his feet wisely in 2025! "Ben, please post here! The guys miss you."