Bentellect from TikTok

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Superior Member
Mar 5, 2016
St. Agustine
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Hi all!

Been folowing Bentellect for a while, and was wondering if anyone had any hot pics of his. He's pretty well known, from what I understand. I also find him kinda hot lol

Here is his insta:

Idk why but I find him somewhat sexy lol He doesn't have any shirtless pics that I know of, but he has posted vids where his shirt rides up a bit and tbh...he looks like he has a really good body!

Any contribution is appreciated! I don't think nudes exist, but would love to be proven wrong lol
I wish he'd show off his body more! He has a really nice body.

Sadly, he hides it behind sweats and big t-shirts. Thanks for those pics!
Perfect amount of chest hair. Was probably a former fat kid. I know plenty that got great bodies the still hide them under clothes
I feel, if enough people asked, he would. He'd definitely show his ass. Full frontal, soft or hard, maybe
I wish! Saldy, i think he is too reserved. He rarely shows skin (only recently started showing off his vacation pics). The way he dresses is almost always faurly covered, which frustrates me cause he has such an amazing body, legs even feet (still salty he uses socks all the freaking time!) Lol

I hooe he gets comfortable with showing kore skin and eventually going nude! We wanna see what he's carrying lol

Whether big or small, hairy or shaved, cut or uncut, I just know it's pretty LOL
After he did this, he asked his followers if he should make an OF but I guess not enough wanted him too
Aw, I missed that vote, then lol

I think someone asked him to open one and he said no?

Hope someone DMs him and asks lol

If it's a no, I would like to know why. Curiousity.
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I hope it goes viral but BEN has messaged girls wanting to collab on his YouTube and then asked about also collabing on OnlyFans for them.. So they get something out of it... "It will make a TON of money, no matter what, Bentellect fucking would go crazy" Like his DICK and fucking skills are UNIMAGINABLE?! She came up with a YouTube idea... was down and he turned it into "we can see what happens after" referring to hooking up. I'll pay u in dick for giving u the opportunity to be on my YOUTUBE.... It ended by him blowing her off and telling her he was going to do her idea with someone

Another girl took "too long" to respond and he called her names... a day was too long btw... offering her $1000 out of the blue to come and see him.. BECAUSE HE "REALLY WANTS HER".. why is he so desperate? He isnt even that famous... she also was like wtf, why are u making this weird... he again gets defensive and blames it on her..

Gotta love the opportunity he is giving girls to be on his YouTube and ALSO offering premium life changing dick.
I hope it goes viral but BEN has messaged girls wanting to collab on his YouTube and then asked about also collabing on OnlyFans for them.. So they get something out of it... "It will make a TON of money, no matter what, Bentellect fucking would go crazy" Like his DICK and fucking skills are UNIMAGINABLE?! She came up with a YouTube idea... was down and he turned it into "we can see what happens after" referring to hooking up. I'll pay u in dick for giving u the opportunity to be on my YOUTUBE.... It ended by him blowing her off and telling her he was going to do her idea with someone

Another girl took "too long" to respond and he called her names... a day was too long btw... offering her $1000 out of the blue to come and see him.. BECAUSE HE "REALLY WANTS HER".. why is he so desperate? He isnt even that famous... she also was like wtf, why are u making this weird... he again gets defensive and blames it on her..

Gotta love the opportunity he is giving girls to be on his YouTube and ALSO offering premium life changing dick.
You know its a numbers game and I can only imagine all the other girls that would "expose him" if it goes viral enough...

Some influencers are the fucking worst or a COMPLETELY different person than there projected persona.... Total ICK
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