Ben Shepherd / the_benshepherd

The person who has this video, among other material, was banned from the site. So no way of reaching out. However He was trying to sell the material he had.

Not sure how much he was asking for, but all that is left is that still .
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Ben apparently sells his own content on the low through snapchat or something but idk how true that is so im not gonna share what the name is lol. Just in case so im not held responsible
Ben apparently sells his own content on the low through snapchat or something but idk how true that is so im not gonna share what the name is lol. Just in case so im not held responsible
From what I’ve heard, he just shares his content with girls he likes and follow each other on social media. So, he must be sure or at least believe 100% that he is in fact messaging with a girl.
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so wait do we know if the person who shared this was a girl he's talking to? or someone he sold it to? either way id love to see the full vid haha